The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10598 Replies


by the pleasure P

pols are wayy more accurate than they were for 2020

How can you possibly know this?

by the pleasure P

DNC gonna boost Harris to +5 and the first debate is going to be very telling, if she stil is at 5 or higher it should be a near lock for her. pols are wayy more accurate than they were for 2020

Has anyone here ever participated in a political poll? I get they poll a 1000 people or so but how do they choose. Do they pick the same folks?

by lozen P

Hate towards women . I am pro choice but let’s be honest the party that hates women is the DNC by allowing men to compete against women and let men into little girls locker rooms

Keep in mind over 7 states have abortion on the state ballot .

Yes, thank you. Without weird, poorly educated men on the internet we'd have no idea that a party that is 55-60% women actually hates women and is worse than a party that wants women's health decisions to made by a women, her doctor, governor and state legislature.

by Didace P

How can you possibly know this?

We can't. But reputable pollsters do try and correct for past errors.

by lozen P

Has anyone here ever participated in a political poll? I get they poll a 1000 people or so but how do they choose. Do they pick the same folks?

I do them about once a year or two.

by ecriture d'adulte P

Yes, thank you. Without weird, poorly educated men on the internet we'd have no idea that a party that is 55-60% women actually hates women and is worse than a party that wants women's health decisions to made by a women, her doctor, governor and state legislature.

I vaguely remember a party using executive powers unconstitutionally to try to mandate vaccination for a disease that is fairly innocuous to women under 50, and to women who already got infected by it, to every woman who worked in a company with more than 100 employees, but I suppose that is not a health decision is it?

My body, my choice if the democratic party agrees, I guess

by Luciom P

I vaguely remember a party using executive powers unconstitutionally to try to mandate vaccination for a disease that is fairly innocuous to women under 50, and to women who already got infected by it, to every woman who worked in a company with more than 100 employees, but I suppose that is not a health decision is it?

My body, my choice if the democratic party agrees, I guess

Crazy, right? Check this out, the government doesn't allow me to use my hand, which is part of MY BODY to CHOOSE to pick up a gun and shoot you, either. Where does it end?

by Rococo P

We can't. But reputable pollsters do try and correct for past errors.

Yes, but that doesn't mean they are more accurate than before. They didn't suddenly get smarter. The environment changes and they try to keep up by changing their assumptions. Whether or not this time they are more accurate than last time is unknowable until after the election. Then it starts all over again.

I've been getting a lot of texts that say they are polls, but no way am I clicking on a random link. Might be legit, might not be. Not gonna take a chance.

by lozen P

Has anyone here ever participated in a political poll? I get they poll a 1000 people or so but how do they choose. Do they pick the same folks?

We get calls all the time. I usually just hang up on them, but sometimes I'll participate. It's mostly push-polls, though. I just laugh at those clowns.

I wonder why Trump didn't present a campaign poster of one of the celebrities who actually support him, like Ted Nugent or Rob Schneider.

Don't forget Kid Rock.

by lozen P

Has anyone here ever participated in a political poll? I get they poll a 1000 people or so but how do they choose. Do they pick the same folks?


Don't forget Kanye's ex-girlfriend, an actual invited RNC speaker.


And also Kevin Sorbo.

PolitiFact: JD Vance wrote the foreword for Project 2025’s Kevin Roberts’ upcoming book

Source: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/pol...

Guardian: Donald Trump claims to ‘know nothing’ about Project 2025


The punchlines write themselves.

by Luciom P

I vaguely remember a party using executive powers unconstitutionally to try to mandate vaccination for a disease that is fairly innocuous to women under 50, and to women who already got infected by it, to every woman who worked in a company with more than 100 employees, but I suppose that is not a health decision is it?

My body, my choice if the democratic party agrees, I guess

Vaccine mandates are constitutional. Also, my body my choice is a slogan, it doesn’t apply to everything and it’s not supposed to be particularly intellectual. Why do you rely so heavily on rhetoric when making arguments?

by checkraisdraw P

Vaccine mandates are constitutional. Also, my body my choice is a slogan, it doesn’t apply to everything and it’s not supposed to be particularly intellectual. Why do you rely so heavily on rhetoric when making arguments?

Vaccine mandates can be constitutional yes.

Not if passed by the executive without specific delegation for that purpose by Congress though.

The OSHA attempt to mandate them wasn't constitutional.

It's anti-rhetoric: you go for many years with my body my choice, claim republicans want to control women health (and it's true for some republicans) then try to mandate the first vaccine to adults since what, a century? More? Even to adults that don't risk much or anything from that disease? Even a non sterilizing vaccine which doesnt provide permanent immunity?

This is like republicans passing the biggest tax increase in 100 years

sorry kamala, your chance at support has withered away

NEW: I’m reading that the party platform was actually written and approved prior to
dropping out of the race, which is why you see so many mentions of him and even references to his second term.

Convention delegates will vote on the platform tonight but it’s expected to pass as written. Unclear whether any new additions will be made that reflect Harris’s positions.

I know the crypto bros obvs have a ****ton of money, but in terms of actual numbers of votes, crypto doesn't seem that important as an electoral issue.

Crypto enthusiasts voting for Harris just went from 2.1% to 1.9%, huge double digit loss in that core democrat demographic (not)

you'd think the democrat copy editors could've fixed this over the past month. guess they don't care to.

Crypto ranks up there with flooz dollars in relative importance to America.

by housenuts P

you'd think the democrat copy editors could've fixed this over the past month. guess they don't care to.

They actually don't want to be unburdened by what has been

by Luciom P

They actually don't want to be unburdened by what has been

That's not bad at all for you. I lolled.

by the pleasure P

pols are wayy more accurate than they were for 2020

can you show your work on this please?
