The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10539 Replies


by d2_e4 P

I can't help but giggle at the thought of the strategists/managers at some conservative troll farm having a meeting where someone is presenting a PowerPoint with their latest list of targets, and a slide comes up: "ah, and now we have the left leaning Politics section of a dying poker forum, with about 20 regular posters who are 95% middle aged men. Need to make sure we get our top guy on that".

Actually, now that I've conjured up that scena

U post freely here .
Baham show up about once a week , put some nonsense bs gets his 10$ and go home .
Still he end up +ev vs you lol .

by rickroll P

this is not what he said in the slightest - anyone who cares to see can do so themselves, phresh has perhaps only 10 posts total in that thread so it won't take more than a minute to see what he's posted

I'm beginning to question your ability to parse information. He has 44 posts, not 10

by Phresh P

lmao @ the mods removing my post and giving me an infraction because 2+2 is captured by the gender cult. What an absolute joke. There literally is no evidence whatsoever for trans-identity. It is an unfalsifiable state of mind and I can't believe a poker forum has fallen victim to such horseshit. I didn't say there aren't people that identify themselves as "trans." I said there is no such thing as trans BECAUSE THERE ISN'T. Pathetic. Gansta

Where am I "not even slightly" representing his stance in my post

This is your teammate. You took him in.

by rickroll P

coordi, basically the only thing we truly fundamentally disagree upon there is whether lia thomas should be allowed to compete in women's swimming

it's incredibly dishonest for you to paint that as a matter of empathy, especially so that there is a much better argument that you lack empathy for the cisgender women who can't physically compete with a woman who was a man up until the age of 20

thanks for proving my point though, where you happi

The vast majority of democrats don't believe the election was stolen. In principal its partly because Barr who was an avid Trump supporter made it clear there was no fraud. Also so did the head of Homeland Security. Both republicans appointed by Trump.

Also, the polls were done to see if Trump was believed by people who supported him. Not in a manner to elicit results that will grab attention.

I personally thought it was going to be an emperor without clothes moment for Trump. But no.

however, if you were to ask if they thought gore was the rightful president or perhaps if you thought there were some discrepancies in florida that should have been investigated then you'd get the overwhelming majority say he should have won and/or there were irregularities that should have been looked into before declaring a winner

After the Supreme Court ruled that the recount in Florida had to be stopped and George W Bush was declared the winner by 537 votes

There were three recounts that happened after Bush became President. Two were biased (and they split with Republicans winning one and Democrats the other) and the unbiased one had Gore winning.

So many of the Democrats who thought Gore won thought so because had a recount been allowed to continue Gore was gaining at the time (and the actual recounts seem to favor him).

we even saw this with hillary where she has actually said in televised interviews that the election was stolen from her because she won the popular vote

If she said that then she is really stupid. I never liked her.

if 63% of republicans genuinely believed the election was stolen we'd have far greater issues than them sitting by and whining about it on social media

I think we do have serious issues because 63% or more of republicans believe the election was stolen. We have Trump saying that if he loses there will be a bloodbath.

But part of the reason we have 63% of republicans believing the election was stolen is because many Republicans have left the party as a result of Trump. My guess is that if we were looking at all Republicans (even those who left the party) it would be less than 50%. And if we didn't include the new MAGA Trump people it would likely be less than 33%.

Still it is 63% of the current republican party. Which means we will not have an election in 2024 that will be believed unless Trump wins.

and people also tend to follow confirmation bias (see coordi's response above) and just follow their heart and will happily set aside rational analysis in order to just pursue what they believe in their heart of hearts must be true

for a large segment of the population, people like biden and hillary are effeminate lying cucks who will say anything to get eleccted and they personally loathe them to the point where they'd get up and leave the table if they sat down - for those people, they will believe anything even without any clear evidence simply because they hate them so much that it must be true and those crooked people are just really good at hiding it

watch the new frontline doc on biden (it's amazing)

put together by the very liberal pbs which will want to favor him immensely, it still paints biden as an incompetent lying pos because they are just accurately reporting it - the people the dems have been putting forward post-obama are loathsome disgusting individuals who nobody would ever in their right mind support unless they were ideologues who couldn't stand the idea of a non-democrat in power

again, this is not advocating for trump in the slightest, he's even worse, but he's a lot more admirable than biden because he knows and tells you he's a POS while biden will smugly lie and pretend like he isn't

dave chappelle is great at explaining why trump is so popular amongst so many people

Here is an article about a Trump Intervi...

"President Donald Trump, who has been estimated to have made over 5,000 misleading statements during his presidency, has admitted that he only tells the truth when he can.

"Well, I try. I do try … and I always want to tell the truth," Trump said in an interview with ABC's White House correspondent Jonathan Karl on Wednesday. "When I can, I tell the truth. And sometimes it turns out to be where something happens that's different or there's a change, but I always like to be truthful."

The comments came after Karl noted that during his 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Trump had made a promise that he would never lie to the American people."

even though Trump is admitting that he sometimes doesn't tell the truth he tries to make it sound like he is not lying just that its not his fault that he doesn't know what happened. Not that he is a POS.

I voted for Biden because I didn't want Trump to be president again. And I knew that he lied about stuff. But he doesn't lie to the extent that Trump does. Trump doesn't admit to his lies either as far as I know. He cheats at golf and as a result has won many tournaments at his golf clubs. I have never heard him admit that. When Trump lied about not having sexually abused E Jean Carrol not only didn't he admit it he continued the lies and lost a second lawsuit. He still hasn't admitted that he lied about it. When Trump lied about Obama's birthplace not being in the US he had to stop (or he wouldn't have been allowed to run as a Republican). But he never said he lied about it. He just said that Obama had been born in the US.

by Montrealcorp P

U post freely here .
Baham show up about once a week , put some nonsense bs gets his 10$ and go home .
Still he end up +ev vs you lol .

Fair point. I'd pay him $10/week to **** off and stay home lol.

by coordi P

I'm beginning to question your ability to parse information. He has 44 posts, not 10

sorry for not counting the exact amount of posts, i'm sure you'll find some evil motive for why i would rhetorically state that he hasn't posted much there by giving a small number instead of counting them out - either way point stands, you can go to the thread, search phresh, and catch up on everything he's posted there in a jiffy

by coordi P

Where am I "not even slightly" representing his stance in my post

you attributed malice to his belief

this is the part which is bullshit

by coordi P

he thinks all trans women (men in his ethos) are mentally ill abusers who want to do terrible things to women.

again, you took his belief of "i think we're treating the symptoms and not the disease" and morphed it into something evil and with malice

i do not agree with his stance personally, i think for many people, their experience is real - but i do deeply object to how you villainize him and falsely include malice and ill intent behind his belief

and of course you choose the "wtf did you delete my post" of his where he was clearly very upset at the time - again, if anyone actually cares, feel free to see his body of work

suppressing the votes of Texan Latinos

Paxton has tipped his hand about his determination to
undercut voting rights this fall — and potentially made
an enemy of the very people the GOP needs to win.

officers who turned up at her house in the early morning last week
were looking for voter cards that Latino residents had filled out.
Finding none in their ransacking of her home, they took her laptop, her phone and other items

If his office hadn’t blocked mail-in applications ahead of the 2020 election,
“we would’ve been one of those battleground states that they were counting
votes in Harris County for three days and Donald Trump would’ve lost the election.”


by tame_deuces P

No, it is not about left versus right. Any person on the right-wing or conservative is more than free abandon the current ideological leaders of US conservatism.

Not supporting Trump is in no way, shape or form the same as abandoning right-wing politics or conservatism. It is simply a rejection of its current direction.

It's hardly the first political movement to find itself under horrible leadership and demagogues, and it won't be the last.

Exactly. MAGA chodes love to act like an attack on Trump and Trumpism is an attack on conservatism in all its forms.

by Mr Rick P

The vast majority of democrats don't believe the election was stolen. In principal its partly because Barr who was an avid Trump supporter made it clear there was no fraud. Also so did the head of Homeland Security. Both republicans appointed by Trump.

lol, you've never once heard someone complain that trump didn't even win the popular vote but was still president?

also, you may want to watch this where hillary straight up says that the election was stolen from her

by Mr Rick P

Also, the polls were done to see if Trump was believed by people who supported him. Not in a manner to elicit results that will grab attention.

potato potahto

by Mr Rick P

Here is an article about a Trump Interview where he doesn't admit he is a POS

you misunderstood my meaning, i was talking about how he was like "the system is corrupt and i know because i'm part of it" "i don't pay my taxes i find the loopholes because i exploit the system" whereas you'll never find anyone else ever say anything remotely close to that

by rickroll P

coordi, basically the only thing we truly fundamentally disagree upon there is whether lia thomas should be allowed to compete in women's swimming

it's incredibly dishonest for you to paint that as a matter of empathy, especially so that there is a much better argument that you lack empathy for the cisgender women who can't physically compete with a woman who was a man up until the age of 20

thanks for proving my point though, where you happi

Yeah, just the innocent disagreement on Lia. Or wait, aren't you on the record for saying you don't think Lia is a trans person and is just living out a fetishistic/kink fantasy? Remind me again, is that just Lia or all trans people?

can't you contain the transphobia to the transphobia thread?

by coordi P

Yeah, just the innocent disagreement on Lia. Or wait, aren't you on the record for saying you don't think Lia is a trans person and is just living out a fetishistic/kink fantasy? Remind me again, is that just Lia or all trans people?

sad that you're back to your old blatant lying again

i see you've moved on from your lies about phresh to new lies about me

by d2_e4 P

Fair point. I'd pay him $10/week to **** off and stay home lol.

Your harsh .

by rickroll P

lol, you've never once heard someone complain that trump didn't even win the popular vote but was still president?

also, you may want to watch this where hillary straight up says that the election was stolen from her

The only complaints I have heard about winning the popular vote but losing the election (which now seems to be the only way Republicans can become President) is that something is wrong with how the system works. That it is giving too much power to the smaller states.

My problem with it is that campaigns are focused on swing states and not the overall population. If it were based on popular vote candidates would be campaigning in more states. Especially well populated states. That could make a bigger difference in how congress is elected and possibly some Senate races as well.


by rickroll P

you misunderstood my meaning, i was talking about how he was like "the system is corrupt and i know because i'm part of it" "i don't pay my taxes i find the loopholes because i exploit the system" whereas you'll never find anyone else ever say anything remotely close to that

I have never heard Trump say he doesn't pay his taxes. He hid his tax returns for years and they came out via Congress.

In terms of the system being corrupt Trump gained a lot of voters because he said he would take care of the swamp in DC. But I never heard him admitting that he was the swamp once he got there. I also don't think he has ever admitted to being corrupt.

by rickroll P

sad that you're back to your old blatant lying again

i see you've moved on from your lies about phresh to new lies about me

That was a legitimate conversation that happened in that thread 6 months ago. If you didn't say that then I am misremembering.

The question remains, why are you supporting these people? Why are you constantly going to bat for and defending these people whos opinion is in stark contrast to your own? If you think we really just disagree on one small little thing why do you have 600 posts in that thread talking trash on trans people and trans supporters? Those are very contradictory actions.

Now go re-read those 44 posts like you are suggesting others do and try to tell me again how his opinions are moderate.

Originally Posted by Phresh
Grunching, but there is no such thing a trans and this whole garbage ideology will go down as the worst medical scandal since lobotomies (which were also used to "fix" homosexuality like gender ideology is doing). We just watched a man win gold in women's Olympic boxing and people are being brainwashed into believing he's a woman. Unreal.

Coordi has the worst opinions ever with his pitbull support. As a leopard can't change his spots, I'm sure he's on the indefensibly stupid trans side of this religion, too.

Btw, this was his original original post before it was deleted and he was banned. "garbage ideology" "worst medical scandal since lobotomies" "no such thing a trans". Very moderate. Wouldn't want to tip any scales one way or the other.

I will personally attest I have not been called a bigot for saying that people who have gone through male puberty probably shouldn’t play in professional sports. Probably because I didn’t say “men are literally beating down women and stealing their records from them!!” Sometimes your reasons/methods for believing certain things are more important than the positions you take.

The great thing about gender now is I can think today I’m a woman and beat my wife up .
It’s ok now , we are all equal between women :p .

by checkraisdraw P

I will personally attest I have not been called a bigot for saying that people who have gone through male puberty probably shouldn’t play in professional sports. Probably because I didn’t say “men are literally beating down women and stealing their records from them!!” Sometimes your reasons/methods for believing certain things are more important than the positions you take.

because you said it after uke said it so cordie was left alone in his position and decide to stop pushing that absolutely horrendous take.

when he did in the past there were more posters agreeing with him and moderation was a lot harsher in this specific thread.

biological men are btw hurting women in contact sports when allowed to play competitively against them, and they are stealing their records

by Luciom P

because you said it after uke said it so cordie was left alone in his position and decide to stop pushing that absolutely horrendous take.

when he did in the past there were more posters agreeing with him and moderation was a lot harsher in this specific thread.

biological men are btw hurting women in contact sports when allowed to play competitively against them, and they are stealing their records

This isn't an accurate representation of the discussions that were had.

We all agreed that testosterone was the secret sauce. I want more data to be gathered and research to be performed. This is crucial in the edge cases of elite performance.

You just want all trans women banned from womens sports. I don't think that is fair or necessary. Especially in cases where youth transitioned before puberty.

I think using Lia as evidence that trans people are a danger to the integrity of womens sports is incredibly weak. You have one example from thousands of trans athletes and Lia wasn't even particularly dominant.

edit: I'll try to leave it here. If any more blatant lies get told I probably wont be able to ignore

by coordi P

This isn't an accurate representation of the discussions that were had.

We all agreed that testosterone was the secret sauce. I want more data to be gathered and research to be performed. This is crucial in the edge cases of elite performance.

You just want all trans women banned from womens sports. I don't think that is fair or necessary. Especially in cases where youth transitioned before puberty.

I think using Lia as evidence that tra

Put thousands of Lia in the field and you will see no woman will win …

There is a reason testosterone is illegal in sports , because it’s very effective .

by coordi P

If any more blatant lies get told I probably wont be able to ignore

yeah nothing special at all about winning a national championship...

coordi, the mental gymnastics you'll make are wild

and i do sincerely believe you honestly attribute those things to me, that's the problem with all of this, you're so worked up that you're imagining worst case scenarios and see snakes in the grass wherever you look

Isn't there a trans thread?

by Montrealcorp P

Put thousands of Lia in the field and you will see no woman will win …

There is a reason testosterone is illegal in sports , because it’s very effective .

Lia wasn't on testosterone, she was in her 4th year of transition. She took the required year off, came back, and performed very poorly. This would have been when her testosterone was at its highest.

It wasn't until she was a senior (older) with 3 years of high level training that she won

by biggerboat P

Isn't there a trans thread?

FWIW anyone that actually achieve some semblance of state level or even high end city level competition in the million(s) populated, makes this thread unreadable for them …

by biggerboat P

Isn't there a trans thread?

Someone brought up that the trans issue is a nothing burger to the general public then another poster went full victim mode despite the thread having become overwhelmed by anti-trans rhetoric so I had to speak up
