Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

Mojo56 14 years ago


Mods, feel free to change my last log to 'Singles FTL'. Going back to what was my core routine for years. 3 exercises, 3 times a week. Squat, push, pull. A few rules:
1. Work up to a heavy triple, double or single each day.
2. No more than 20 reps per/exercise per/day including warm ups.
3. Try to never miss a rep.
4. Every 4th week drop your main exercise and do a 'similar' exercise for 1 week. Work up to a heavy triple each day that week.


IntheFold 6 months ago

230lbs to 155lbs in a year. Vegan diet

Hi, I'm to fat at 57 230lbs. I plan on eating only vegan chili, fruit and ice pops till I'm down to 155. Starting March 31st.
Chili will just be a variation of onion, garlic, beans, marinara as main ingredients with spinach broccoli mushrooms and peppers as mix INS. Also vegan protein shakes once I have the cash. Going to finish food in house before I start this diet about a week or 2 away so will start on 1st. I may only eat these four food

312498756 5 months ago

Breathing exercises

Hi guys,

I have recently discovered the power of breathing. It really helps me to stay calm and in the moment at tables and therefore make better decisions.
Im currently following breathe with sandy on youtube. But I know all of the sessions now very well. I would like to get to know some other teachers. Who can you recommend?
Anyone also does breathing exercises? Can you point me in a right direction to further develop this skill?

ZomgHax 14 years ago

Zomghax's SS Log

Back in Highschool I used to play Hockey, Football, Golf and was just overall a really active athelete. I was never in tip top shape, but was always in good shape, never strong though.

After three years of University I've gone from about 5'9" 155lbs, to 5'9" 190lbs. I am the quintessential skinny-fat guy. I have a decently good frame though, and feel if I started to weight lift I could really get some great results.

I started at the gym last

guttterball 2 years ago

Cutting fat and getting leaner

Cutting fat and getting leaner
cookie 16 years ago

cookie's powerlifting and golf log

So I was at 160(belt)/120/172(belt) raw (SQ/BP/DL). Equipped 230/175/190.

I went on vacation 6 month and took the first month of after coming home, I did get around 1 month of workout in during this 7 month period.

Before I went on vacation I weighed in at 100 kg at my last powerlift meeting, when I returned I weighed 100 kg, but obviously way high fat %.
Monday, wedneysday, friday and sunday I go to a powerlifting club, 5 km on my bike there

MyrnaFTW 7 months ago

Help with focus/stamina/fatigue problem

A little background on me.

Have been doing poker/gambling for a living for 25+ years .

mostly in nyc/NJ/Ac .
cash games. triple stud/limit/deep stack NL.

these games usually did not get affected by my problem because it was usually start at 7pm and end by 1230am.

My problem:
since a little kid I am rarely ever able capable of sleeping more than 5 hours in a row (90%+ of my sleep cycles are under 5 hours) .

if i go to sleep at 9pm im up by 230am,

BrianTheMick2 4 years ago

I got fat

Just bought a new scale and it seems that I now weigh 224 lbs. and am floppy. At 6'0" and 49yo, this is not ideal.

IANAD, but my suspicion is that this is because I eat too much and haven't been exercising.

I'll start logging my food and exercise. I'm generally limited to prepared foods, walking, bodyweight and dumbell work.

FloppyJ 8 years ago

FloppyJ's Log - 45yo gets fit - bodyweight exercises+

Stats – 45 years old, 5’10”, ~162 pounds, stickman legs and arms, increasingly pudge center

Activity level – extremely low, desk job with long hours, no sports in years, have not exercised regularly in over five years with exception of some really light core stuff I did a couple years ago to help with lower back pain

Diet – not good, bad habit of often skipping breakfast and only eating two meals per day, not eating a well balanced diet, too

SmileyEH 14 years ago

****Official Beginner Question Thread****

Anklebreaker came up with this idea.

Newbies, beginners, and regulars unable to use google: post your questions here.

This will be an aggressively moderated thread, so no matter how dumb the question the worst that will happen is that it is ignored. If you start a new thread to ask a beginner question it will be moved here and you'll get a warning.

If you troll a question here you will get a warning. Do it again you'll get an infraction etc.