Who Shot dJRt

Who Shot dJRt

13 July 2024 at 10:40 PM

1393 Replies


by rickroll P

not once did i ever say you went after me, i even specifically stated that you were intentionally vague about it

you don't need to be a victim to understand you get off on attacking and slandering people

nowhere here are you talking about twitter like you claim you are now

people had literally just been commenting about that woman

it's obvious you were attacking all those people as right wing crazies who hate woman

then when pressed for example

Sorry, this big long diatribe is you NOT being a "judgmental prick"? This is you NOT "attacking and slandering" people?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Or perhaps my totally generic comment about culture warriors going after women in the SS following the DJT assassination hit just a little too close to home for you? Well I am terribly sorry if you found yourself all offended.

uke i'd ask you to take this to dm's or start a new thread to stop aidsing this one up but alas you're only here because you want an audience because you're a child

Ah, more "slanders" and "personal attacks" and "judgement". I keep getting confused, those are things you think *I* do or are those things you think *you* do?

But sure, send me whatever PMs you want. I'm quite happy to point out your hypocrisy with or without an audience.

by uke_master P

Although it turns out not just on right wing twitter but here in the thread there are people just shitting on the idea of trying to hire woman into the SS as well.

How sad.

For certain roles, in order to meet a criteria, yes. If you watched the videos, saw the photos, read the transcript, and think that performance was befitting of a close protection agent, then I guess we're not going to find any path to agree.

Jack Black announced that Tenacious D, his rock band with longtime friend Kyle Gass, would cancel its remaining tour dates after Gass made a joke on stage about the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

At a concert held in Sydney on Sunday, the duo celebrated Gass' birthday with a cake. According to video footage from the concert that circulated online, Black told Gass to "make a wish." Gass responded with "Don't miss Trump next time" as he blew the candles out.


As a big Tenacious D fan....how stupid can you be??? I know plenty of people that I'm sure wish the bullet didn't miss but none of them have actually said it (so far).

You'd have to have the IQ of a turnip to post or say in any forum/stage that you wish Trump had died.

by uke_master P

Ah, more "slanders" and "personal attacks" and "judgement". I keep getting confused, those are things you think *I* do or are those things you think *you* do?

But sure, send me whatever PMs you want. I'm quite happy to point out your hypocrisy with or without an audience.

i never said i was better than you - that's your thing not mine

i just said you suck and ruin threads trying to insult people to make yourself feel better

literally all you do, you have yet to post anything about the shooting in a thread about the shooting, you only hop in when you see a way to freeroll attacking people


i'm not going to respond further (nor even see it) and apologize to everyone for entertaining him for this long and having sex with this aids monkey so the two of us worked as super spreaders

by natediggity P

Not completely true. I'm a registered democrat which allows me to vote in democratic primaries. I can't vote in republican primaries.

Yes—and I said this in my first answer to MovingTarget in this thread (see post #410).

In California, being a registered Democrat also allows me to vote for the party's central committee (whatever that is). And it means that prior to elections, I get more physical junk mail, email, and robocalls from Democratic candidates and organizations than from Republican ones.

But these details did not seem to be the obstacles to MovingTarget's ongoing incomprehension.

by housenuts P

For certain roles, in order to meet a criteria, yes. If you watched the videos, saw the photos, read the transcript, and think that performance was befitting of a close protection agent, then I guess we're not going to find any path to agree.

It was quite abundantly clear that there were MANY rather severe failings of the SS at the assassination (like that they had the guy in the sights for minutes!). I don't think that specific woman was close to the top of the list, but sure, add her to the list. However, I think it is absolutely ridiculous that this blew up into a right-wing culture war against DEI and women in the SS generally - I find this very problematic.

Rick seems to want specific examples so here is a good example of what I'm talking about from noted transphobe-of-the-year Matt Walsh I saw a couple days ago:

by agamblerthen P

Yes—and I said this in my first answer to MovingTarget in this thread (see post #410).

In California, being a registered Democrat also allows me to vote for the party's central committee (whatever that is). And it means that prior to elections, I get more physical junk mail, email, and robocalls from Democratic candidates and organizations than from Republican ones.

But these details did not seem to be the obstacles to MovingTarget's ongoing

I just looked back and read post #410 and yep, you covered it.

by rickroll P

this varies from state to state where it's sometimes open and sometimes only registered party members vote

it's not unheard of for people who despise a particular candidate on a party they wouldn't vote for to register for said party to vote for "a lesser evil" in the primary, i've known people who were in closed states and voted in both primaries by switching their party in between

i checked and pennsylvania does not have open primaries, you

by rickroll P

i checked and pennsylvania does not have open primaries, you need to be a registered party member to vote

I posted this factual info the other day in thread. Was called a MAGA bigot conspiracist for sharing such fact. Be careful what facts you share. It needs to be acceptable to all.

by natediggity P

Jack Black announced that Tenacious D, his rock band with longtime friend Kyle Gass, would cancel its remaining tour dates after Gass made a joke on stage about the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

At a concert held in Sydney on Sunday, the duo celebrated Gass' birthday with a cake. According to video footage from the concert that circulated online, Black told Gass to "make a wish." Gass responded with "Don't miss Trum

Remember the Dixie Chicks? All Natalie said was she was ashamed that Bush was from Texas and they crucified her.

by rickroll P

i never said i was better than you - that's your thing not mine

i just said you suck and ruin threads trying to insult people to make yourself feel better

literally all you do, you have yet to post anything about the shooting in a thread about the shooting, you only hop in when you see a way to freeroll attacking people

i'm not going to respond further (nor even see it) and apologize to everyone for entertaining him for this long and having se

lol good riddance. It has indeed been rather amusing seeing you launch into tirade after tirade full of personal insults like, uh, these ones, at regular intervals and I've suggested you take a break from the computer around me several times before, so glad to see you actually doing it!

by uke_master P

It was quite abundantly clear that there were MANY rather severe failings of the SS at the assassination (like that they had the guy in the sights for minutes!). I don't think that specific woman was close to the top of the list, but sure, add her to the list. However, I think it is absolutely ridiculous that this blew up into a right-wing culture war against DEI and women in the SS generally - I find this very problematic.

Rick seems to wa

What do you think of the Director of SS statement that the roof was too sloped and unsafe to put agents on?

by housenuts P

Was called a MAGA bigot conspiracist

tbf, they probably had other good reasons for calling you that 😀

by natediggity P

You'd have to have the IQ of Trump to post or say in any forum/stage that you wish Trump had died.


by housenuts P

What do you think of the Director of SS statement that the roof was too sloped and unsafe to put agents on?

I think how silly this comment is is entirely irrelevant of the fact that she is a woman. It is the difference between criticizing people for their actions and statements, and criticizing them because they are woman and promoting the idea that this is problematic.

by uke_master P

I think how silly this comment is is entirely irrelevant of the fact that she is a woman. It is the different from criticizing people for their actions and statements, and criticizing them because they are woman and promoting the idea that this is problematic.

You brought up woman you clown. This is why it's impossible to have a discussion.

The Director of Secret Service was a complete failure at that event. That is indisputable.

I don't care if they are a woman, man, bi, dog, or whatever. They were a failure.

You are the one that cares about their sex. You want to excuse complete disaster because they are a woman. That is the only sexist position in this discussion.

by housenuts P

You brought up woman you clown. This is why it's impossible to have a discussion.

The Director of Secret Service was a complete failure at that event. That is indisputable.

I don't care if they are a woman, man, bi, dog, or whatever. They were a failure.

You are the one that cares about their sex. You want to excuse complete disaster because they are a woman. That is the only sexist position in this discussion.

Read the thread again, you have it exactly backwards. You specifically identified hiring a diverse workforce as reaping what you sow. This is the kind of thing I’m responding to (and tweets like Matt Walsh’s more extreme calling for no woman in the SS). No one is “excusing” anyone for being a woman - obviously - my point is to focus on the actually failures from the SS at this event and not imagined culture war tropes about that the SS hires women.

Lmao at rickroll putting me on ignore - claiming he is not going to read my posts any more - and then starts liking posts by people quoting me.


by uke_master P

my point is to focus on the actually failures from the SS at this event and not imagined culture war tropes about that the SS hires women.

I asked about a specific failure at the event about the sloped roof safety, and you responded about women for some reason

maybe women aren't the issue if the secret service as a whole can be defeated by ... a slight incline?

DEI lowers all boats

by housenuts P

I asked about a specific failure at the event about the sloped roof safety, and you responded about women for some reason

Because we were - OBVIOUSLY - having a discussing about the commentary around women in the SS like the quoted tweet in the post you responded to that called for them to be banned. So when you quoted me in that context it - OBVIOUSLY - is not some totally neutral random question. Did you just forget the context perhaps, or is there some other reason you asked me about the directors comments?

by 72off P

maybe women aren't the issue if the secret service as a whole can be defeated by ... a slight incline?

Slight incline not the problem. The counter snipers were on more inclined roofs. Tons of pics through the years of Secret Service on much more sloped roofs. For some reason, the Director thought the shooters slight incline roof was too unsafe to put agents on. I'm curious as to that thought process.

by uke_master P

Because we were - OBVIOUSLY - having a discussing about the commentary around women in the SS like the quoted tweet in the post you responded to that called for them to be banned. So when you quoted me in that context it - OBVIOUSLY - is not some totally neutral random question. Did you just forget the context perhaps, or is there some other reason you asked me about the directors comments?

My apologies. I should've cut quoted just the top of your post

by uke_master P

It was quite abundantly clear that there were MANY rather severe failings of the SS at the assassination (like that they had the guy in the sights for minutes!)
