Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23645 Replies


Mashed up.

Recently, the Israelis did apparently restore power to an area of Gaza that hadn't suffered total domicide.

Hamas can be the victim and still have great propaganda

by Victor P

I am not sure what that picture is supposed to mean. I was told in other threads that the USA does not attack civilian infrastructure so I guess thats a just a AI art or something I dunno.

It is the culmination of 20 years of great leadership in Gaza.

Define great propaganda. Some bullshit language and imagery on struggle and resistance?

Debauchery of the human mind.


by PointlessWords P

Resistance is their only way to peace. All other options have been exhausted.

I guess they are out of options because it seems like this resistance is just getting them more and more pounded. It doesn't seem like they are getting any closer to peace.

by Bluegrassplayer P

This is the worst possible decision Israel could make imo. Israel will get overwhelmed with missiles, they won't be able to do anything decisive, other Iranian will likely gey involved, and then Israel will be doing this all again in a few years.

If they attack (they shouldnt) then they need to mobilize and launch a serious campaign.

The only way they don't attack is if Hezbollah refuses to move back a distance to where they are no longer a threat. The only reason Israel didn't wipe them out in 2006 is because they got fooled into thinking Hezbollah would abide by the peace agreement and move away from the border. Israel still has 80,000 displaced citizens from the north. This can't continue.

Israel needs to pull out of Rafah anyways, they don't have anywhere close to enough manpower to do both at the same time. At that point we will see if Hezbollah was lying about being willing to stop attacking if Israel pulls out of Rafah.

I doubt the strikes continue, but if they do then Israel needs to mobilize. Launching a big airstrike is going to be the worst of all outcomes: it won't hurt Hezbollah that much, international outrage, and Israel will suffer greatly from reprisals.

Is it just me or does everyone always hate your neighbors?

Even neighbors that you begin to like end up borrowing something and then they forget to return that. Then you need to have a very awkward conversation with them and you find out that they don’t respect you after all.

Kind of puts our history of neighboring countries in conflict into perspective.

by Victor P

seems what is going on now would be worse than Hamas in charge.

yes for the gazans, but no for the israeli civilians that would be raped and murdered by hamas under such circumstances.. their promise that oct 7 was a rehearsal for the main event has not been forgotten and never will be

Can a mod put a poll in the OP?

"Do you like your neighbors?" with the options:
Yes, I do
No, don't care for them
No, I ****ing hate them

hamas are apparently facing widespread and open dissent among gazans. many of whom seem to be unconvinced that the satisfaction of knowing that a few jews were murdered and raped was worth it

article on the bbc about it today

by mongidig P

I guess they are out of options because it seems like this resistance is just getting them more and more pounded. It doesn't seem like they are getting any closer to peace.

The Resistance is stronger than it has ever been. Israel and USA are busy killing civilians while the fighters have shown no signs of degradation and have been inflicting losses all across Gaza.


hamas are apparently facing widespread and open dissent among gazans. many of whom seem to be unconvinced that the satisfaction of knowing that a few jews were murdered and raped was worth it

article on the bbc about it today

This has been the case for awhile. There were protests earlier in the year although they obviously didn't make many news outlets. The war branch is not popular, which is why giving the political branch legitimately is the best way to fight hamas.


this was my favorite part of the article

as if Hamas is standing in the way. just the typical lying Western press running cover for (plausible) genocide and war of extermination and blaming the victims most of which are children.

by Victor P

The Resistance is stronger than it has ever been. Israel and USA are busy killing civilians while the fighters have shown no signs of degradation and have been inflicting losses all across Gaza.

this is a point of view, but it does not accord with the facts. it sounds more like what you would like to be happening, rather than what is in fact happening

by All-inMcLovin P

Is it just me or does everyone always hate your neighbors?

Even neighbors that you begin to like end up borrowing something and then they forget to return that. Then you need to have a very awkward conversation with them and you find out that they don’t respect you after all.

Kind of puts our history of neighboring countries in conflict into perspective.

Can’t stand one of mine

Israel approves largest West Bank land s...

"Once land is designated as state land, Israel no longer recognizes it as privately owned by Palestinians."

Do they ever give land back? At least the US gives back acres here and there

by jalfrezi P

Given how Iranian Islamists have been brutalizing the people, maybe this is their equivalent to "Punch a Nazi"

Maybe this will start a real resistance against Islamism. Could you imagine millions of Persians around the world sick of what Islamists have done to their people pulling off the symbol of their oppression? Would be very powerful.

**** hezbollah for sure.

Hezbollah deez nuts

by PointlessWords P

Do they ever give land back? At least the US gives back acres here and there

If/when the resistance gets tired of #Winning (as Victor frames it) and seriously comes to the bargaining table for the first time, land exchange will definitely be part of discussions.

by Dunyain P

If/when the resistance gets tired of #Winning (as Victor frames it) and seriously comes to the bargaining table for the first time, land exchange will definitely be part of discussions.

Seriously how?
