The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10472 Replies


by Rococo P

How did they steal your money?

All private property is theft, ldo.

by checkraisdraw P

The western countries are the ones that are pioneering the way forward for the entire world, and part of it has to do with the leadership of Biden and the Democrats who have realized we can both continue to produce massive amounts of oil while also making sure that we create the infrastructure that will allow us to transition over the next 20-40 years to renewable energies that are going to end up being more and more cost-efficient. But let

European countries have been paying almost 1 eur per liter tax on gasoline for decades with little variance among them, we have lower emissions yet we are doing infinitely more than the USA, Biden is to the far right of climate change than what we have done in europe, you have no clue of how much green marxism has already assassinated the quality of life of europeans and what i am fighting against.

You are more than 30 years behind on our insanity on that. My "hypernationalism" is about the fact that we already did far far far far far more than it made sense we are bleeding horribly from it and we shouldn't do anything anymore for at least 20 years if not more.

That even in your insane models where we had a duty to do anything to being with, which i fully reject.

But anyway paying more than 3$ of taxes per gallon of gasoline since the 90s is objectively already a lot more than enough even if we literally did absoluetly nothing else about fossil fuels and emissions in any other part of the economy (which instead we did), even in your "altruist" model.

You fail to recognize that is happening and the green marxists are blocking our streets, defacing our monuments, blocking our bridges airports and trains claiming we are greedy and don't do anything for the climate. And people vote for parties that claim that and more and more regulation is happening.

Not sure you realize that RIGHT NOW in europe we passed laws to 1) ban combustion engine cars from being sold from 2035 2) fine automotive companies if they don't sell an increasing amount of EV every year (regardless of the fact that people don't want them if they don't get huge fiscal incentives) 3) mandate that any new building is *near zero emission* which makes new houses exceptionally expensive even in **** areas and even if local municipalities have good zoning

And then there is the increase in farming costs because the same psychopath go after sulfur and everything else, and ofc emissions in agriculture as well.

You think Biden is ok because he did a tiny bit (actuall congress as usual did but whatever), but what it did is to the far right of european rightwing governments. The tories proposed and implemented stuff to the far left of the democrats, and many leftist continental europe countries did a lot worse than that, + EU-wide rules.

Von der Leyen nominally is center-right but she is to the left of every single democrat senator wrt "the climate crisis".

And you dare to criticize ME because i say "enough, those are domestic terrorists"?

Trumper is not down for Bill Maher

so do you guys still think Maher is a far right conservative now?

must admit msdnc is quite catchy though 😀

Lol, the irony of putting "dumb as a rock" in quotes incorrectly. 80 years on this Earth and the man has not figured out how to use quotation marks in a sentence.

by StoppedRainingMen P

Trumper is not down for Bill Maher

when he's right, he's right

by 72off P

when he's right, he's right

Basically how I envision trump v Maher

i would definitely be there, cash in hand

by rickroll P

so do you guys still think Maher is a far right conservative now?

must admit msdnc is quite catchy though 😀

I never thought Bill Maher was a far right conservative, but am I supposed to like him because Trump hates him? That isn't going to happen.


I’ve deleted about 40 inappropriate posts from this recent conversation.

Rickroll will return to us in 24 hours for posting racial stereotypes about Chinese people, using the “trannies” slur, and calling another poster a “dipshit”.

Please let’s all return to posting on topic.

Thanks, friends

idk about "far right" but Mahr has been rightwing for decades.

Bill Maher isn’t that bad. He doesn’t let his dislike of progressives and socialists get in the way of the real problem, which is Trump and Maga. If anything he gives far leftists way more of a platform than they deserve.

by d2_e4 P

Lol, the irony of putting "dumb as a rock" in quotes incorrectly. 80 years on this Earth and the man has not figured out how to use quotation marks in a sentence.

The Stephens/Steven's thing is pretty hilarious too lol

by Trolly McTrollson P

idk about "far right" but Mahr has been rightwing for decades.

I deeply dislike him, regardless of his views.

I think pols, econ, law etc are serious subjects you have to learn about. I guess less than half of people who comment on these things professionally could get basic questions like what the difference between conservative and RW is.

That's bad enough. But, a bunch of actors and comedians discussing that stuff is even worse.

Like, let's have a show where Carrottop gives out medical advice and then brings on a bunch of celebs to debate issues in biology.

Probably one of the oldest surviving forms of comedy is satire, wherein people use the medium of comedy/humor to criticize current events/politics.

lol maher being rightwing. he's an old man who hasn't updated on trans issues and occasionally questions the dem party line on things like biden being fit to serve a 2nd term or censorship (which was a core leftist position 20 years ago)

he's a smug egotist to be sure... deeply unfunny for a self-proclaimed "comedian" and its wild he employs like 15 writers for his show, which is so far from comedy its sad. but rightwing is not an accurate descriptor.

by smartDFS P

lol maher being rightwing. he's an old man who hasn't updated on trans issues and occasionally questions the dem party line on things like biden being fit to serve a 2nd term or censorship (which was a core leftist position 20 years ago)

he's a smug egotist to be sure... deeply unfunny for a self-proclaimed "comedian" and its wild he employs like 15 writers for his show, which is so far from comedy its sad. but rightwing is not an accurate d

Remember, some of the people calling Maher right-wing think that the dems are right-wing too. The political compass quiz and its consequences have been a disaster for political discourse.

fair enough. i realize i don't know what constitutes right/left wing anymore

fun fact: maher has such a fragile ego his staff boots anyone who boos/groans during a show and doesn't allow them back

by checkraisdraw P

Probably one of the oldest surviving forms of comedy is satire, wherein people use the medium of comedy/humor to criticize current events/politics.

I haven't seen his show in a very long time. It used to be a little satire, and a lot of genuine commentary, maybe with a note of humor and then Rosie O'Donnell would debate gun control with Rob Schneider or something.

Pretty sure calling a dude who's voted straight dem for decades a right winger is just an idiotic attempt to shift the overton window to construct everything as right wing. That **** aint new.

by checkraisdraw P

Remember, some of the people calling Maher right-wing think that the dems are right-wing too. The political compass quiz and its consequences have been a disaster for political discourse.

Dems are RW on a number of issues, at least in comparison to their counterparts in other countries and American politicians of the past.

For example, wanting to be the only developed country without UHC is an outlier position. It is a position to the right of everyone else.

The short version is R is more hierarchy and L is more equality. Everyone having HC is more equal. So opposing that is a RW position

by formula72 P

Pretty sure calling a dude who's voted straight dem for decades a right winger is just an idiotic attempt to shift the overton window to construct everything as right wing. That **** aint new.

Most everything is right wing though.

by Luckbox Inc P

Most everything is right wing though.

Do you honestly not realize how idiotic this statement is? The spectrum is how we perceive it. Everything cant be on one side of it.
