The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10465 Replies


Harris winning Arizona or Georgia or North Carolina would be a much needed backstop to be able to still win if she is let down by Michigan or Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

by weeeez P

You live in a fishbowl my friend.
Evrything is interconnected, pollution doesn't just stop at your frontiers.
Western countries also live on the discoveries of eastern world, that's how science works, scientist don't recreate the wheel with every discovery.

You only care about italy that's fine, so you won't mind if some nuclear power plant explode next to your country, not your problem.
Or even better some nukes fly around, not your problem ei

We were talking climate change not everything else.

It's interesting you cite nearby nuclear because we were idiot enough to close down ours, while neighbors kept theirs, we cannot tell them where to put it and there is some close to our borders, we routinely buy their nuclear generated electricity, and if a major disaster happens we get the negative externalities without having benefitted from the positive ones.

Which is why it was completely irrational to shut down ours after Chernobyl, even if the safety reason made sense (they didn't) because others nearby didn't shut down theirs.

Which is exactly the same for emission reductions. Even if you believe reducing emissions worldwide is very important and failing to do so costly on net for every country (it's obviously false for cold countries but let's imagine you believe it's true), you are the idiot if you reduce yours a lot and others don't or do far less.

There are some tragedies of the commons where you accept the rational choice is to defect as there either can't be a worldwide enforceable mechanism of compliance, or installing one is worse than allowing the tragedy of the commons to unfold.

The sea example is interesting as well.

Northern African countries are polluting the Mediterranean a lot and we can't do anything about it. It is already happening and the "very smart" European solution is to tell European fleets to pollute less and to be even stricter with plastic dump from ships and so on, while Egypt does the **** it wants lol.

I mean we are already the idiot of the global village in Europe, hyper regulating ourselves why others exploit us, self destroying our economy in various sectors (see automotive now dying fast because of the psychopathic regulations introduced), we are even giving up on AI because of "safety" while most of the world is racing toward the inevitable AGI which we evidently will suffer any negative externality from the same, with reduced benefits because we won't be the owners.

And yet here we are listening to people like you who claim "it's all connected!!" As if I didn't know... It's all connected, and the rational choice is in every dynamic to exclusively do what's in your rational self interest to do for that dynamic, because others do that and you are just the sucker if you don't.

I've been on the fence as to who to vote for but based on this amazing op-ed in today's NYT......

Padma Lakshmi: Why Kamala Harris’s Love of Cooking Could Help Make Her a Great President

.......I'm writing in Bobby Flay

by ladybruin P

If the seven states that have labeled the toss up swing states listed below are given to the candidate ahead in these polls, then Harris barely gets the 270+ electoral college votes needed.

by ladybruin P

Harris winning Arizona or Georgia or North Carolina would be a much needed backstop to be able to still win if she is let down by Michigan or Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

Wisconsin looks like it could be the state to decide the election. The 10 electoral votes would swing it to Trump. I have hope that Walz could be a factor. Also RFK Jr. is on the WI ballot and that could help.

On the bright side Baldwin is running for re-election as the Senator in Wisconsin so that could affect the outcome because of her supporters who would likely vote for Kamala.

If Trump takes Michigan I don't think the election will be close because my guess is that Wisconsin and PA will also fall. But you never know.

If PA goes for Trump the only hope would be that NC could go for Kamala given what is happening with the governor race. And AZ could also go for Kamala especially given the Senate race there could draw voters.

It is so close in so many states...

by Luciom P

and not being a leftist I don't internalize costs paid by others, they literally don't matter to me, so I exclusively care about northern Italy which is where I live and where warming is a blessing.

This is disgraceful.

A few months ago, I called you depraved. Any doubts I had about that assessment have been erased.

As an aside, I didn't fully appreciate that you defined anyone who gives a **** about people he doesn't know as a leftist. I guess that explains why you believe the world is mostly comprised of leftists.

OMG the endless people quoting Luciom. He's such a great troll.

by diebitter P

OMG the endless people quoting Luciom. He's such a great troll.

You rarely see an entire forum so thoroughly ruined by one person.

by Gorgonian P

You rarely see an entire forum so thoroughly ruined by one person.

I'm on here pretty much 24/7 these days since all I've been doing recently is playing online MTTs (sick life, I know), and I can certainly vouch for the fact that he brings "posting liquidity" to the threads in which he participates.

by Rococo P

This is disgraceful.

A few months ago, I called you depraved. Any doubts I had about that assessment have been erased.

As an aside, I didn't fully appreciate that you defined anyone with empathy as a leftist. I guess that explains why you believe the world is mostly comprised of leftists.

Luciom: I only care about what impacts me directly and climate change has made it sunnier for me so who cares about this influences everyone else

Also Luciom: nobody alive should be allowed to get an abortion or gender affirming care even though this doesn’t impact me directly at all and I think I should influence what impacts everyone else

by Gorgonian P

You rarely see an entire forum so thoroughly ruined by one person.

Luciom either needs a 5 post per day cap or a containment thread where he posts unlimited

It is shameful to let a guy completely overrun to where putting him on ignore isn’t close to enough then keep banning people who are exhausted by his nonsense word vomit. Every single thread is the Luciom show like it’s his ****ing job cuz he’s doing Bitcoin mining on an iPhone game or whatever the **** it is

He is, with no close second, the single worst poster in this forum

by diebitter P

OMG the endless people quoting Luciom. He's such a great troll.

Luciom isn't trolling. I am 99.9% certain that he believes exactly what he professes to believe. And if he were the last person on earth, he probably would be carving those same views into the side of a cliff somewhere in the hopes that they would be read by an alien civilization visiting the planet 1000 years from now.

In before I’m banned again

by StoppedRainingMen P

He is, with no close second, the single worst poster in this forum

The validity of this view really depends on what you hope to get out of a forum like this one. If you want to read views that you agree with, or that reflect basic human decency, then you are probably correct.

If you want insight into what the non-cartoonish version of dangerous right wing extremism looks like in real time (rather than through the lens of history), then you probably are not correct.

by Rococo P

The validity of this view really depends on what you hope to get out of a forum like this one. If you want to read views that you agree with, or that reflect basic human decency, then you are probably correct.

If you want insight into what the non-cartoonish version of dangerous right wing extremism looks like in real time (rather than through the lens of history), then you probably are not correct.

I don't think he's a detriment to the forum and it's not for the reason you gave. I suspect he is fundamentally wrong on some of his views (e.g. climate change) but I'm not well informed enough on the topic to know why or to debate him, so I like reading the responses to his posts from people who can disprove his views as it helps me understand the argument he is making better and to see how it's debunked.

Also, it's just generally not a bad idea to get some right wing opinions from someone who is not a total herp derp like most of the others.

by d2_e4 P

I don't think he's a detriment to the forum and it's not for the reason you gave. I suspect he is fundamentally wrong on some of his views (e.g. climate change) but I'm not well informed enough on the topic to know why or to debate him, so I like reading the responses to his posts from people who can disprove his views as it helps me understand the argument he is making better and to see how it's debunked.

Also, it's just generally not a ba

I don't think there is much to understand about his views on climate change. He isn't making some sort of scientific argument that disputes anthropogenic climate change. I'm not competent to get in the weeds on climate change science either. His view is more along the lines of "I don't care that it is occurring because it doesn't negatively affect me." I feel perfectly competent to respond to that view.

I agree that Luciom isn't an idiot mouth breather like many others. I think that the group of people he represents is dangerous for precisely that reason.

Like you, I also see value in reading intelligent responses to people like Luciom.

by Rococo P

The validity of this view really depends on what you hope to get out of a forum like this one. If you want to read views that you agree with, or that reflect basic human decency, then you are probably correct.

If you want insight into what the non-cartoonish version of dangerous right wing extremism looks like in real time (rather than through the lens of history), then you probably are not correct.

I don’t give a crap about reading points that are in line with mine, but it’s the volume to which his discourse singularly is inescapable that’s just wild

I’d venture to guess since he abandoned whatever his actual account is for this gimmick account no less than 50% of the posts in this forum were either by him or quoting him. I remain completely baffled by the idea that this forum becoming the Luciom show is a net positive

by Rococo P

I don't think there is much to understand about his views on climate change. He isn't making some sort of scientific argument that disputes anthropogenic climate change. I'm not competent to get in the weeds on climate change science either. His view is more along the lines of "I don't care that it is occurring because it doesn't negatively affect me." I feel perfectly competent to respond to that view.

I agree that Luciom isn't an idi

If I have understood him correctly he is not disputing anthropogenic climate change, but he has some plausible sounding arguments that the impact of it is nowhere near as disastrous as we've been led to believe (in addition, he doesn't care, but that's whatever). So, I am finding reading the responses from knowledgeable posters to that particular line very informative.

I agree, the problem with Luciom's posts (apart from them being mostly incorrect) is simply that there are far too many of them.

However, I wouldn't want to see him banned, though I do sympathise with posters who have him on ignore but are still subjected to pages after page of responses to his quoted posts.

by StoppedRainingMen P

I don’t give a crap about reading points that are in line with mine, but it’s the volume to which his discourse singularly is inescapable that’s just wild

I’d venture to guess since he abandoned whatever his actual account is for this gimmick account no less than 50% of the posts in this forum were either by him or quoting him. I remain completely baffled by the idea that this forum becoming the Luciom show is a net p

The Luciom account was created in 2007 and has been an active poster in 2017 in various different subforums. I doubt it's a gimmick.

Luciom is probably paid by the post by the "new" owners.

by jalfrezi P

Luciom is probably paid by the post by the "new" owners.

If the new owners knew this subforum existed, it would probably have been shut down a long time ago.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand

Trump shares fake AI image suggesting Kamabla attended Diddy’s freakoffs

Ok he posted another AI fake, it’s not like there’s actual evidence of trump and diddy having a connection that came out of his own mouth


****ing of course there is

Harris desperate. You don't beg for a 2nd debate if you are winning.

by Shifty86 P

Harris desperate. You don't beg for a 2nd debate if you are winning.

Not your turn to use the family brain cell today, is it, Shifty?

I thought she was hiding under her desk?
