[WPT Global] Official Thread

[WPT Global] Official Thread

Hi 2+2ers,

Welcome to the official WPT Global thread!

WPT Global is the real-money online poker business of the World Poker Tour, and we’re about to celebrate our two-year anniversary, having launched in April 2022. After such a short time, we’re already the third-largest online poker room in the world (ranked by PokerScout.com, based on cash game traffic).

We’re joining TwoPlusTwo to share information with you, engage with the community, and answer any questions you might have.

WPT Global is special for a few reasons:

  • Our modern platform has been built from the beginning to leverage AI technology. We use this in two main ways. The first is to protect the games by detecting collusion, bot use, RTA use and other forms of cheating extremely quickly. We have the best Game Integrity tech I’ve experienced in my 19 years in the industry, and a team of around 50 people using it.

  • The second way we utilise AI technology is in managing our ecology. We ensure that games are sustainable and beatable by reserving seats in every game for casual players and limiting the number of seats per table that can be occupied by highly skilled professionals. I’ll go into more detail on this point later, in the below FAQ, but the net result is - we have the softest cash games you’ll find online, and typical win-rates for regs are 5-10x higher than elsewhere. (If you don't’ believe me, just try them and see for yourself).

  • We have had a large liquidity pool from the very beginning, especially in cash games. This is because we partnered with a couple of successful Asia-facing poker rooms to bootstrap their liquidity. Most poker startups face an enormous challenge in growing their liquidity from scratch - this solution allowed us to launch with cash games running 24/7 and it contributes to our soft player pool. Now, WPT Global is a large poker site in its own right and less dependent on the Asia liquidity, and we’re growing our games in US Dollars all the time.

  • There is enormous value on offer - our explicit aim is to pay back more to players via promotions and giveaways than any other site. Check out our current promotions here.

  • Global Spins is our unique twist on the Jackpot SNG concept, with a progressive jackpot and the lowest rake in the industry (5%).

  • As part of the World Poker Tour family, we’re the best place to qualify for WPT events around the world, like the WPT World Championship at the Wynn later this year.

Some of you might remember me and my colleague WPT Global Peter from our previous roles. Many years ago, I was one of the first site representatives ever to engage with the 2+2 community, as the first PokerStars representative in the ‘PokerStars Software Improvement Thread’. Later, Peter and I ran the ‘Official MPN - Microgaming Poker Network...’. You can expect a similar level of transparency and responsiveness here. While I don’t promise to respond to every single thing, no constructive question or criticism is off limits.

I look forward to engaging with you all!

All the best,

Alex Scott
President, WPT Global
(X/Twitter: @AlexScott72o)



You can also read a more general FAQ on our website, here.

What countries is WPT Global available in?

Currently, we have a .com licence and have not entered any regulated markets (although we will start to do so later this year). We’re open to most markets that have yet to regulate, including Canada (except Ontario), Ireland, New Zealand and most of Latin America, Asia and Africa.

We don’t (yet) accept players from the US, UK, Australia, Russia, and most of Europe. If you’re from one of these countries and want to qualify for WPT events then Club WPT might work for you!

See our Terms and Conditions (section 2.5) for more detailed information.

How does the ecology management system work? Do you ban winners from playing at WPT Global?

Our ecology management system is specifically designed so that we can run sustainable games without having to penalise winners.

In cash games, our AI technology measures the skill level of every player and predicts their win rate. The model is highly accurate and continually updates so that it cannot be abused or ‘gamed’.

We reserve a number of seats at each cash game table for players that fall into one of our ‘casual player’ categories. In our most popular game (8-Handed NLHE with an ante and a straddle) we reserve six of the eight seats for casual players, which effectively means that highly-skilled pros can only occupy two seats.

Because there is plenty of liquidity, if you find yourself categorised as a pro, you can still always find a game to play at any stake, and you can guarantee yourself a seat in a great game if you start a table, since our ecology management system ensures that only one other pro can sit with you.

The system does not categorise players by their actual win rate, but by how skilled they are. If you have a great run of luck, you will not necessarily be categorised as a pro, and vice versa, you will not necessarily be categorised as a casual player if you run bad.

We find that once players get used to the system, they love it. Both pros and beginners have a better experience because we eliminate some of the common predatory behaviour that occurs elsewhere, and pros can achieve significantly higher win rates. I encourage you to give it a try!

What’s with the games in CNY currency?

Because we partnered with Asia-facing poker rooms to launch, some of our games are in Chinese Yuan (CNY) currency. At the time of writing, the exchange rate to the dollar is about 7.25 CNY to the USD. As we’ve become less dependent on the Asian liquidity we have introduced more USD games. Most cash games and all tournaments including Global Spins are now available in USD, and for those of you that want to play in the CNY games, there’s a handy currency converter in the lobby, and the ability to change the stacks to BB.


Edit/MH: WPT Global Peter

15 April 2024 at 09:31 AM

977 Replies


Any ETA on that auto-rebuy feature?

This is a nitpick, but I find it sort of strange/misleading that 1/2/4 PLO5-games with an ante and 1000 USD max buy-in are labelled as "low" and games 10x that are labelled as "mid". I also preferred the PLO Leaderboard when mid/high was combined instead of micro/low. There is very little action on high stakes anyway, so this seems like an unnecessary change.

How rigged do you guys think this site is? feels like the RNG is fixed to get higher pots, the amount of times i see people and myself loosing with boats against quads or higher boats is amazing!
And the runnouts, holy molly!!! I guess people that work there are not allowed to confirm this.

by hvete P

Any ETA on that auto-rebuy feature?

Not yet, but I'll keep an eye out.

This is a nitpick, but I find it sort of strange/misleading that 1/2/4 PLO5-games with an ante and 1000 USD max buy-in are labelled as "low" and games 10x that are labelled as "mid". I also preferred the PLO Leaderboard when mid/high was combined instead of micro/low. There is very little action on high stakes anyway, so this seems like an unnecessary change.

OK thanks. I see your point and will pass on your feedback to the right people.

by Pepegrillo123 P

How rigged do you guys think this site is? feels like the RNG is fixed to get higher pots, the amount of times i see people and myself loosing with boats against quads or higher boats is amazing!
And the runnouts, holy molly!!! I guess people that work there are not allowed to confirm this.

With a player pool like ours, there's really no need to rig the RNG to get bigger pots, the players take care of that! But just in case, our RNG is audited: https://access.gaminglabs.com/Certificat...

by Pepegrillo123 P

How rigged do you guys think this site is? feels like the RNG is fixed to get higher pots, the amount of times i see people and myself loosing with boats against quads or higher boats is amazing!
And the runnouts, holy molly!!! I guess people that work there are not allowed to confirm this.

while I rant here quite a bit and am paranoid as you as well I am an insane amount on microstakes plo

There seems to be a new formula for the low/micro leaderboard on the plo promotion but I couldnt find any infos yet could you shed a light on this please?

Alex, has adding the chance to run it twice been considered?

Hey, is there an ETA on the vip rewards system?

Hello, thanks for this forum!

- You mentioned, that some really good players are "tagged" as super pros, so they have limited lobby. So does this mean, that every winning player is tagged? Or let's say, there are breakeven players (they see full lobby), losing players (obviously they see full lobby), slightly winning players (not sure if they see full lobby??), and super winners (limited lobby). Am I correct?

- It would be great if you would publish the nicknames of caught cheaters (RTA, colluders...) at least to this forum or somewhere else

- Any chance to be able to play 4 tables on mobile? When I have to go to the toilet with 4 tables open, I have to close one, so I can continue with my mobile phone

- Can you distinguish stats through the limits and variations of limits? Let's say player ABC mostly plays 0.5/1$ big ante tables with 50/20 stats...These stats will be much different at regular 0.5/1$ 6 max and 5/10/20 yuan ante+straddle tables, but when this player sits at 5/10/20 or some other variation, you see crazy 50/20 stats from big ante tables and it's very misleading.

- Any chance to at least bookmark some hands so the player can watch them later?

- PLEASE DON´T MAKE THIS SOFTWARE REG HAPPY! I SAY NO TO AUTOREBUYS, WAIT FOR BIGBLIND, TABLE TILE... Nobody wants to have a reg-infested poker site in 2024. Instead, please focus on recreationals, maybe some animations like on poker apps so I can throw bananas at somebody and other funny **** 😀


by Ist Das Crazyboi P

I'll just chime in with my experience.

I reported an extremely blatant mtt abuser (the guy was literally making accounts with almost the same name, and entering 4-5 accounts into a pool of about 10 players to KO himself (super KO, not progressive).

The guy disappeared a few days after my report and I forgot about it, then I received an email thanking me for the report and $550 in tickets about 3 weeks later
I had played a lot vs this guy, he m

Hey. This guy is back spamming account creation. Reported a couple weeks back and heard nothing, Sent another report today.

To clarify the exploit, he is getting it allin 500bbs effective with any 2 cards with 4 of his accounts in a small field SKO to get his 50% entry back on 3 accounts, as well as have a 1500-2000bb chip stack.

Seems like you can do nothing vs this guy, it's been on and off for about 6 months now

There needs to be an option to turn off the "click stack to change from BBs to chips".
The software is currently just not capable of performing this task.
Especially in cash games where it's not useful in any way, and we have small timebanks, where misclicking the stack can cut anywhere from 2 to 6+ seconds off your time bank.
Literally materially affecting the players.

At the very least, we should have the option to disable it until the software is capable of performing such a CPU intensive task(basic maths).

by retired3 P

There seems to be a new formula for the low/micro leaderboard on the plo promotion but I couldnt find any infos yet could you shed a light on this please?

Hi - details are here: https://wptglobal.com/poker-promotions/g...

In the Micro/Low Leaderboard, 1 point is earned for every 5 raked hands played, and 1 point for every 20 cents accrued in rake.

by Arggg93 P

Alex, has adding the chance to run it twice been considered?

Yes, it's on our long list, but will probably not be delivered in the near future.

by tomekpe P

Hey, is there an ETA on the vip rewards system?

We are aiming to launch something in mid-July which will enhance our VIP system and also introduce direct rewards for players who start new tables, but it won't be a traditional loyalty program.

by Savz.58 P

Hello, thanks for this forum!

- You mentioned, that some really good players are "tagged" as super pros, so they have limited lobby. So does this mean, that every winning player is tagged? Or let's say, there are breakeven players (they see full lobby), losing players (obviously they see full lobby), slightly winning players (not sure if they see full lobby??), and super winners (limited lobby). Am I correct?

Not quite. FairGame (the AI system that manages this) predicts the win rate of every player and its this predicted win rate that determines a player's categorisation, not their actual win or loss. More info here: https://wptglobal.com/blog/how-does-wpt-...

and here: https://wptglobal.com/wpt-a5-labs

It's therefore possible for somebody who is actually losing to be categorised as a very skilled player and see fewer tables (but this player would be a long-term winner who is just on a downswing).

- It would be great if you would publish the nicknames of caught cheaters (RTA, colluders...) at least to this forum or somewhere else

Nicknames can be problematic, but we are working on ways that we can be more transparent about this. I am personally in favour of sharing this information as well as industry collaboration, but practically it is quite a difficult problem to solve.

- Any chance to be able to play 4 tables on mobile? When I have to go to the toilet with 4 tables open, I have to close one, so I can continue with my mobile phone

Fair point. I don't think this will be easy for various reasons, but I'll see what we can do.

- Can you distinguish stats through the limits and variations of limits? Let's say player ABC mostly plays 0.5/1$ big ante tables with 50/20 stats...These stats will be much different at regular 0.5/1$ 6 max and 5/10/20 yuan ante+straddle tables, but when this player sits at 5/10/20 or some other variation, you see crazy 50/20 stats from big ante tables and it's very misleading.

I understand what you mean but I don't think refining this feature should be a priority for us any time soon, to be honest. You hint at the same, with your later comment about not making the software too reg-happy.

- Any chance to at least bookmark some hands so the player can watch them later?

Noted - improvements to the replayer such as this are on our roadmap for the medium term.

- PLEASE DON´T MAKE THIS SOFTWARE REG HAPPY! I SAY NO TO AUTOREBUYS, WAIT FOR BIGBLIND, TABLE TILE... Nobody wants to have a reg-infested poker site in 2024. Instead, please focus on recreationals, maybe some animations like on poker apps so I can throw bananas at somebody and other funny **** 😀


Some of these features are good for everyone. Auto rebuy for example (in cash games) helps weaker players to play on a level playing field and actually benefits them (because they can get paid off more on their big hands), I've written about this in the past and the data is quite compelling.

As a general principle we are very focused on keeping casual players happy, but I know the importance of maintaining a balance. We don't want to punish regs simply for being winning players, just provide the right incentives to keep the games fun and sustainable.

by Ist Das Crazyboi P

Hey. This guy is back spamming account creation. Reported a couple weeks back and heard nothing, Sent another report today.

To clarify the exploit, he is getting it allin 500bbs effective with any 2 cards with 4 of his accounts in a small field SKO to get his 50% entry back on 3 accounts, as well as have a 1500-2000bb chip stack.

Seems like you can do nothing vs this guy, it's been on and off for about 6 months now

I'll look into this. Generally, cases of fraud where a player is creating lots of accounts can be hard to manage, because it's in our interests (and players') to make it as easy as possible to create accounts. But if it's as obvious as you make it sound we should be able to train our AI to prevent this. I'll find out.

by iamreallycrap P

There needs to be an option to turn off the "click stack to change from BBs to chips".
The software is currently just not capable of performing this task.
Especially in cash games where it's not useful in any way, and we have small timebanks, where misclicking the stack can cut anywhere from 2 to 6+ seconds off your time bank.
Literally materially affecting the players.

At the very least, we should have the option to disable it until the softwa

I enjoy your sense of humour! There is a fix for the CPU issues being worked on right now and it should be released in the coming few weeks...

Thanks Alex for your response.

Sadly, WPT closed our region today so I can´t play there anymore. So I have a question...

- Do you need to close my account? I mean, if I move to another country where it's possible to play, can I use my old account?

- If WPT needs to close my account and I move to another country (It's not a problem for me, I'm traveling all around the world all the time), can I open a new account under my name and ID, or do I need to be a citizen/resident of the current country?

by Savz.58 P

Thanks Alex for your response.

Sadly, WPT closed our region today so I can´t play there anymore. So I have a question...

- Do you need to close my account? I mean, if I move to another country where it's possible to play, can I use my old account?

- If WPT needs to close my account and I move to another country (It's not a problem for me, I'm traveling all around the world all the time), can I open a new account under my name and ID, or do I

If you move to another country which we accept, then yes you can continue to play using your existing account. Once you've moved, and are able to prove residence in the new country (any reasonable form of proof of address will be OK), please contact [email]customercare@wptglobal.com[/email] and we'll reopen your account.

We look forward to reopening in Slovakia when the regulatory environment allows.

by WPT Global Alex P

Not quite. FairGame (the AI system that manages this) predicts the win rate of every player and its this predicted win rate that determines a player's categorisation, not their actual win or loss. More info here: https://wptglobal.com/blog/how-does-...s...

and here: https://wptglobal.com/wpt-a5-labs

It's therefore possible for somebody who is actually losing to be categorised as a very skilled player and see fewer tables (but this p

By changing levels of the same game, for example if I move from NLH 1/2/4(1) NLH to 2/4/8(2) NLH, will the data stored by FairGame in the 1/2/4 have an influence on which tables I will see in the 2/4/8? Or it 'starts from zero' ,and in the 2/4/8 I can play the same tables as a new user?

by OmgImBreaking P

By changing levels of the same game, for example if I move from NLH 1/2/4(1) NLH to 2/4/8(2) NLH, will the data stored by FairGame in the 1/2/4 have an influence on which tables I will see in the 2/4/8? Or it 'starts from zero' ,and in the 2/4/8 I can play the same tables as a new user?

Each stake is considered separately. (When you think about it, it's obviously possible for a player to be a very big winner at small stakes, but breakeven or losing at higher stakes). So effectively, you 'start from zero' at each stake level.

I have a question. I asked support about Discord and they told me that I cannot use Discord during play on WPT, is this true?

If it's true then it's unbelievable, when I play tournament I normally play N8 and WPT together and I and my friends sometime play together, we talk and make fun.

I don't think banning Discord is the right thing to do.

And anyway thank you for reopen my account.

by 65Nancy P

I have a question. I asked support about Discord and they told me that I cannot use Discord during play on WPT, is this true?

If it's true then it's unbelievable, when I play tournament I normally play N8 and WPT together and I and my friends sometime play together, we talk and make fun.

I don't think banning Discord is the right thing to do.

And anyway thank you for reopen my account.

This isn't correct, Discord is not banned, and in fact we even have a Discord community: https://discord.com/invite/wpt-global-of...

I apologise that you received this incorrect information.

by WPT Global Alex P

Each stake is considered separately. (When you think about it, it's obviously possible for a player to be a very big winner at small stakes, but breakeven or losing at higher stakes). So effectively, you 'start from zero' at each stake level.

For me, it wasn't the case. I played mostly 5/10/20 yuan and I got blocked for 10/20/40 and 25/50/100 without even playing those limits

by Savz.58 P

For me, it wasn't the case. I played mostly 5/10/20 yuan and I got blocked for 10/20/40 and 25/50/100 without even playing those limits

If you PM your username I can look at your specific account and see what's going on - but just to be clear, it's not a block persay, just a seat limitation. You can always get a good game simply by starting a table.

by WPT Global Alex P

If you move to another country which we accept, then yes you can continue to play using your existing account. Once you've moved, and are able to prove residence in the new country (any reasonable form of proof of address will be OK), please contact [email]customercare@wptglobal.com[/email] and we'll reopen your account.

We look forward to reopening in Slovakia when the regulatory environment allows.

Thanks for fast and thorough responses Alex.

1.Will it be also possible to open a new account instead of reopening an old one?

2. Are You guys considering exiting some other jurisdictions, if yes I would be thankful for the information which?

by kingLeon P

Thanks for fast and thorough responses Alex.

1.Will it be also possible to open a new account instead of reopening an old one?

2. Are You guys considering exiting some other jurisdictions, if yes I would be thankful for the information which?

No problem.

1. No - we don't allow players to create multiple accounts, so please use the account you already have and we'll help you to make any changes if you move countries.

2. We're not, but this can be difficult to predict. Regulatory changes can happen with little notice. Overall, I expect us to enter many more markets than we exit in the coming years.

Any chance of more Pace pool's being introduced, 5NL [10 straddle] runs around the clock - why not add the same pace straddle format at 10NL, 20NL & 50NL?

Also asking for a friend who'd like to see more PLO MTT's, he's aware they don't always run so how about adding guarantees to get them going?

Couple suggestions for the new sportsbook :

- Tennis to be added
- Searchbar to find an event
- Option/setting to auto accept odds change, it can get quite difficult to bet live as odds change quickly and it keeps declining the bet
- Ability to input the amount we want to bet using the numbers on the keyboard, not only click on each number

by samcx P

Any chance of more Pace pool's being introduced, 5NL [10 straddle] runs around the clock - why not add the same pace straddle format at 10NL, 20NL & 50NL?

Also asking for a friend who'd like to see more PLO MTT's, he's aware they don't always run so how about adding guarantees to get them going?

Thanks for the feedback. On the first point, we do have a 1/2/4 CNY pool which is equivalent to about $0.07/$0.14/$0.28 in USD. But there is probably room for improvement here, I'll discuss it with our Poker Room Management team.

by popers P

Couple suggestions for the new sportsbook :

- Tennis to be added
- Searchbar to find an event
- Option/setting to auto accept odds change, it can get quite difficult to bet live as odds change quickly and it keeps declining the bet
- Ability to input the amount we want to bet using the numbers on the keyboard, not only click on each number

Thanks. As you can probably tell, our sportsbook product was chosen for our ability to launch it quickly and there is lots of room for improvement. I'll pass on your feedback to the provider, you can expect to see the sportsbook product get better with every release.

We do already have the ability to auto accept an odds change, which is found in the settings menu of the sportsbook:

Can I have another question.

So the limitations of the high skill players will remain forever?
