TwoPlusTwo user Cuepee



Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 14 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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Joe Rogan

As an aside the way the sharks are now circling for Rogan, I find despicable but also template.

I think it is exactly why many on the right have learned you never apologize as that leads to a feeding frenzy, on the left to try and end you. It is what they call the left eating their own, and yes, Joe Rogan is a lefty even if you believe he is left who says wrong things and lacks polish.

In the very segment I am watching on CNN as i type this J

Tipping Culture

Tipping views vary greatly from 'should it even be a thing' to 'how much is appropriate and on what', to 'what type of establishment should tip and which should not'.

In my lifetime (I am 52) I have seen a dramatic evolution in tipping.

This was pretty much the norm:

- tipping used to be almost solely limited to restaurant table service
- the expected calculation used to be 10%-15% applied after you removed the tax and liquor costs from bill
- o