TwoPlusTwo user smoothcriminal99



old hand
Joined 13 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
20likes received

Two unconventional line checks

2-5 at Caesars

Villain- just sat down with 2 purples. Like 50-60s well groomed Floor greeted him so prob a high roller type.

ES 500

Villain UTG opens 15
Folds to hero
Hero BB A A raise to 45
Villain flats

QQ7 2diamonds

Hero checks
Villain bets 55
Hero calls

Turn 5diamond
Hero check
Villain bets 155
Hero calls

River 2offsuit
Hero check calls a shove

This seems like the best line to induce/pot control OOP in a WB/WA situation. My thoughts were since I had th