The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10343 Replies


by FreakDaddy P

I respectfully disagree.

I've changed the minds of hardcore, and I mean hardcore, maga supporters. In person, not in forums per say that I know of. But it took several years and several lunches.

I mean on a pseudonymous forum. I doubt any of us act the same way in real life or even on Facebook that we do here.

by FreakDaddy P

That's not remotely true. I have very different views about Israel/Palestine than my "tribe", and I've defended my position there. I have different views about a pretty wide range of things than people on the left, but my core value is that I always stand up to injustice.

I've never attacked you for not being left enough. I've gone after you for not understanding the folly of 3d party voting.

i don't view the ip thread but i'm assuming you're saying that you are on the side of palestine despite being jewish

supporting palestine would be heavily in line with your far left views

and it would not be wholly out of character for a jew to hold those beliefs with polls showing anywhere from 1/3 to a slight majority of jews in america disagree with israel's actions (especially if you look at our generation and younger)

this is also mirrored by my anecdotal experience - about half of my core group of friends are jewish, members of my family are married to jews, people naturally assume i'm jewish until they realize how stupid i am, etc

so that's kind of a strawman argument where you're equating departing from your culture/religion (and then not even a massive majority) when we're talking about political beliefs of which you continue to tow the line and did not deviate despite that you had many compelling personal factors to do so

now i would agree it would be a massive departure in the event that i misread that and you weren't talking about religion and instead saying that you are pro-israel's policy towards gaza and if that's indeed the case then feel free to speak up

by Rococo P

So the answer is that there has never been a competent mod here and the mods in the 2+2 Politics subforum are uniquely terrible compared to most other places on the internet? Sounds right.

It's also shocking that a thread about I/P in a Politics forum attracts more racially or ethnically charged posting than threads in OOT about steak cookery, what's on Netflix, pet pictures, and fast food preferences. I never would have predicted such

I get why you're defensive here, but surely you agree that a politics discussion board doesn't have to be an open sewer for unfettered hate speech?

by Trolly McTrollson P

I get why you're defensive here, but surely you agree that a politics discussion board doesn't have to be an open sewer for unfettered hate speech?

There is no unfettered hate speech here. Your definitions of "hate speech" and "racism" are way outside the realms of anything that is remotely defensible. Your definitions here are about the same as Luciom's definitions of "leftism" in terms of adhering to any reasonable standard.

by rickroll P

i don't view the ip thread but i'm assuming you're saying that you are on the side of palestine despite being jewish

supporting palestine would be heavily in line with your far left views

and it would not be wholly out of character for a jew to hold those beliefs with polls showing anywhere from 1/3 to a slight majority of jews in america disagree with israel's actions (especially if you look at our generation and younger)

now i would agree it

You've projected what you think I am since about the first time you responded to me. You've been wrong the whole time, but I didn't care to correct you honestly.

I'm not Jewish, nor religious for that matter. I'm on the side of Israel being able to defend itself against religious extremism, despite occupying section C of the west bank.

I'm also not in mainstream liberal views on trans issues. I respect the right of everyone to do what they want, as long as they are not harming others, but I also acknowledge the necessity of recognizing sex at birth for a whole host of reasons. There can be some exceptions when sex is not easily identifiable.

Yeah it gets really frustrating talking to rickroll because he expects mountains of charitability for whatever schizo view he’s ranting about but will constantly try to pigeonhole other people’s views.

Sometimes he’s funny though but he yaps too much.

by bahbahmickey P

If kamala, or another candidate, said people with the size of shoe I have, my race, my religion, my height, my nationality, my heritage or any other identifying thing about me said we eat dogs but she was the candidate I thought was better for me, my family, the poor, the middle class, the rich and America as a whole long-term I'd still vote for her.

The things a politician has or could reasonable say can't hurt me because their actions/pol

one of the number one roles of the presidency is the bully pulpit, so having a president going around saying regarded crap is really bad. Also the fact that he is so easily manipulated by fake news and Kamala Harris’s ribbing.

Also remember when Trump said he has to “wait for the facts” before he condemned neonazis at charlottesville but here he is pushing random unconfirmed racist rumors because it will help him get elected.

by d2_e4 P

There is no unfettered hate speech here. Your definitions of "hate speech" and "racism" are way outside the realms of anything that is remotely defensible. Your definitions here are about the same as Luciom's definitions of "leftism" in terms of adhering to any reasonable standard.

My definition of leftism didn't find much opposition here tbh.

What I define as Marxism did

by d2_e4 P

Bahbah is a lying POS and a clown who shows up on the reg to push dogshit MAGA talking points. It has been thus for the best part of 10 years.

He is to the left of the median republican and the fact you guys don't see it tells me you don't actually talk with actual people on the right

by Luciom P

My definition of leftism didn't find much opposition here tbh.

What I define as Marxism did

How do you define fascism?

by Luciom P

My definition of leftism didn't find much opposition here tbh.

What I define as Marxism did

Potato pohtato.

by Luciom P

He is to the left of the median republican and the fact you guys don't see it tells me you don't actually talk with actual people on the right

Thank **** for that then, bahbah is quite bad enough thanks.

Anyway, bahabah is not a terrible poster purely because of his views. He is a terrible poster because he is a lying partisan dipshit who blindly defends anything the republican du jour does and doesn't give a **** about truth, facts or logic.

by FreakDaddy P

What's your position on trans issues?

first of all, i say this with love, i don't dislike you as a person, as you know we've exchanged a bunch of friendly dms recently

we've had this discussion in the trans thread - it was these positions which regularly made you call me a transphobic bigot

1 transwoman should not be allowed to compete in women's sports
2 lockerrooms/bathrooms/prisons are a tricky subject because it allows for bad actors to exploit the system
3 children should never be administered any hormones or surgeries, if they wish to do that after 18 (i'd prefer 25 but 18 is more practical) then sure go ahead
4 the onus is not on the general population to change usage of words, dating app filters, and email signatures just to placate <1% of the population

for example - i'm 6'2" former athlete, often have a lot of facial hair if not a full on beard - if i want to put pronouns on my business card then that's fine, but a business mandating that is going to do as much good as putting a wheelchair ramp for cliff diving and i just think it's dumb

at some point common sense should prevail and we shouldn't be told we're bad people for saying pregnant women instead of "people with the capacity to become pregnant"

"pregnant women" is only hateful and transphobic if you go around looking for things to be upset about - this is literally no different than if christians went around demanding language that was more inclusive of the church

this was also your very last post in the thread

by FreakDaddy P

Not falling for it bro... I'm a little bit smart. I know what you're doing. You can continue to claim things that didn't happen (without explaining what those things are), and say them over and over... you're just projecting at this point because you have nothing to really say, and now you're turning this ugly and unproductive. I genuinely think you're just attention seeking... and again, you got what you want, and I probably unintentionall

it was a direct response to me where you tapped out of the thread because you viewed me as a lost cause

if anyone cares to see the discussion they can go seek it themselves - the debate was literally me mentioning how stupid it was that you can't filter transwomen on dating apps

you can filter height, education, race, language, smokers, drinkers, unemployed, etc

i can tell the dating apps to only give me a feed a 5' black women with graduate degrees who drink heavily and speak Arabic if i so wanted

i can not tell the dating apps whether or i prefer if the women i date have a penis or not

of course i can filter out gay men

this has a lot of negative aspects to it, first of all, what type of genitalia someone has is typically viewed as a pretty important factor in seeking a dating partner so it just makes logistic sense, especially since there's people who are definitely into it, it's called transamorous, if you check out pokerjo's thread she goes into great detail about how she needs to basically filter for men who are into the whole thing because it's a waste of time to chase someone who isn't

and then there's the more serious issue, that nearly half of all the trans people who are murdered are murdered specifically because their partner was unaware of their status and then murdered them upon finding out - mostly last call drunken hookups and blowjob type stuff where it's not completely obvious

you... despite never using these apps, insisted that wasn't the case because you read that there is a section for trans to disclose they are trans if so choose to disclose - what you failed to understand was that despite that feature, you still couldn't tell the app i don't want to match with transwoman

if the woman told me she's white i could then tell the app "no white girls" and she's not going to show up but even if she checks the trans box, i still can't say "no trans" so she'll still show up (so long as she didn't also check white as well 😃)

you were so eager and happy to "own the bigots" with this notion that we were inventing things that didn't exist just so it would confirm your thesis that we were evil bigots that you literally constructed this wholly false narrative of something you've never even used and insisted the multiple people in the thread who were using dating apps and all telling you 'no that's not how it works at all" were all lying to you in this grand conspiracy

that's when you tapped out

but sure, you're not a tribalist as all

again, i like you, i think you're smart and ambitious and generally a good poster, but you're extremely blinded by your own bias and never consider that you could possibly ever be wrong or mistaken which is a huge leak

by bahbahmickey P

What Lucium said is not an analogy. He is making the point that if you made a venn diagram of the people saying "eating pets is racist" and "covid started because chinese people eat bats" you'd have a near perfect circle. He is highlighting the idea that these people are calling themselves racist.

Yep you are actually always allowed to criticize bizzare behavior in other ethnicities/cultures, or never, there is no in between.

by FreakDaddy P

You've projected what you think I am since about the first time you responded to me. You've been wrong the whole time, but I didn't care to correct you honestly.

I'm not Jewish, nor religious for that matter. I'm on the side of Israel being able to defend itself against religious extremism, despite occupying section C of the west bank.

I'm also not in mainstream liberal views on trans issues. I respect the right of everyone to do what they wa

well then i apologize and am indeed quite surprised

by Trolly McTrollson P

I get why you're defensive here, but surely you agree that a politics discussion board doesn't have to be an open sewer for unfettered hate speech?

This honestly doesn't have anything to do with me. For years and years before my brief tenure as mod, I ridiculed people who complained endlessly about moderation. And I continue to have little sympathy for that crowd now.

FWIW, I don't share the dislike that many others here have for you. I think you are funnier than most.

On the other hand, I certainly don't have enough respect for your views on moderation to be personally offended. Any person who agrees to moderate this forum understands that you will complain about moderation. You always have. You always will. It doesn't matter who the moderators are or what decisions they make. It's just a reflexive action that comes as naturally to you as blinking or swallowing.

by rickroll P

well then i apologize and am indeed quite surprised

Oof. I'm starting to get worried about the accuracy of your soul reads.

by Luciom P

The people claiming that "they are eating pets" is racism went on for like 3+ years claiming the whole world got wrecked by covid because chinese people ate live bats

115% of all statistics are fabricated.

by d2_e4 P

You're just determined to work your way up to the top (well, down to the bottom) of those power rankings, huh?

Thank God Bahbah’s best choice won the debate.

by Rococo P

Oof. I'm starting to get worried about the accuracy of your soul reads.

"tribe" threw me off, i can see now it was a response to "tribalism" but he even put his in quotes which highlighted it and i've never known anyone speak that about their people as a tribe who wasn't jewish

by Rococo P

This honestly doesn't have anything to do with me. For years and years before my brief tenure as mod, I ridiculed people who complained endlessly about moderation. And I continue to have little sympathy for that crowd now.

FWIW, I don't share the dislike that many others here have for you. I think you are funnier that most.

On the other hand, I certainly don't have enough respect for your views on moderation to be personally offended.

The irony of it all is, if this forum were actually moderated to Trolly's exacting standards, he'd be first up against the wall.

by checkraisdraw P

How do you define fascism?

Supremacy of the state over the individual, significant state ownership of assets (at least "strategic ones"), low-level economic freedoms allowed (can own a bar a restaurant, a smallish company and so on), unions are state controlled, big enough companies have to kiss the ring to the state every step of the way, censorship of anti-gvmnt ideas if they become dangerous enough for the regime, very strict private gun ownership, strong nationalism with a dislike of international trade (unless it is with allied regimes), a lot of nostalgia propaganda of grandeur culturally ("we were great, we now suck, we can become great again"), a denial current problems are self-caused (finding external causes / anti-national traitors for all problems), control freak attitude of people in power (want to track everything you do and stuff)

not sure why it would be surprising that a Democratic party partisan would support doing exactly what the Democratic party is doing. aint the first time they did mass murder and it wont be the last.

by Luciom P

Supremacy of the state over the individual, significant state ownership of assets (at least "strategic ones"), low-level economic freedoms allowed (can own a bar a restaurant, a smallish company and so on), unions are state controlled, big enough companies have to kiss the ring to the state every step of the way, censorship of anti-gvmnt ideas if they become dangerous enough for the regime, very strict private gun ownership, strong national

Not bad at all, but don't forget the part where fascism is actually a leftist ideology.

by d2_e4 P

Not bad at all, but don't forget the part where fascism is actually a leftist ideology.

it is inherently, supremacy of the state over the individual is the core essence of leftism.

You are only rightwing if you start with "there is no US", only people obligated to live togheter against their will and move from there.
