The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10468 Replies


by Luciom P

Have I said or implied this law is illegitimate? The people of Minnesota through their elected representative should be allowed to legislate on this.

I don't understand how you leftists reason, for normal (ie pro freedom) people, the system shouldn't guarantee good outcomes, it should just prevent the worst ones.

Freedom includes the possibility of doing a lot of terrible (for you) things.

I am pro state rights because this 9y old trans legis

Gotchya, I was just trolling but cool story bro

by coordi P

The law is about providing EVERYONE with basic healthcare necessities

It takes a special kind of evil to hammer on that for ways to find exclusions and exceptions. Any way you twist it you just look evil.

And let me be completely clear if it wasn't already; I don't give one **** what an Italian who longs for the good ol days has to say on this topic. You don't represent the majority. You don't even represent Americans.

The terrible evil of being perplexed and kinda stunned by the ease with which you think it's proper to consider a 9y old as trans, under the law.

I mean convince the median Pennsylvania voter not me. It's you guys angrily when the right discuss this topic, and the reason is you know it's a topic that doesn't play well at all with median voters in purple states.

Can get angry at me for being Italian as much as you want, doesn't change the fact that trans issues are a losing proposition this cycle for the left,to the point NYS democrats are very worried ex post about how they worded their pro abortion rights proposition (adding trans stuff in it) and how it might backfire (in NYS!!!!).


The unwillingness to spend has some party operatives concerned state Democratic leaders are failing to effectively counter an opposition that has seized on the amendment’s expansive language pledging rights for LGBTQ+ people. The so-called equality amendment would ban discrimination against “gender identity” and “pregnancy outcomes,” adding to current constitutional protections for race and religion.

An issue that should have been as easy a win in New York as it has been for Democrats across the nation is now at risk of backfiring because of how they chose to craft the amendment.

What kind of fanatical religious forces possess you guys so much that in order to push issues that literally no one gave a **** about until 15 years ago, and that even in the most expansive form at most improves very little on the margin the lives of less than 1% of the population, you are willing to risk losing a presidential election, the House, the Senate?

by coordi P

I can't imagine the philosophical outrage if I was a trans male and had to eat free lunches in the male bathroom. Maybe you can explain how that would be a bad thing?

this is a non-issue for me, i was just pointing out to gorg that he was lying because lying is an issue for me

on a personal note, i don't think our government should be involved in those matters and if they want to issue free tampons then they can put a dispenser in a machine in or nearby the nurses office instead of getting into culture wars of putting them into a bathroom - in some areas there are tampons in men's bathrooms, which is just a needless waste of resources because there's far more efficient manners to do that in an inclusive manner that doesn't ignore the needs of the vast majority (not to mention be regularly replaced/refurbished due to vandalism)

The goal isn't "inclusivity" or any other leftist buzzword, the goal is pushing a set of pseudo-religious values using state power, and you do that explicitly with symbolic choices with a complete disregard for pragmatism.

It's identical to the people wanting the bible in school curricula

by Luciom P

It's identical to the people wanting the bible in school curricula

this i 100% agree with, another thing i'm opposed to

if we had a governor putting bibles in the bathroom stalls i'd also find that very stupid to do

by rickroll P

this is a non-issue for me, i was just pointing out to gorg that he was lying because lying is an issue for me

on a personal note, i don't think our government should be involved in those matters and if they want to issue free tampons then they can put a dispenser in a machine in or nearby the nurses office instead of getting into culture wars of putting them into a bathroom - in some areas there are tampons in men's bathrooms, which is just

They put tampon dispensers in bathrooms because mensuration is generally considered a private matter. Can you imagine a girl who already gets made fun of being seen getting some tampons from the public dispenser? God forbid a trans person with potential safety concerns get a sliver of privacy

by rickroll P

putting words into my mouth i never uttered

These words?

by rickroll P

he actually did though

by Luciom P

The terrible evil of being perplexed and kinda stunned by the ease with which you think it's proper to consider a 9y old as trans, under the law.

I mean convince the median Pennsylvania voter not me. It's you guys angrily when the right discuss this topic, and the reason is you know it's a topic that doesn't play well at all with median voters in purple states.

Can get angry at me for being Italian as much as you want, doesn't change the fact

The law isn't about 9 year old trans people. Its about ALL people. I dunno why you are talking so much about 9 year old trans people.

If a 9 year old believes they might be the opposite gender, is your suggestion that we don't give them a tampon as some sort of punishment for thinking they are hte opposite gender?

Its entirely pointless to focus on

by rickroll P

this i 100% agree with, another thing i'm opposed to

if we had a governor putting bibles in the bathroom stalls i'd also find that very stupid to do

Right, because tampons = bibles

Why do you continue to carry water for this guy? Do you enjoy being his stooge?

Dems will win and enact state mandated sex changes for all males, and there's nothing you can do about it.

by coordi P

Right, because tampons = bibles

Why do you continue to carry water for this guy? Do you enjoy being his stooge?

Writing in the law that 9y old can be trans = mandating the bible

by Luciom P

Writing in the law that 9y old can be trans = mandating the bible

What was written into law is that a 9 year old can get a tampon on their school bathroom in Minnesota regardless of gender. As an 11 year old boy I can get a tampon to plug up the bloody nose I got fighting in the bathroom while the crew watches out for feds.

(That is, if they were actually putting tampons in boys bathrooms)

You are the one flailing around violently trying to make this about trans children

by steamraise P

These words?

those were not the words, try again chief

by coordi P

What was written into law is that a 9 year old can get a tampon on their school bathroom in Minnesota regardless of gender. As an 11 year old boy I can get a tampon to plug up the bloody nose I got fighting in the bathroom while the crew watches out for feds.

(That is, if they were actually putting tampons in boys bathrooms)

You are the one flailing around violently trying to make this about trans children

government mandated stigmatizing of menstruation feels like great public policy


Luciom promise me you won’t have children

Laws mandates access to tampons to "menstruating students" from 9 years old (4th grade).

Cordie: it's so that boys can use them for bleedy noses, how you dare imply it was about trans issues!!!?

by StoppedRainingMen P

Luciom promise me you won’t have children

I already have 2

by steamraise P

These words?

It's amazing the ease with which he just lies. I will never understand these people.

by Luciom P

I already have 2

Well that’s a bummer

by Luciom P

Laws mandates access to tampons to "menstruating students" from 9 years old (4th grade).

Lucia: Why doesn't anyone think of all the shifty things 9 year old trannies will be doing with these tampons???


Oh we are at the "let's misgender someone to mock him" stage of inclusivity i see

by StoppedRainingMen P

Well that’s a bummer

Care to elaborate?

Not really. Infer what you feel like projecting

by Luciom P

Oh we are at the "let's misgender someone to mock him" stage of inclusivity i see

You've been intentionally misspelling my name, I guess as an attempt to mock me, for a couple of weeks now

by rickroll P

those were not the words, try again chief
