TwoPlusTwo user Bubblebust



Joined 6 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
12likes received

Pot Problems

Wondering if anyone has the same issues and can offer any solutions:

When I play live, it is very common that after the breaks one or more players near me comes back with very strong marijuana smell. I am quite sensitive to it, and can get light headed. I feel it negatively effects my game. Pot is usually legal in these jurisdictions. Does anyone have any suggests here?

Spew or Standard

Some background: We are in the final Day 1 of a multiday $150 buy in, $100k guarantee (which has been more than doubled). Registration is closed. I am playing my best poker and have been very comfortable -- have had an above average stack the whole day, and have only been all in once until this point (won that hand with KK all in on a turn vs A high flush draw w/ gut shot). V is to my immediate left and has three bet my opens several ti

Money Bubble Decision JJ

We are playing a local $200 deep stack entry. Started with around 145. 17 left, 16 get paid. Min cash is $300. About $7,800 up top. Our table is mostly OMC types with a few typical women players thrown in. Avg. stack is around $240k. We have $190k and barely cover OMC V in this hand.

Just before hand started every player agreed to pay the next player out $15 -- a total of $240 (which was collected by one player), but the house still k

Tournaments Demands Exploitive Play

I've been thinking about this for a while but have not found any literature about it. Anyhow, my thinking is that playing exploitively is an absolute must to succeed in tournament play -- so much so that a perfect GTO player is likely at a substantial disadvantage to someone who plays a great exploitive game.

My thinking stems from the fact that the object of the tournament is to win everyone else's chips and to be the last person standing