Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23616 Replies


by mongidig P

They probably weren't chanting death to everybody. It's nice to see a civilized people having a civilized march.

They never do. It’s always civilized.
Bc the pro-Israel side here are (with very rare exception) peaceful, law-abiding people.

The other side here has a decent % that do whatever the **** they want. Then cry when they get arrested for breaking the law.

by gs3737 P

They never do. It’s always civilized.
Bc the pro-Israel side here are (with very rare exception) peaceful, law-abiding people.

The other side here has a decent % that do whatever the **** they want. Then cry when they get arrested for breaking the law.

They embrace the victim mentality. Many other cultures and nations have been through far worse yet have overcome their conditions and eventually prospered. They wore their welcome out very quickly on college campuses. Just based on behavior. I don't know how people aren't automatically on the side of Israel.

by Trolly McTrollson P

It's not at all clear to me why people who hate Muslims would automatically consider Israel an ally, can you spell it out for me?

Israel is the only non Muslim majority country in the area of the world where most Muslim majority countries are.

Many Muslim majority countries don't recognize Israel as a state and/or have very minimal diplomatic relationships with it (IE, they consider Israel an enemy).

If you hate Muslims you tend to hate Muslim majority countries, so any countries that they collectively consider an enemy will attract you, with very few exceptions (if you hate Muslims exclusively for nativist reasons, you might end up hating Israel as well and any other country in general).

As I said, the very basic "enemy of my enemy" thinking process

by metsandfinsfan P

How pathetic

If you hate Jews own it. Why wear a mask?

They are just careful about covid

UN experts urge all countries to recognise Palestinian statehood

A group of UN experts have called for all countries to recognise a Palestinian state to ensure peace in the Middle East.

The experts, including the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Palestinian territories, said recognition of a Palestinian state was an important acknowledgment of the rights of the Palestinian people and their struggle towards freedom and independence.

They said:

This is a pre-condition for lasting peace in Palestine and the entire Middle East – beginning with the immediate declaration of a ceasefire in Gaza and no further military incursions into Rafah.

A two-state solution remains the only internationally agreed path to peace and security for both Palestine and Israel and a way out of generational cycles of violence and resentment.

The call came less than a week after Spain, Ireland and Norway officially recognised a Palestinian state, prompting anger from Israel, which has found itself increasingly isolated over its war on Gaza.

The three European governments said the move was intended to support a two-state solution and foster peace in the Middle East. They hope their decision will spur other EU states to follow suit. Denmark’s parliament later rejected a proposal to recognise a Palestinian state.

Israel has repeatedly condemned moves to recognise a Palestinian state, saying they bolster Hamas, the Palestinian militant group which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007.

by jalfrezi P

What? Some graffitists in Israel aren't happy with the people of Gaza? What a shock!

Experts led by hamas supporter Albanese (who illegally claims to be a lawyer in italy even if she never passed our equivalent of the bar exam), who justified 10 7 , claim things that agree with Hamas requests.

Shocking, shocking.

by jalfrezi P

Omg some ignorant idiot wrote graffiti

Stop the presses!!!!!

by jalfrezi P

UN experts urge all countries to recognise Palestinian statehood

A group of UN experts have called for all countries to recognise a Palestinian state to ensure peace in the Middle East.

The experts, including the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Palestinian territories, said recognition of a Palestinian state was an important acknowledgment of the rights of the Palestinian people and their struggle towards freedom an

How can you recognize them as a state when they have separate governments?

Which represents this state?

If the un recognized hamas as the governing body of the nation of Palestine, that basically concedes that the West bank is not part of Palestine right?

Also: what is Palestine's capitol?

by chillrob P

What? Some graffitists in Israel aren't happy with the people of Gaza? What a shock!

by Luciom P

Experts led by hamas supporter Albanese (who illegally claims to be a lawyer in italy even if she never passed our equivalent of the bar exam), who justified 10 7 , claim things that agree with Hamas requests.

Shocking, shocking.

A 10/7 supporter wants hamas government to be recognized as legit?

who'd a thunk it

by Luciom P

Experts led by hamas supporter Albanese (who illegally claims to be a lawyer in italy even if she never passed our equivalent of the bar exam), who justified 10 7 , claim things that agree with Hamas requests.

Shocking, shocking.

She does have a law degree from the University of Pisa as well as a Masters in Law from London University, so maybe you should stop nitpicking.

by metsandfinsfan P

A 10/7 supporter

Stop wilfully misrepresenting people.

Albanese said "I regret that some interpreted my tweet as 'justifying' Hamas's crimes, which I have condemned strongly several times. I reject all forms of racism, including antisemitism. However, labeling these crimes as 'antisemitic' obscures the real reason they occurred", which is obviously true.

by jalfrezi P

She does have a law degree from the University of Pisa as well as a Masters in Law from London University, so maybe you should stop nitpicking.

Stop wilfully misrepresenting people.

Albanese said "I regret that some interpreted my tweet as 'justifying' Hamas's crimes, which I have condemned strongly several times. I reject all forms of racism, including antisemitism. However, labeling these crimes as 'antisemitic' obscures the real reason the

It's not a nitpick when she is called a lawyer in her own CV, a lawyer on italian media, and she isn't.

It's a crime around here (fraud to be specific) according to our high court.

Yes it's "obviously true" that 10 7 was antisemitism (and the worst episode since nazis, at that, wordlwide), and she denies that.

Anyway the idea is that she has been a very strong hamas supporter since day 1 (well before 10 7) and given that, her opinion on any matter related to the issue of palestine and israel is irrelevant.

And her being the UN representatives is one of the many reasons the UN lost all dignity on the topic btw

Maybe if you posted a link to your propoganda we could verify

I mean you didn't even post her ****ing name

Kind of like how the "protesters" wear masks

by metsandfinsfan P

I mean you didn't even post her ****ing name

Kind of like how the "protesters" wear masks

tbh he wrote "UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Palestinian territories", which is what she is

btw she is one of those who denied hamas raped anyone and who claimed IDF raped a lot of ppl (iirc)

by metsandfinsfan P

Maybe if you posted a link to your propoganda we could verify

I don't know what "propoganda" is but everything in my post was taken from her wiki page which I'm sure you can find for yourself.

I hope you weren't accusing me of lying?

by metsandfinsfan P

I mean you didn't even post her ****ing name

Kind of like how the "protesters" wear masks

Well this is how the English language works so it's not at all like how protesters wear masks.

by metsandfinsfan P

Omg some ignorant idiot wrote graffiti

Stop the presses!!!!!

And some idiots attack aid trucks and some idiots hold a kill the hostages sign.
Plenty of sick people out there.

by 5 south P

And some idiots attack aid trucks and some idiots hold a kill the hostages sign.
Plenty of sick people out there.

That's all true

So what is his or your point

Doesn't look like the Israeli ambassador Tzipi Hotovely is going to be universally welcome during his visit to Scotland this week (obviously the sign is fake but the sentiment won't be):

On a podcast this morning they discussed how bibi still claims that the current deal proposed will meet all of his demands. I don't think it will the way it was presented but maybe biden wasn't accurate?

I'm shocked hamas hasn't accepted yet, if the report is accurate

by jalfrezi P

Doesn't look like the Israeli ambassador Tzipi Hotovely is going to be universally welcome during his visit to Scotland this week (obviously the sign is fake but the sentiment won't be):

Schumer agreed to let bibi speak to a joint session of congress

by metsandfinsfan P

That's all true

So what is his or your point

It's not obvious? You were like omg, one person put some genocide graffiti, stop the presses. When like 8hrs prior you're clutching your pearls over one person holding a sign.

Since you refused to link anything and just used the propoganda term "UN EXPERTS "

the EXPERTS have long had bias against Israel

The most obvious example of bias is the HRC’s disproportionate focus on Israel. Alone among the world’s countries, Israel is subject to a separate item of the HRC agenda: Agenda Item 7, titled “Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.” Every other human rights situation is examined under Agenda Item 4, titled “Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention.”

In addition, the HRC currently has 14 “country mandates” that focus on human rights situations in individual countries, such as North Korea and Iran. All these country mandates are subject to periodic renewal except for the “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” which remains in place “until the end of the Israeli occupation.”

Since 2006, the HRC has adopted between four and eight resolutions condemning Israel annually. According to a database compiled by UN Watch, Israel was the focus of 103 of 280 condemnatory resolutions (37 percent) adopted by the HRC from 2006 through May 2023. In 2022, Israel was condemned more often than Afghanistan, Myanmar, North Korea and Syria. Only Russia was condemned as many times as Israel by the HRC that year. Although some condemnatory resolutions contain praise, this rarely happens for Israel: 102 of 210 total condemnatory resolutions lacking any praise (49 percent) adopted by the HRC from 2006 to May 2023 focused on Israel.

Despite poor human rights records, China, Cuba, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe and many other governments have never been condemned by the HRC. Yet the body has condemned the U.S., whose human rights record is far superior to those nations.
