The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10234 Replies


If he sells all his shares in Truth Social and leaves his supporters holding the bag, do you think he will lose support?

by King Spew P

It is impossible at this point in the election cycle to not have a 100% choice.

My guess is that undecideds largely either pay no attention or consume too much extreme content from all angles in the attempt to find balance. The former are completely uninformed and the latter are just confused.

by The Horror P

Obama is an egghead, but I think he was great at hanging out with people because he has a legit sense of humor.

agree 100% obama was legit very funny

by checkraisdraw P

If he sells all his shares in Truth Social and leaves his supporters holding the bag, do you think he will lose support?


by pocket_zeros P

Agreed. The irony is that Trump wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with any of his supporters, at least any of the non-wealthy / non-celebrity ones.

I think he would love the flattery

by rickroll P

yes and there's massive levels of fraud in private colleges - the good ones that we all attend and are familiar with are the select few

there are over 2,000 for profit universities in the us which are just degree mills with little to no value to their graduates

if i were charge i'd outlaw those as well - but at least the people attending them are making that idiotic decision on their own whereas with fraudulent primary school it's the childre

There are plenty of idiotic decisions parents make for their own children and there is no escaping that. And currently many public schools are horrifically bad, it's not like we are talking about something the government does well are we?

Horrifically bad even when the resources spent on them are by far the highest worldwide for public schools per pupil, at 17k and growing per pupil per year in k12 in the USA.

I am not sure what else than fraud you can call public schools where 50% or more of students fail basic proficiency levels for main subjects, and i don't see how anything other than competition (=alternatives for parents) can fix that.

Maybe even with competition things won't become "super", but it's very very very hard to believe they won't improve at least a little, just removing the bottom 3% of schools from the map (through market mechanisms, with parents just leaving them in drove the moment they have options) would be better than the current situation.

As for fraud in private colleges, the problem there is simply that the state shouldn't pay anything direct or indirect. If you keep state financing of trash, trash will keep being produced.

Then if fraud in commerce exists, (and it can certainly be the case with lies, broken promises and so on) it should be prosecuted as in any other sale of goods and services.

by pocket_zeros P

Agreed. The irony is that Trump wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with any of his supporters, at least any of the non-wealthy / non-celebrity ones.

yeah of course

but trump has long been aware of the fact that he fits in perfectly with the working class and doesn't fit in with the upper class

in part of fire and fury the author is interviewing some other billionaire who trump was friends with and iirc the guy was talking about how trump had terrible tastes and then says "but he knows it, one time were in a jet with some models and they were flying over some trailer parks and someone mentioned "that's where all the white trash live" and some euro model was unfamiliar with the term and asked "what are white trash" and immediately trump jumps in "they are just like me but without money"

Dems have been pretty anti-labor since NAFTA.

Trump, at least superficially favors more protectionist trade policies wheras most other politicians think lobbyists should write our trade policy.

In the past he talked a lot about keeping jobs and creating more. It seems like he talks about it less now, but I guess it's still part of his deal.

His jobs record even precovid was really bad. It's easier to bash Obama or Bill Clinton on jobs, until you have a record and it's worse.

by cokeboy99 P

I'd like to start this by saying I'm still undecided and have no allegiance to either party. I've voted for Republican, Democrat, and Independent presidential candidates in the past.

That said, my biggest complaint in general (not here necessarily) is the large nunber of people using personal attacks (especially based on appearance) towards the candidates, and then wondering why they can't get someone to take their opinion seriously. There

You must be repulsed by Trump's propensity to comment on the appearance of people he dislikes.

by DoyleBrunsonFan P

Idk how you can honestly be undecided at this point unless you’ve just had your head in the sand for the past decade.

by King Spew P

It is impossible at this point in the election cycle to not have a 100% choice.

Well, I have concerns on both sides based on issues for myself personally. If I'm being selfish, I have troubles deciding which one is more important over the next 4-8 years. The saving grace is that no matter who wins, it still takes congress to work together for most major changes, and that is something that seems to be difficult to achieve lately.

by ES2 P

Dems have been pretty anti-labor since NAFTA.

Trump, at least superficially favors more protectionist trade policies wheras most other politicians think lobbyists should write our trade policy.

In the past he talked a lot about keeping jobs and creating more. It seems like he talks about it less now, but I guess it's still part of his deal.

Protectionist policies favor a few hundred thousand workers in dying industries. They also raise prices enormously. The only argument that makes sense for them is national security and retaliatory protectionism.

People blame everything on NAFTA because they have no idea how trade actually works.

by Rococo P

You must be repulsed by Trump's propensity to comment on the appearance of people he dislikes.

I am not a fan of that, but my post was more in regards to everyday people trying to sway me to their side or explain why one side is better than the other. If they just do the same thing, how are they any better than him? It makes no sense to me.

by cokeboy99 P

I am not a fan of that, but my post was more in regards to everyday people trying to sway me to their side or explain why one side is better than the other. If they just do the same thing, how are they any better than him? It makes no sense to me.

Fair enough. I just think you should take into account the extent to which Trump himself is responsible for the degradation in tone that is bothering you.

by cokeboy99 P

Social media is full of people on both sides attacking candidates....racists attacking Kamala Harris, or those attacking Donald Trump calling him "orange man", "cheeto", etc.

Am I the only one who finds these things repulsive? It's hard to take a criticism seriously if you attack someone's personal appearance, especially as someone who was bullied in high school.

Just my thoughts. Carry on. I am trying to soak up as much info as I can an

Not sure why anybody would look to social media for help on which candidate to vote for....unless you're just looking for reasons to be undecided and say well both sides behave online like typical online people so both sides same.

Both sides do x so both sides same seems to be a more common logical fallacy than I would have expected.

by ecriture d'adulte P

Not sure why anybody would look to social media for help on which candidate to vote for....unless you're just looking for reasons to be undecided and say well both sides behave online like typical online people so both sides same.

I'm not using it to decide who to vote for. My point is more that people are trying to sway someone to their side, or explain why they are voting the way they do, are making personal attacks based off of appearances. How would anyone expect that to make them look good? Especially the democrats who criticized Trump for mocking people, for making fun of appearances, and then they call him sheets or orange man. How does being hypocritical make them better?

The Republicans don't even hide who they are, or what they are. That's not surprising.

by cokeboy99 P

I'm not using it to decide who to vote for. My point is more that people are trying to sway someone to their side, or explain why they are voting the way they do, are making personal attacks based off of appearances. How would anyone expect that to make them look good? Especially the democrats who criticized Trump for mocking people, for making fun of appearances, and then they call him sheets or orange man. How does being hypocritical

Sure. If you're grading on such a curve that things the actual candidate say carry the same weight as random internet trolls it might be hard to decide. If you don't actually want to decide, that's a fine (but honestly not very convincing) tactic. If you actually want to decide, and not concern troll, the baavior and statements of Trump and Harris should be far more important. But that might require admitting both sides aren't the same which can be psychologically difficult if you're a member of that religion.

by ecriture d'adulte P

Sure. If you're grading on such a curve that things the actual candidate say carry the same weight as random internet trolls it might be hard to decide. If you don't actually want to decide, that's a fine (but honestly not very convincing) tactic. If you actually want to decide, and not concern troll, the baavior and statements of Trump and Harris should be far more important. But that might require admitting both sides aren't the same

Trump incited an insurrection but then someone on Twitter called him a fat orange moron, so it's just hard to know what to think any more.

I'm trying to decide who was better for mankind - Stalin or Gandhi. Still on the fence but trying to keep an open mind and be objective.

by checkraisdraw P

If he sells all his shares in Truth Social and leaves his supporters holding the bag, do you think he will lose support?

Of course not .
Following their ideology , rich people knows how to spend my money better then myself to Make the world a better place for me ….

Shifting a bit to another very relevant topic this election, which is under discussed in this forum, the Senate is looking more republican by the day.

Manchin seat as everyone expects is almost certainly going to switch republican, and Tester is performing worse every time they poll him


Senate is currently 47+4 (democrats + left leaning independents) v 49.

Switching 2 seats gives republicans the majority.

Purple seats are 10, 9 hold by the left one by the right.

Given Manchin seat is as good as gone, democrats have to hold every other one.

The seat in Montana is very hard to hold. Tester is a hold school, decent (ie non leftist) democrat, but he is still running in a state trump is going to win by 15-20 points, and this time at least here republicans didn't choose a maniac as the opponent, and that should be enough to flip the seat.

Nothing is written in stone yet, odds in betting markets are around 80% chances for republicans to gain the majority on the Senate, bit even with Harris increasing her chances slightly with better polls in PA and other purple states, for democrats as per politico article, it's Tester or bust.

by checkraisdraw P

Protectionist policies favor a few hundred thousand workers in dying industries. They also raise prices enormously. The only argument that makes sense for them is national security and retaliatory protectionism.

People blame everything on NAFTA because they have no idea how trade actually works.

Some people blame a lot of stuff on NAFTA (always on the mexico side, the Canada side is never mentioned) because they have a fetish for manufacturing.

There is this myth that know-nothing people who barely made high school were able to find splending jobs "making things" "in the time gone" and NAFTA (and later China entering the WTO) took that away from them.

It used to be a leftwing, blue collar union myth but trumpism/maga made it bipartisan

by pocket_zeros P

I'm trying to decide who was better for mankind - Stalin or Gandhi. Still on the fence but trying to keep an open mind and be objective.

gandhi was very openly racist and publicly slept with his nieces

they differed quite a bit in policy - but if both stalin and gandhi were regular people working in your office the people would have unanimously considered stalin the better person
