The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10351 Replies


by The Horror P

Trump chooses to be aggressive when he lies about obvious things, which plays well to his supporters as him fighting back, I think. This is pretty clear in their reaction to him lying. They paint him to be the victim of fact-checking. And do so pretty effectively.

I think he's just pathological and people that liked him for being a birther, being anti immigrant etc come up with ways to deal with it.

by StoppedRainingMen P

Lol DJT opens down 15% and under $16


isn't this week sell off time? trump's rug pulling anyone left come monday or whenever.

by Didace P

Define sex.

How did that sort of wordplay work out for Clinton?

by StoppedRainingMen P

Vance himself this morning basically said ‘ya that probably isn’t true but I don’t care keep posting cat memes’

JD doubling down on pet eating.

by d2_e4 P

Dunno, guess I just don't imagine you sitting down on Monday night with a case of natty ice and a jumbo pack of Doritos and screaming at the TV.

I spend a fair bit of time watching sports. I don't spend a lot of time in Buffalo Wild Wings.

That moment, even if planned, where she almost called him a you know what was so glorious. I was literally laughing about that for the rest of the night.

Absolutely glorious.

Trump actually did way better than I expected. He only sounded completely unhinged, unintelligent, unprepared, and unashamed. I also expected a lot more dementia than I saw.

by master3004 P

I like how half the things you say were debunked were Trump saying "No, I didnt do that, trust me bro."

Thats not debunking. Like 4/5's of the team who came up with project 2025 worked on his staff during his time in the white house.

And oh yeah, he also said "Ive never read it but I know there are some good things and some bad things in there." Pretty (confident?)answer from a dude who claims he never read it

The one thing Trump says that I believe is "I've never read ..."

I doubt that he has read a single thing other than a headline, the crawl across a TV screen, or a post on Twitter or his soon-to-be bankrupt site in the past 30 years.

I would not believe him if he said nobody has told him what Project 2025 is or what is covered in it.

by d2_e4 P

Dunno, guess I just don't imagine you sitting down on Monday night with a case of natty ice and a jumbo pack of Doritos and screaming at the TV.

that's how everyone on the UES spends their monday!

by rickroll P

that's how everyone on the UES spends their monday!

I am glad someone else has picked up the "Upper East Side" mantle. I felt it was beginning to get a little stale after 3 years of just me running with it, but with this new found momentum, immortality awaits!


your being played!

when (where) was that?

9/11 Memorial

by StoppedRainingMen P

Masterful gambit, sir

Coming from a guy who clearly has a fetish for impregnation, this is incredibly creepy

So they are eating geese but not cats? Is that what's been decided?

by Luckbox Inc P

So they are eating geese but not cats? Is that what's been decided?

They are eating what they think are strays/wildlife as they do in their culture.

Btw both venezuelans recently, and Italians during and immediately after WW2, ate pets.

Real hunger from poverty tends to make you do that.

How many people in Ohio have pet ducks/geese? Is that a thing there? (My husband and his family are from Ohio, and they never had fowl as pets.)

by Javanewt P

How many people in Ohio have pet ducks/geese? Is that a thing there?

I thought it was local park geese.

I'm sure people do also have pet geese.

As far as I can tell the totality of the evidence that any of this is happening is a random picture from a random twitter account making a random claim

There was a woman clearly having a mental episode that killed and started eating a cat but there is no reason to think shes Haitian. It was also in Canton which isn't particularly close to Springfield

by coordi P

As far as I can tell the totality of the evidence that any of this is happening is a random picture from a random twitter account making a random claim

There was a woman clearly having a mental episode that killed and started eating a cat but there is no reason to think shes Haitian. It was also in Canton which isn't particularly close to Springfield

No actually the evidence is local police getting reports from citizens.

Ofc those could be all organized to be fake and so on but it's a tad different from saying it's a meme originated on twitter

by coordi P

Coming from a guy who clearly has a fetish for impregnation, this is incredibly creepy

Yeah. Like he thinks it's his decision.

by Luciom P

No actually the evidence is local police getting reports from citizens.

Ofc those could be all organized to be fake and so on but it's a tad different from saying it's a meme originated on twitter

debunked in 12 seconds

debunked again

by coordi P

There was a woman clearly having a mental episode that killed and started eating a cat but there is no reason to think shes Haitian. It was also in Canton which isn't particularly close to Springfield

Apparently it was this plus

In the Facebook post, a person says a neighbor's daughter's friend lost her cat and later found it hanging from a branch near a Haitian neighbor's house, according to the Springfield News-Sun. Screenshots of the post have been circulating on X and other platforms, racking up thousands of likes and views.

So basically the same as the liter boxes in high schools for students that identified as cats. Started on Facebook then Joe Rogan said it happened at a school his buddy's wife teaches at. When in reality he probably doesn't even have a friend whose wife is a teacher.

by master3004 P

I like how half the things you say were debunked were Trump saying "No, I didnt do that, trust me bro."

Thats not debunking. Like 4/5's of the team who came up with project 2025 worked on his staff during his time in the white house.

And oh yeah, he also said "Ive never read it but I know there are some good things and some bad things in there." Pretty (confident?)answer from a dude who claims he never read it

Just because he hasn't read it doesn't mean someone didn't mention a policy or two about it to him at some point in the last year or so.

I've never read it either but I am extremely confident there would be things in there I would say are good and some I'd say are bad. I think I could say the same thing about any politician's agenda who has run for a major office in the last 20 years. Anyone who says different is either extreme right or extreme left.

by Trolly McTrollson P

Maybe your boy Trump should stop lying so much?

We aren't boys. I've never met him and I'm not a big fan of his.

by coordi P

debunked in 12 seconds

To be fair, the people that believe online are pretty dumb and don't have much of an education, formal or otherwise so don't really understand you can look to see if stuff is made up or genuine. So it wouldn't be 12 seconds for them.
