Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23616 Replies


by jalfrezi P

Minimising civilian casualties - the brave boys and girls of the IDF, fearless in the face of hostility

Should we start posting pictures of little kids who were killed on Oct 7th? What's the point of posting this picture other than being overly dramatic. We know people are dying. How about doing a little protest against Hamas? How about demand they return the hostages and surrender?

That would stop the deaths don't you think?

by jalfrezi P

Three years after all the surrounding Arab countries got their butts kicked again by Israel and this dude is still spouting resistance. Going through life with the victim mentality will only ensure you will always be a victim.

by mongidig P

For many years Israel fought with one hand behind their back due to world pressure. Now Israel has decided that enough is enough. A rational nation won't mess with Israel. Islamists aren't so rational.

We will see how rationale Hamas is moving forward. The truth is the world has been rewarding them for decades for being brutal and violent (both towards Israel and the Palestinian people); so their actions were very rationale.

Most of the world it seems would have preferred to keep that status quo, even after 10/7, but Israel went rogue and has unilaterally decided to make sure violence and terror isn't going to be such a +EV strategy moving forward; so we shall see how this alters behavior moving forward.

by DoyleBrunsonFan P

The IDF has been doing a wonderful job. This is evidenced by the fact that there has not been another Oct 7 style invasion nor any additional hostages taken.


After this is over Gaza is going to be check point city for a long time. I hope an Arab leader steps up and moves Gaza away from victimhood and towards a future of accountability. This city could have been one of the most beautiful in the world.

by mongidig P

"Rape is not resistance".

Very true. It’s an IDF tactic.

by mongidig P

Should we start posting pictures of little kids who were killed on Oct 7th? What's the point of posting this picture other than being overly dramatic. We know people are dying. How about doing a little protest against Hamas? How about demand they return the hostages and surrender?

That would stop the deaths don't you think?

Maybe because every news report is about the IDf murdering people?

Hamas has been rational given the incentives presented.

So has Hezbollah ever since Israel “overreacted” to a bunch of kidnappings by invading almost all the way to Beirut.

Some people refuse to come to terms with the fact that we’ve made Israel conduct many AB tests already on appeasement vs “overreaction”/occupation and the latter keeps producing better results, even for the Arabs involved.

by mongidig P

It could have been a lot less deaths if Hamas gave back the hostages. This is what necessitates the wrecking of Gaza. "Oh you all are gonna hide them in tunnels? Well, here we go".

This is false. Netanyahu made it clear that they would continue the killing even after the detainees were released.

by mongidig P

Three years after all the surrounding Arab countries got their butts kicked again by Israel and this dude is still spouting resistance. Going through life with the victim mentality will only ensure you will always be a victim.

Something israel need to remember as well

hearing reports that a whole heap of hamas terrorists are about to have a really bad day

are you talking about the carpet bombing and forced displacement of starving civilians in Gaza City? weird thing to celebrate...unless...

So I guess Lancet is Hamas now?

by Trolly McTrollson P

So I guess Lancet is Hamas now?

I do not know what they are anymore. But that article is something that belongs in an Al Jazeera Op-Ed; not a peer reviewed medical journal.

by Dunyain P

I do not know what they are anymore. But that article is something that belongs in an Al Jazeera Op-Ed; not a peer reviewed medical journal.

I'm marking you down as a "yes."

Anyone else want to make bastshit crazy assertions about Lancet?


hearing reports that a whole heap of hamas terrorists are about to have a really bad day

An equally large heap of kids too then I guess.

Good to eradicate those terrorists-in-waiting.

by jalfrezi P

An equally large heap of kids too then I guess.

Good to eradicate those terrorists-in-waiting.

thats literally what they say. every day another high level Israeli is saying this.

by jalfrezi P

An equally large heap of kids too then I guess.

Good to eradicate those terrorists-in-waiting.

let's hope not. fingers crossed for dead terrorists only, but there's no doubt that hamas' practice of conducting their terrorist activities in and around schools and hospitals has led to significant numbers of civilian causalities in the past

hopefully they've had a rethink

why would they rethink - they don't care about innocent lives. Do we?

Israeli media reporting what we already know

they are just going around murdering people for funsies.

and sacrificing their own people for that great opportunity to do a bunch of murder.

by chezlaw P

why would they rethink - they don't care about innocent lives. Do we?

Hamas clearly does. thats why they take good care of the detainees. its why they dont shoot at medivacs.

for Israel, to them no one is innocent. so, no ofc they dont.

for the West, lol ofc "we" dont.

by jalfrezi P

An equally large heap of kids too then I guess.

Good to eradicate those terrorists-in-waiting.

Yep! Hamas hides were the kids are unfortunately.

by chezlaw P

Something israel need to remember as well

Israelis live pretty well. I don't hear much complaining from that side.

by mongidig P

Israelis live pretty well. I don't hear much complaining from that side.

So no justification for all the killing and destruction?

by mongidig P

Israelis live pretty well. I don't hear much complaining from that side.

I dunno man, this is not the feeling I get from following their twitter and instagram channels.

by chezlaw P

So no justification for all the killing and destruction?

October 7th was justification.
