The costs of trans visibility

The costs of trans visibility

Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:

For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and

. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.

What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.

We need to do better.

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30 June 2023 at 04:48 PM

6818 Replies


by originalgangster P

What lie? I haven’t lied about anything.

You might just be completely and utterly wrong rather than lying but this

Quite honestly, his behavior causes everyone here to seriously doubt he’s a psychiatrist.

was objectively false, as evidenced by multiple people (and I'll add myself to the list) saying that they have no doubts at all about ganstaman being a psychiatrist.

by Willd P

You might just be completely and utterly wrong rather than lying but this

was objectively false, as evidenced by multiple people (and I'll add myself to the list) saying that they have no doubts at all about ganstaman being a psychiatrist.

Yeah, the guy multiple people expressed doubts about his medical qualifications was that banned Buckeye internist. You can add me to the no doubt about ganstaman list too.

by lozen P

If a child under the age of 18 is already going through the process of medications to halt puberty why such a rush to remove a penis

This is just a boogeyman of transphobes on the internet. There is nowhere on the planet where a "rush to remove a penis" happens.

At least your post earned you a like from rickroll!

by Willd P

You might just be completely and utterly wrong rather than lying but this

was objectively false, as evidenced by multiple people (and I'll add myself to the list) saying that they have no doubts at all about ganstaman being a psychiatrist.

I’m not the only one in this thread who has questioned this therefore I’m not even close to lying.

by uke_master P

This is just a boogeyman of transphobes on the internet. There is nowhere on the planet where a "rush to remove a penis" happens.

At least your post earned you a like from rickroll!

Nowhere on the planet? Hold my beer:
At age 16

by originalgangster P

I’m not the only one in this thread who has questioned this therefore I’m not even close to lying.

To me the word "everyone" means "everyone". You can claim it was deliberate exaggeration or hyperbole but that is just speaking deliberate untruths for narrative effect. That might not be lying in a moral sense if you didn't really expect people to believe that you actually meant everyone, but in the literal sense of saying something that you knew was untrue then you were lying.

If you genuinely thought that literally everyone in the thread was questioning whether ganstaman was a psychiatrist then that goes alongside your claim of having read this entire thread before posting in it as things that make me concerned for your mental wellbeing.

by uke_master P

This is just a boogeyman of transphobes on the internet. There is nowhere on the planet where a "rush to remove a penis" happens.

At least your post earned you a like from rickroll!

Of course you do not answer the question

by Willd P

To me the word "everyone" means "everyone". You can claim it was deliberate exaggeration or hyperbole but that is just speaking deliberate untruths for narrative effect. That might not be lying in a moral sense if you didn't really expect people to believe that you actually meant everyone, but in the literal sense of saying something that you knew was untrue then you were lying.

If you genuinely thought that literally everyone in the thread

I appreciate your concern for my mental wellbeing. Perhaps I should schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist. Could you recommend one?

by originalgangster P

Nowhere on the planet? Hold my beer:
At age 16

The exception proves the rule here. Literally, she had to get an exception to the rule. 14 years ago.

by lozen P

Of course you do not answer the question

You asked why there was such a rush to remove penises. There isn’t one. So there is no question to answer.

by uke_master P

The exception proves the rule here. Literally, she had to get an exception to the rule. 14 years ago.

To me the word "nowhere" means "nowhere". You can claim it was deliberate exaggeration or hyperbole but that is just speaking deliberate untruths for narrative effect. That might not be lying in a moral sense if you didn't really expect people to believe that you actually meant nowhere, but in the literal sense of saying something that you knew was untrue then you were lying.

If you genuinely thought that literally nowhere on the planet there is a “rush to remove a penis” then that makes me concerned for your mental wellbeing

by originalgangster P

To me the word "nowhere" means "nowhere". You can claim it was deliberate exaggeration or hyperbole but that is just speaking deliberate untruths for narrative effect. That might not be lying in a moral sense if you didn't really expect people to believe that you actually meant everyone, but in the literal sense of saying something that you knew was untrue then you were lying.

If you genuinely thought that literally nowhere on the planet the

Let me clarify what I presumed was obvious but apparently wasnr for some people. Strange. There is no JURISDICTION on the planet where there is a rush to cut off penises. There might be very rare cases of an individual from Germany 14 years ago who got an exception to the then rules.

by uke_master P

Let me clarify what I presumed was obvious but apparently wasnr for some people. Strange. There is no JURISDICTION on the planet where there is a rush to cut off penises. There might be very rare cases of an individual from Germany 14 years ago who got an exception to the then rules.

WPATH advocates age 15. Read up buddy.

Wpath is neither a place nor are you correctly quoting their phrasing nor do you have the ages right nor is any of this being a “rush”.

by uke_master P

You asked why there was such a rush to remove penises. There isn’t one. So there is no question to answer.

Removing one penis or one set of breasts from a child is to many . Typical radical trans activist can't answer a reasonable question

by uke_master P

Wpath is neither a place nor are you correctly quoting their phrasing nor do you have the ages right nor is any of this being a “rush”.

Removing minimum age requirements.
Removing requirements for living in a desired gender role

I’ll accept your apology.

Did you actually read it? It doesn’t “advocate” for bottom surgery of 15 year olds.

by uke_master P

You’d do a lot better at the whole psychoanalyzing bit if you dropped the idea that I “pretend to agree to be reasonable” and just, well, shockingly, say things I believe. Not that your false quote represents the post I made at all (which didn’t attempt a justification of any form at that time). I was just largely agreeing with Elrazor, a relatively rare thing.

It's amazing the degree of common ground that exists, even for posters who ultimately have some of the largest ideological differences. Taking a look at the posting on this page, refraining from hyperbole (something we're all guilty of) is always a good place to start.

by 57 On Red P

I think there have been some issues in high-school sport (or sports to Americans), which feeds into university sports. Post-puberty there is a serious sex difference in performance, and regardless of scholarships gained or lost there is an issue of girls simply being discouraged if they stand no chance of winning.

The vast majority of people in sport, almost by definition, stand little chance of winning. By that I mean that everyone eventually comes up against someone too good. However, One of the most important life lessons in sport is learning how to lose with dignity and come back from disappointment. Whether you come second to a teenage Phelps or Lia Thomas, there is always something to be learned from defeat. So, although I had empathy for the females who lost to DSD athletes at the Olympics, you should still always shake your opponents hand at the end of the match.

by originalgangster P

I appreciate your concern for my mental wellbeing. Perhaps I should schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist. Could you recommend one?

Lying trolls gunna lie and troll. Even sadder when you use multiple accounts to do so.

by Didace P

I think "don't matter" in this context reads as "not important" or "not worthwhile". I hope that's not what you meant.

it is far less important, people watch it far less, what am I missing? it's like WNBA vs NBA if not an even bigger gap

by uke_master P

Wpath is neither a place nor are you correctly quoting their phrasing nor do you have the ages right nor is any of this being a “rush”.

I gave a source for approx 5000 breast removals in minors with gender disphoria (paid by insurance) in the USA in the last 6 years.

that's 5000 mutilations that shouldn't have happened. And that's proof of a rush, a real one.

by uke_master P

Did you actually read it? It doesn’t “advocate” for bottom surgery of 15 year olds.

it advocates to allow it while it should be strictly banned with no exceptions for minors.

if it can never happens anyway to minors because there is no rush, why do they want to remove age limits?

and ofc it shouldn't be covered by insurance by law mandate in adults either and never by taxpayers money directly or indirectly.

it's a lifestyle choice in adults, not a healthcare matter at all, and so shouldn't be subsidized.

do you agree it's a moral horror to have the NHS remove dicks of people who don't like having a dick using taxpayers money while people with actual health issues wait for their treatment?

by Luciom P

it is far less important, people watch it far less, what am I missing? it's like WNBA vs NBA if not an even bigger gap

You are missing the entire point of why these competitions take place.

by lozen P

Removing one penis or one set of breasts from a child is to many . Typical radical trans activist can't answer a reasonable question

Man 15 years ago on these forums they wouldve been roasted to no end
Now in the year 2024 we have grown men advocating that people should be able to cut off their d*cks with taxpayer money when they turn 18 and now theyre called women
And if you dont agree youre a nazi
It’s bizzaro world dude

My take is they havent acheived anything in life and just want to burn it all down

by Didace P

You are missing the entire point of why these competitions take place.

Topic was relevance, i got a "wow" because i dared to claim paralympics don't matter, winning there doesn't matter.

Reason why they exist is notionally, some positive attempt at "inclusivity", in reality ... typical scam run on taxpayers money to feed an unproductive class of grifters (not the athletes to be clear)
