TwoPlusTwo user golferpatrick



Joined 2 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
2likes received

Poker Software 2mo ago

PT4 Filters question


I want to run a PT4 filter for facing a cbet for a specific size, from a specific position, when I am in the BB, and I cannot get it to work.

I want to filter for UTG cbet 33% vs bb and be able to see just that one position.

Could someone let me know what the correct filters are for this?

Thanks in advance.

Poker Theory & GTO 5mo ago

Current resources.

If you were looking to get a firm grasp on the math and theory, what would you use?

Are The mathematics of poker and the Janda book outdated? Is Modern poker theory the go to?

Is there another source that’s more up to date?

Interested to hear other thoughts.