[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff

[extracted] New(?) 9-11 stuff

KSM got a plea deal. The guy who supposedly masterminded the 9/11 attacks is not getting the death penalty.

If you still think that AQ did 9/11 you should be in adult day care.

01 August 2024 at 05:08 PM

1342 Replies


by Deuces McKracken P

They actually don't. Normal people accept what they are told by authority and do not question the validity of the information from authoritative sources. That's how we get millions of people physically destroying each other in unspeakable barbarity and no one even knows why they are fighting. Your view of people is beyond naive. This is how we get the majority of the population thinking Saddam played a role in the 9/11 attacks. This is why

Yeah, I meant people of above average intelligence, which is less than half of them. "Normal" was a relative term - normal compared to your kind.

Damn you, I was setting that up for my punchline.

by jjjou812 P

Damn you, I was setting that up for my punchline.

That joke's older than you and Trolly put together.

True, but I was relying on something witty from Luckbox first, so I only had about a 1-3 chance of using it.

You have deuces spinning, he now wants to argue about how the suicide bombers that obtained access to the cockpits didn’t use box cutters as weapons. And if you believe otherwise, you are a govt loyalist.

by jjjou812 P

True, but I was relying on something witty from Luckbox first, so I only had about a 1-3 chance of using it.

You have deuces spinning, he now wants to argue about how the suicide bombers that obtained access to the cockpits didn’t use box cutters as weapons. And if you believe otherwise, you are a govt loyalist.

No idea what he wrote, he can get ****ed if he thinks I'm reading all that after all his bad faith shenanigans ITT.

by jjjou812 P

True, but I was relying on something witty from Luckbox first, so I only had about a 1-3 chance of using it.

You have deuces spinning, he now wants to argue about how the suicide bombers that obtained access to the cockpits didn’t use box cutters as weapons. And if you believe otherwise, you are a govt loyalist.

Well you do realize if there were no boxcutters then there had to be explosives in the towers, right?

by d2_e4 P

No idea what he wrote, he can get ****ed if he thinks I'm reading all that after all his bad faith shenanigans ITT.

You are discovering why he was on ignore for over a decade. I gave him another chance. He utterly failed once again, so back he goes.

by Gorgonian P

You are discovering why he was on ignore for over a decade. I gave him another chance. He utterly failed once again, so back he goes.

Oh, I am still looking forward to his auto-fellating dancing monkey posts, I just can't be ****ed to get into the weeds debunking his dumb theories. I tested the waters by linking a Wikipedia page and seeing what his response was, and he failed as miserably as expected, so I won't be taking the few seconds it takes to do even that any more.

How could the Taliban have figured out how to use sophisticated weapons like boxcutters without the CIA helping them?

by Trolly McTrollson P

How could the Taliban have figured out how to use sophisticated weapons like boxcutters without the CIA helping them?

Do you think they even have box cutters in caves??

by Gorgonian P

Do you think they even have box cutters in caves??

You call that a box cutter? This is a box cutter...


by Trolly McTrollson P

How could the Taliban have figured out how to use sophisticated weapons like boxcutters without the CIA helping them?

Taliban eh?

I’m pretty sure that the fire would have been hot enough to melt both the box cutters and the steel beams if they had burned for more than 90 minutes.

by jjjou812 P

I’m pretty sure that the fire would have been hot enough to melt both the box cutters and the steel beams if they had burned for more than 90 minutes.

And if not, surely the space lasers would have vapourised them along with everything else.

I still don’t don’t if the lasers cause explosions/fire or vaporization/turn to dust. It’s so hard to get a straight answer from the nimrods.

by jjjou812 P

I still don’t don’t if the lasers cause explosions/fire or vaporization/turn to dust.

Obvs depends on which movie you watch.

It wasn't really that hard to hijack planes back in the day. There were something like a couple hundred here in the 70s alone--mostly people just joyriding to Cuba. It was so common the feds were planning on building an airport in Fla. so they could land them there and fool the hijackers into thinking it was Cuba lol

by wet work P

It wasn't really that hard to hijack planes back in the day. There were something like a couple hundred here in the 70s alone--mostly people just joyriding to Cuba. It was so common the feds were planning on building an airport in Fla. so they could land them there and fool the hijackers into thinking it was Cuba lol

Preaching to the choir bro - I don't usually tell people this, but I'm D.B. Cooper.
