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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

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Laura Loomer Rages After Maher Suggests She’s in ‘Arranged Relationship’ With Trump to Affect Election: ‘Beyond the Pale’

Far-right activist Laura Loomer floated suing Bill Maher after the comedian suggested on Real Time that she and former President Donald Trump are are having an affair.

On Friday’s Real Time, Maher noted that Loomer had previously suggested Taylor Swift is in an “arranged relationship” with Travis Kelce to influence the 2024 presidential election before he accused Loomer of the same thing. Swift recently endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I think maybe Laura Loomer’s in an arranged relationship to influence the election because she’s very close to Trump. She’s 31, looks like his type,” Maher said.

Loomer fired back in an X post, calling Maher’s statements “beyond the pale” and accusing the “mainstream media” of pushing a “coordinated attack” against her by suggesting there is more to her relationship to Trump than professional.


So the woman who recently said Democrats should be executed thinks that suggesting she's having an affair with Trump is "beyond the pale". It's interesting to see how these wingnuts' minds work.

by pocket_zeros P

The previous epidemic in 2002 was traced to the sale of wild animals. Why was it a hit piece to suggest the new outbreak developing at the time could also be caused by the same thing?

i've been over this, the article is intentionally constructed for shock and awe and written to let the reader assume these are typical things found at any market - he's like trolly who carefully constructs his posts to not actually catch a ban but it's obvious to anyone reading it what he's really saying

writing it that way it gets reactions which lead to people sharing it with "look at what the chinese eat" and you get clicks and views and paywall subs

it worked well, author won a pullitzer in 2021

by rickroll P

i've been over this, the article is intentionally constructed for shock and awe and written to let the reader assume these are typical things found at any market - he's like trolly who carefully constructs his posts to not actually catch a ban but it's obvious to anyone reading it what he's really saying

writing it that way it gets reactions which lead to people sharing it with "look at what the chinese eat" and you get clicks and views and

Are we reading the same article? Here are some excerpts:

The latest outbreak — the scope of which is still unfolding — has led to calls inside and outside of China for better regulations or even an end to this kind of culinary adventurism. While turtle and boar meat are not uncommon in Chinese restaurants, game meats such as civet cats, snakes or pangolins tend to be considered specialties only in some regions.

According to a medical blog posted on WeChat, the health authorities in Wuhan visited the market in September and inspected eight vendors selling frogs, snakes and hedgehogs, among other animals. All were licensed to sell wildlife, and no violations were found.

Despite the spread of the virus around the country, a Hong Kong television network, I-Cable News Channel, found scores of wild animals still for sale on Wednesday at a market in Qingyuan, a city in Guangdong, the province where SARS originated.

by pocket_zeros P

Are we reading the same article? Here are some excerpts:

The latest outbreak — the scope of which is still unfolding — has led to calls inside and outside of China for better regulations or even an end to this kind of culinary adventurism. While turtle and boar meat are not uncommon in Chinese restaurants, game meats such as civet cats, snakes or pangolins tend to be considered specialties only in some regions.

conservatives should really take note of how the liberals do racism. or is it xenophobia?... I dunno. regardless, this a lot more effective.

by Victor P

conservatives should really take note of how the liberals do racism. or is it xenophobia?... I dunno. regardless, this a lot more effective.

Agreed. The trick of not coming off as racist is to not be a racist. It's much harder to pull off when you're an actual racist, which is why many conservatives point to behavior they see non-racists engaging in and mistake it for their own attempts of not appearing racist.

by pocket_zeros P

Are we reading the same article? Here are some excerpts:

The latest outbreak — the scope of which is still unfolding — has led to calls inside and outside of China for better regulations or even an end to this kind of culinary adventurism. While turtle and boar meat are not uncommon in Chinese restaurants, game meats such as civet cats, snakes or pangolins tend to be considered specialties only in some regions.

this is literally how it opens

LANGFANG, China — The typical market in China has fruits and vegetables, butchered beef, pork and lamb, whole plucked chickens — with heads and beaks attached — and live crabs and fish, spewing water out of churning tanks. Some sell more unusual fare, including live snakes, turtles and cicadas, guinea pigs, bamboo rats, badgers, hedgehogs, otters, palm civets, even wolf cubs.

you're delusional if you don't think that a pullitzer prize winning journalist didn't carefully construct his opening paragraph. All that was intentional and it's done in a way where he's not lying becuase he couches with with "some" but that's directly following "typical market"

he knows exactly what he was doing

again, maybe this is more obvious to me because my first job out of poker was working a foreign desk in beijing so i know exactly how the sausage is made whereas to you it just reads like an "oh i guess he wanted to let people know that just like us chinese people also shop at markets before talking about these niche and exotic ones that maybe expect to sell a dozen specimens in a month"

he knew what he was doing and it's rather naive of you to try to explain and justify it

by pocket_zeros P

Agreed. The trick of not coming off as racist is to not be a racist. It's much harder to pull off when you're an actual racist, which is why many conservatives point to behavior they see non-racists engaging in and mistake it for their own attempts of not appearing racist.

no, the trick is to only use Democratic sponsored racist tropes and couch the language properly and only direct it at the undesirable groups.

by rickroll P

this is literally how it opens

you're delusional if you don't think that a pullitzer prize winning journalist didn't carefully construct his opening paragraph. All that was intentional and it's done in a way where he's not lying becuase he couches with with "some" but that's directly following "typical market"

he knows exactly what he was doing

again, maybe this is more obvious to me because my first job out of poker was working a foreign desk

I just don't see it that way. The article is quite objective. You appear to not like what the article says, which we can certainly have different perspectives about, but that doesn't make it subjective or a hit piece.

by Victor P

no, the trick is to only use Democratic sponsored racist tropes and couch the language properly and only direct it at the undesirable groups.

Like I said, when someone continually looks for clues they identify as faking not being a racist it's usually a good sign of where they're at in terms of racism.

I wonder how an expert media like trump, able to call and discern fake news a mile away , can fall so easily on a fake news like Haitians eating cat and dogs ?

Maybe just maybe he ain’t great at it and calls fake news when it wasn’t many times previously ?
Shouldn’t doubts be creeping up inside some brains of the Maga crowds ?

by Gonzirra P

Florida's not going battleground. If he instead said it was a bunch of filthy rapist Cubans in eating pets that might have made it a little interesting, but I doubt it. There's no reason to expect anything DJT says will make his supporters switch sides, even though every time he does I see people talking like it will, and then as usual nothing changes.

Especially on racial issues where it concerns citizens of whatever ethnicity. Despite the

Trump lost Arizona in 2020 because of two things he was saying.

The first was his constant barrage of John McCain. There were a lot of moderate/conservative republicans who were furious at Trump's mud slinging at McCain.

The second had to do with pardoning Joe Arpaio the Arizona sheriff who had basically been trying to deport Hispanic people on his own and was sentenced to go to jail for illegal aggressive behavior. This cost Trump a lot of Hispanic votes in AZ. In fact Trump had a lower % of Hispanic voters in AZ than any other red or purple state (including VA and CO which may not even have been purple...)

If rickroll ever types "bushmeat" into a Google search bar, he is going to go into orbit around Jupiter.

by Rococo P

If rickroll ever types "bushmeat" into a Google search bar, he is going to go into orbit around Jupiter.

Dallas, Texas — The typical market in America has fruits and vegetables, butchered beef, pork and lamb, whole plucked chickens — with heads and beaks attached — and live crabs and fish, spewing water out of churning tanks. Some sell more unusual fare, including live snakes, turtles and cicadas, guinea pigs, bamboo rats, badgers, hedgehogs, otters, palm civets, even wolf cubs.

by Mr Rick P

Trump lost Arizona in 2020 because of two things he was saying.

The first was his constant barrage of John McCain. There were a lot of moderate/conservative republicans who were furious at Trump's mud slinging at McCain.

The second had to do with pardoning Joe Arpaio the Arizona sheriff who had basically been trying to deport Hispanic people on his own and was sentenced to go to jail for illegal aggressive behavior. This cost Trump a lot of

Trump in 2020 got more than 400k more votes than McCain in 2008 did, with a higher turnout.


by Luckbox Inc P

I've had alligator once and it was delicious fwiw.

(Was not a pet alligator)

i've eaten alligator and also had a pet alligator for a few years. (not the same gator).. or maybe it was.... who cares.

btw the lady that is acknowledged as starting this whole thing has apologized, said she was wrong, and said she has no evidence this ever happened.

Funny what a couple days of bomb threats (tbd how many more days this will go) can do to a guilty conscience

by StoppedRainingMen P

Funny what a couple days of bomb threats (tbd how many more days this will go) can do to a guilty conscience

I’m not sure how saying Haitians are eating your dogs leads to bomb threats .

Though calling Trump hitler doesn’t lead to an attempt on his life


could be wrong but i don't think the trump fan took a shot at trump because people called him hitler. trump fans also love hitler

by lozen P

I’m not sure how saying Haitians are eating your dogs leads to bomb threats .

Though calling Trump hitler doesn’t lead to an attempt on his life

Updated power rankings:

1. Luciom
2. Bahahaha
3. Lozen
4. Mongo
5. PB

by lozen P

I’m not sure how saying Haitians are eating your dogs leads to bomb threats .

Though calling Trump hitler doesn’t lead to an attempt on his life

I imagine the thinking goes along the lines--the govt did this to us>>how can we get back at them?>>starts typing emails(or making phone calls etc) 😀

by StoppedRainingMen P

Updated power rankings:

1. Luciom
2. Bahahaha
3. Lozen
4. Mongo
5. PB

housenuts and rick too low. volume is a major factor
