The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10445 Replies


Putin supports Harris? Where did you see that?

how cute, the village idiots are "just asking questions" this morning...

We've had some polling now past labor day. I'm genuinely swurprised the left is as happy as they are with their chances, at least based on my impression. This is still the worst spot dems have been in at this point in the cycle in 20 years.

by biggerboat P

Putin supports Harris? Where did you see that?

Well I’m sold

Russia bought and paid for Kamabla

by #Thinman P

how cute, the village idiots are "just asking questions" this morning...

All the questions from this morning...

by d2_e4 P

How's that different now from 2020?

by housenuts P

That's a good question.
They supported Trump in 2020, but not 2024? Curious what changed.

by d2_e4 P

Wow, I guess it's not the war hawk thing after all then. Who knew?

by Gorgonian P

I'm actually taken aback here. Isn't it crystal clear that he doesn't?

by biggerboat P

Putin supports Harris? Where did you see that?

by biggerboat P

My guess is dick is more aligned on foreign policy with kamala. Not that trump really has a foreign policy. But I'm guessing DC probably hates that trump sucks up to putin and tries to undermine nato.

Another guess would be that DC's daughter just got tossed out of being the 3rd ranked congress position and then lost her primary. So DC is probably unbelievably pissed at Trump for doing what he did after the election. It is also possible that Liz got her integrity from her father (though unclear based on his leadership in the Iraq has WMD thing under W)

We can use Twitter for our sources or we can use legitimate news sources. It's our choice!


"Russians mock US election allegations as Putin teasingly says he supports Harris"

“We had the current president, Mr. Biden, as our favorite but he was taken out of the race. He recommended all his supporters back Mrs. Harris, so we will too,” Putin said with a wry smile and an arched eyebrow.

Harris, he said, has an “expressive and infectious laugh,” which shows “she’s doing well.”

If Harris is doing well, then “perhaps she will refrain” from imposing more sanctions on Russia, Putin said. Some members of the audience were pictured laughing at his remarks.

In other words, no one took him seriously except some guy on twitter, and now conservatives use it as ammo. This is like dealing with a country full of toddlers.

by housenuts P

The Cheneys are war hawks so it makes sense for them to support communism rather than someone dismantling their military industrial complex.

trump is/was not dismantling the MIC. That's not even in the same universe as reality. Hell, he originally ran on Re-Building the military after obama took away all of their bullets. Similar thing on the cia. Increasing funding all around it is a weird strat for destroying something lol

At best you could argue he was trying to clear away some govt involvement(state dept etc) in favor of private corps. But that also happens to open a power vacuum other countries will inevitably fill.

by housenuts P

you gotta love the chutzpah of the woman interviewing him who doesn't even attempt to hold back laughter as he deadpans away

by Gorgonian P

We can use Twitter for our sources or we can use legitimate news sources. It's our choice!


Apnews is a legitimate news source is the best thing I've heard today.

by housenuts P

Apnews is a legitimate news source is the best thing I've heard today.

Vance says this

AP news runs article saying Vance calls school shootings a fact of life. KamalaHQ spreads that. AP news then deletes their misleading article.

by housenuts P

Apnews is a legitimate news source is the best thing I've heard today.

It is. And this from the guy who just posted a TWITTER POST. Do you ever feel embarrassed?

by housenuts P

Vance says this

AP news runs article saying Vance calls school shootings a fact of life. KamalaHQ spreads that. AP news then deletes their misleading article.

Are you confused about something here? You posted a quote where he called school shootings a fact of life. How is an article saying he called school shooting a fact of life misleading?

by Gorgonian P

It is. And this from the guy who just posted a TWITTER POST. Do you ever feel embarrassed?

It's a video of Putin lol. Doesn't really matter than it came from Twitter or elsewhere.

by housenuts P

It's a video of Putin lol. Doesn't really matter than it came from Twitter or elsewhere.

You did not just post a video of Putin. You posted a tweet from someone about that video and USED THAT as evidence. You appear to be completely incapable of embarrassment.

by Gorgonian P

Are you confused about something here? You posted a quote where he called school shootings a fact of life. How is an article saying he called school shooting a fact of life misleading?

Ask AP why they modified.

You're so dishonest and disingenuous it's difficult to have a discussion. Purely blinded by Kamala love and TDS.

by housenuts P

Ask AP why they modified.

You're so dishonest and disingenuous it's difficult to have a discussion. Purely blinded by Kamala love and TDS.

I'm not interested in what or why they modified their article (which you claimed was deleted just seconds ago. strange). You are the one that is interested in it. You have a point to make using it, make it. I'm not doing it for you.

by Gorgonian P

You did not just post a video of Putin. You posted a tweet from someone about that video and USED THAT as evidence. You appear to be completely incapable of embarrassment.

Can you post just the video please. I truly don't know how. Disregard that guys comments. I don't care for them. You or someone else asked where Putin supported Harris so I posted the video. Apologies the video was on Twitter. I'll try to source videos that aren't on Twitter in the future since that seems to sway your opinion of them.

by housenuts P

Can you post just the video please.

No. Again, your point. You make it. I'm not doing your work for you.

by Gorgonian P

I'm not interested in what or why they modified their article (which you claimed was deleted just seconds ago. strange). You are the one that is interested in it. You have a point to make using it, make it. I'm not doing it for you.

They deleted the headline: Vance calls school shootings a fact of life.

KamalaHQ ran that headline too.

by housenuts P

They deleted the headline: Vance calls school shootings a fact of life.

KamalaHQ ran that headline too.

The headline was clearly accurate. Not sure what your point is. You even posted the quote proving it was accurate.

by Gorgonian P

The headline was clearly accurate. Not sure what your point is. You even posted the quote proving it was accurate.

Intellectual dishonesty at its peak.

But noted that its acceptable to post misleading quotes out of context. Will use that tactic in future debates with you.

by housenuts P

Intellectual dishonesty at its peak.

You'll have to elaborate on that.

by housenuts P

But noted that its acceptable to post misleading quotes out of context. Will use that tactic in future debates with you.

Says the guy that just tried to get away with posting a literal joke by Putin as if it was a serious endorsement.

Other than that, no idea what misleading quote was posted out of context. You'll have to elaborate on that, too. Can't wait to see. And you didn't have to announce that you would use misleading quotes out of context in debates. We already knew that about you.
I, however, did no such thing (as you know -- you are clearly just lying. Again.)

That's what I thought.
