TwoPlusTwo user LifeNitFL



Joined 11 months ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
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Multiway with weak top pair

Daily live tournament, field is mostly recs but both opponents here seemed good and tricky.

30-40 BBs, had A4o in SB. One limper, I complete, the BB checks. (4 BBs)

Flop A5T with a flush draw (we have no blockers). I lead for 2 BBs, V1 calls, V2 puts in a 3x raise.

Annoying spot. I felt I was too strong to fold, too weak to 3 bet, and if I called most of the deck would be bad, and we are in bad shape against almost any other ace.


How much to raise FH?

Early in an online $30 tournament. ~100 BBs effective.

Hijack raises 2 BBs, cutoff calls, I call on the button with 33, blinds fold. (8 BBs)

Flop 3KK two tone, HJ bets 2.5 BBs, I call. (13 BBs).

Turn 9x, he bets 10 BBs, I call again. (33 BBs).

River J completing the flush, he bets 10 BBs again.

How much to raise? We have 80 BBs left and he covers. Any other advice welcome

Hero call vs Maniac?

$200 live FL tournament. Very fishy. 25 left out of 75, 8 paid. Villain here is a maniac who was opening about 40% of hands. 1 hand earlier, maniac had called off an old guy with 44 on Q78 and was shown QQ, costing him most of his stack.

7 handed. Open QQ to 2.3 BBs EP, maniac calls from MP, folded around. (~7 BBs)

Flop 578 with flush draw (no blockers). I bet 5 BBs. He calls. (17 BBs)

I consider blind ripping for his remaining stack of about

Short Stack Call/Fold spot

Might be a very straightforward spot but I feel I need improvement in call a jam spots.

I am in BB with 8 BBs. New table, did not seem super strong. Possibly tilted but usually tight Russian guy to my left (good instincts, but not a pro or anything) jams for about 11 BBs. Unknown player in mid position shoves 2 BBs. Folds around to me.

By my calculations we need 35%. We have A8s. Call or fold? And is it close?

$33 ACR Event - Facing Fish Overbet

$33 ACR tournament, massive field, $4k for 1st. Lots more fish than usual out for a weeknight. Villain seemed pretty questionable: not defending BB enough, not 3 betting enough or at all, never calling vs obvious bluffers, but also making weird stabby moves. He'd just been caught 2x overbet shoving with an up and down straight draw but spiked it to double up.

Near the money. Probably ~120 remaining out of 85 paid but I don't remember exactly

2/5 Multiway with QQ

2/5, effective stack around 450 (mine)*

Hero in EP with QQ. Very aggro stabby villain playing lots of pots button straddles to 10. I raise to 45. Fish in CO flats. Straddler flats. (135)

Flop J98, 2 spades (I have Qs). Check check, villain bets 75. I call, CO calls. (360)

Turn 6d, putting second FD on board. Check check, villain bets 250.


*Never usually play this low but I was on my last buyin and the villain in question seemed so splashy

2 Weird Combo Draw Spots from Live 2/5

Live FL 2/5. Played at three tables, mostly decent players on all, didn't feel I had much edge but wanted to play since I hadn't in a long time.

Had questions about 2 combo draw hands. The first one is mostly a turn bet/check question. Second one I thought I played fine, but it was the biggest hand of the night so worth posting.


J9hh in BB. MP (very nitty guy) raises to 20, folds to me, I defend. (40) Flop T79hh. I check, he bets 20, I rai

2/5: Missed Value from Nut Flush?

This was a hand I played a year or so ago, before I stopped playing poker for a while due to work schedule. I'm finally going to go back to 2/5 soon and figured I'd post an HH.

2/5, V and myself both about 1200 eff, V is young and seems serious.

A3hh on CO. I think V was in BB, although he may have limped UTG. In any case I raise to 20, button calls, blinds call. (~80)

Flop 754hhh. Checked to me, I bet 30, only V calls. (~140)

Turn 5x. V donks

Live 2/5 Leaks and Weaknesses?

Hi all, got a pretty general question about live 2/5 that I hope can kick start some conversation. I play mostly 1/2 and MTTs but have taken stabs at 2/5 without much success. I feel like my 1/2 strategy is basically to play tight, flop TPTK or better, and take the fish to value town, and it's been pretty successful. At 2/5 I realize I need to be more sophisticated with semibluffs, hero calls, etc., and I've done some of that successfully,

Defend 74s Multiway?

Near the bubble in a $600 live tournament. I have around 24 BB. EP raises to 2.1 BB with a covering stack. Seems decent no reads. MP (weak seeming old guy) cold calls. It folds around to me in the BB with 74s. Call or fold? The table is pretty tight and a semibluff can probably get through.

I would have flopped a big combo draw and hit the flush on the turn, so it got me wondering whether this is a hand we should defend. It seems marginal, c

Facing Overbet with TT on Good Board

Here's a weird spot from a $300 live tournament yesterday:

Blinds are 100/100 with a 100 BBA. Starting stack 30k so very favorable structure and very deep. I have TT in early position and open to 400. V to my immediate left, button and BB call. (1800). Flop 972 with a diamond draw. Checked to me, I bet 1000, V and the button both call. The BB folds. (4800)

The turn is an offsuit 8. I am very torn between checking and betting as on the one han

Weird Spot With QQ

$400 live tournament with $100 bounties. Usual weak/overly splashy FL field.

Blinds 300/600 with 600 BBA. Both me and Villain had around 25k.

I am dealt QcQh in early position. Raise to 1400, BU calls, BB (V) calls. (5100)

Flop T52 all spades. BB checks, I bet 1800. Wasn't sure what to do as the board obviously favors opponents' ranges but decided I wanted to charge anyone with the ace of spades.

BU calls again and V shoves for around 25k. He h