The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10516 Replies


by The Horror P

I didn't vote for Obama, so maybe I was radicalized before then, but what set me off was the Afghan Surge in the Fall of 2009.

The Taliban just passed a rule women cant show any part of their face or speak to men in public. Very sad we weren't able to drag Afghanistan into the civilized world, especially considering it is partly our fault they decided to go full Stone Age in the first place.

As an aside, I read that 50% of Afghanis have toxic levels of lead in their blood, mainly because they take any scrap metal they can find and turn it into cooking pots and pans. By comparison Flint, Michigan had 5% of the population at such toxic levels. I do wonder if there is some link towards brain damage caused by lead poisoning and dedication towards Stone Age value systems, no matter how poor the results are.

by StoppedRainingMen P

Presented with a binary option, if I’m MABA cuz of Gaza and I’m voting for Harris by definition you believe Trump is at worst equivalent and at best better

Unless your reasons for casting aspersions are completely different and Gaza is the excuse. Which, you know, fine, do what you’re going to do. But let’s drop pretense

I would be saying the same things without Gaza. but like, thats like saying I disagreed with the Nazis on their union policies. ofc I would disagree on those policies and others and that would be disqualifying in and of itself, but like, there was other stuff that eclipsed it.

Dafuq is MABA? Make America Blue Again?

by StoppedRainingMen P

1. Muslim ban
2. Overwhelming pro Israel rhetoric at the RNC
3. Super duper megabomb dropped in the Middle East by trumper
4. Israeli embassy named for Trump
5. Insists on calling people Muslim as an insult
6. Fanning the flames on islamaphobia every single chance presented
7. Perpetual bloodlust that borders on the frightening with no regard for anyone who doesn’t serve his purpose

And you expect me to believe this shithead is better for Ga

Trump would very interested in bringing closure to the conflict, both for his own ego and for his business interests in the ME. I think he would propose a deal that might favor Israel a little, but probably wouldn't be all that bad for the Palestinians. And if both sides agreed to the deal, it would go well. However, if either side refused to take the deal or double crossed it would probably upset Trump, and he would punitively punish said side.

Obviously, Hamas would be more likely to refuse a deal or refuse to abide by a deal. But I do actually think Trump would give them a fair deal, especially given how little actual leverage they have, other than appeal towards third world antisemitism and Western pity.

by The Horror P

Dems were totally butthurt about 2016 to the point of claiming that Russia meddled because they put out some propaganda.

Russia did not collude with the Trump campaign in any meaningful way. The results of the 2016 elections were not rigged. Russia did attempt to influence the results of the 2016 election. There are many examples of powerful countries, including the U.S., doing various things to influence foreign elections.

Anyone who describes Russia's behavior as everything or nothing is just being dishonest.

by Victor P

so propaganda is ok if it comes from Americans? even if it is in support of a foreign country? but proly not if it was in support of Russia tho? or North Korea or China or Congo or Burkina Faso or Cuba?

I realize your hypocrisy. thats the one thing I realize more than anything else.

So deep bro. You are trying to make it seem like getting AIPAC money is some type of foreign interference akin to the Russian interference. But in actuality everything AIPAC does is completely above board in terms of where they get their funding and how they donate to candidates. I mean we can talk about campaign finance reform or other issues, but you’re trying to move off to other topics without substantiating the original objection you had to AIPAC.

by The Horror P

If Russia tampered with actual voting, I'll concede that they interfered, yes. I just don't see how spreading fake news is anything the U.S. government and PACs aren't justified in doing. It's unethical. It's sleazy. It isn't preventing any part of the process from properly being carried out, though.

If we're gonna call fake news "interference," where does it end? Fox News, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, CNN, the plethora of expressions of free speech t

I would say a coordinated effort to try to influence election outcomes using cyberattacks, fake news, targeted propaganda campaigns, and no AI botnets is something we should be concerned with and try to prevent. I guess because you identify other problems in the world (pretty slipper false equivocations but still we’ll let it slide) that we should just let a sanctioned country in the midst of a violent annexation attempt who had just annexed Crimea and had invaded other countries in recent history get a pass. All because “zomg if we stop Russia we’ll have to enact full blown censorship regimes on everyone!” Really dude, that’s the argument you want to make?

Jesus anti-American shills are so lazy.

by checkraisdraw P

So deep bro. You are trying to make it seem like getting AIPAC money is some type of foreign interference akin to the Russian interference. But in actuality everything AIPAC does is completely above board in terms of where they get their funding and how they donate to candidates. I mean we can talk about campaign finance reform or other issues, but you’re trying to move off to other topics without substantiating the original objection you h

its not deep. its blatantly obv on the surface level. its my whole point. ya no **** AIPAC propaganda, and other propaganda is fine for #reasons while Russia propaganda is not. thanks for restating my entire point.

by d2_e4 P

Dafuq is MABA? Make America Blue Again?

Blue MAGA is just a waste of letters and effort

I don’t remember anyone thinking russia changed votes or anything like that in 2016 but there was a clear effort by troll farms to spam social media sites with disinformation clearly favoring one candidate over the other on orders by the Russian government

Debate the extent it worked or mattered all you want but it was provably there

by Victor P

its not deep. its blatantly obv on the surface level. its my whole point. ya no **** AIPAC propaganda, and other propaganda is fine for #reasons while Russia propaganda is not. thanks for restating my entire point.

Ah yes, Americans campaigning for their favored foreign policy point is the exact same as a foreign government’s intelligence service leading a targeted campaign including illegal cyberhacks. Good one bro.

It's not troll farms, It's the silent majority. It's the people actually paying attention to what's going on, commenting on what's going on.

There's many that do not pay any attention whatsoever, and probably don't even care. Yet they'll spend all day arguing like children about politics in a poker forum.

In love with science, but can't/won't research anything they know they'll have trouble digesting

Perhaps why you're dissected ever so easily like the lab frogs you are

by StoppedRainingMen P

I don’t remember anyone thinking russia changed votes or anything like that in 2016 but there was a clear effort by troll farms to spam social media sites with disinformation clearly favoring one candidate over the other on orders by the Russian government

Debate the extent it worked or mattered all you want but it was provably there

again, you only care about troll bot span social media efforts when Russia does it.

by canofworms P

It's not troll farms, It's the silent majority. It's the people actually paying attention to what's going on, commenting on what's going on.

There's many that do not pay any attention whatsoever, and probably don't even care. Yet they'll spend all day arguing like children about politics in a poker forum.


by Victor P

again, you only care about troll bot span social media efforts when Russia does it.

Don’t recall indicating I care, just stating a fact

ok well that was better directed at the guy acting like AIPAC isnt a part of doing all of the same ****.

I dont really care if Russia runs bot farms. they pale in comparison to probably at least a dozen other entities that do the same.


so it seems that Russian bot farms and disinfo pales in comparison. but ofc, that could just be my own pro-Western bias where I have internalized that the USA is superior and more well funded and better organized whereas Russia is a just a bunch of drunks on a shoestring budget with guns to their heads by blocking units if they dont churn out the right meme.

by canofworms P

It's not troll farms, It's the silent majority. It's the people actually paying attention to what's going on, commenting on what's going on.

There's many that do not pay any attention whatsoever, and probably don't even care. Yet they'll spend all day arguing like children about politics in a poker forum.

In love with science, but can't/won't research anything they know they'll have trouble digesting

Perhaps why you're dissected ever so easi

Don’t you love it how people that call others sheep who don’t know the science never actually want to have specific discussions about the issues that others are supposedly bots about?

This whole post was a bunch of rhetoric with no actual substance, but you think you actually did something with it.


They literally just caught a Russian bot farm using AI to spread misinformation/disinformation. I don’t know why people think this is so farfetched when it has been sketched out by people like Dugin and Russia has a long history of expert covert opps, including the very leader of their country being former KGB of 16 years!

If anyone understands the importance of propaganda wars it’s Putin. And we’re not exactly a country that’s difficult to manipulate.

by checkraisdraw P

would say a coordinated effort to try to influence election outcomes using cyberattacks, fake news, targeted propaganda campaigns, and no AI botnets is something we should be concerned with and try to prevent. I guess because you identify other problems in the world (pretty slipper false equivocations but still we’ll let it slide) that

Define "let". What do you mean by "let"? What's the alternative? You wanna invade Russia because they persuaded vulnerable American people to vote a certain way? Why not shut down Fox News, MSNBC, the Heritage Foundation, AIPAC, or the ACLU? The American government actually has jurisdiction over those entities' pathos.

Again, if you wanna better regulate social media to force them to vet content, fine, But until that happens, any unregulated source is free to spread whatever lies they want as a means to an end on social media and that content (and hosting that content) is protected speech.

Also, Russia's belligerence over Crimea is completely irrelevant. If France did the same thing as Russia in 2016, would it not be interference because they're a more virtuous state? No. It's interference or it isn't. I'm saying it isn't. It's just playing politics.

When a PAC launches a campaign, are they interfering with an election? When a news organization downplays the government's role in a genocide on the other side of the world, is that interfering with an election? Fake news is all over the place. It isn't more offensive when it's foreign.

by Victor P

ok well that was better directed at the guy acting like AIPAC isnt a part of doing all of the same ****.

I dont really care if Russia runs bot farms. they pale in comparison to probably at least a dozen other entities that do the same.


so it seems that Russian bot farms and disinfo pales in comparison. but ofc, that could just be my own pro-Western bias where I

What’s the chance that you actually read the paper (which I just read) and can say anything meaningful about either the methodology or findings of the study? I’m guessing zero. You probably don’t even know what period of time they were analyzing. Hint: I wonder why in the first two weeks at the start of the war there might have been more Ukrainian use of bots and that Russian bot activity spiked around the capture of a city and the capture of critical infrastructure. Or do you know what the hypothesis of the authors about what the Ukrainian bot accounts were even tweeting about?

Also are you going to continue to lie about AIPAC being the same as Russia using cyberattacks and botnets to influence our elections? That Americans advocating for policies that they want in a legal way is exactly the same as the activities of Russian intelligence services?

by The Horror P

Define "let". What do you mean by "let"? What's the alternative? You wanna invade Russia because they persuaded vulnerable American people to vote a certain way? Why not shut down Fox News, MSNBC, the Heritage Foundation, AIPAC, or the ACLU? The American government actually has jurisdiction over those entities' pathos.

Asked and answered 30 million times. Let me know when any of those organizations develop backdoors into our elections systems. Also, Americans advocating for government policy and using free speech is WAAAAAAY different than coordinated cyberattacks and using intelligence services to spread disinformation.

Again, if you wanna better regulate social media to force them to vet content, fine, But until that happens, any unregulated source is free to spread whatever lies they want as a means to an end on social media and that content (and hosting that content) is protected speech.

Wait, before I go any further than this argument, are you actually under the impression that there is no problem with anything that is not specifically illegal? Or that because someone is not specifically in our jurisdiction than anything bad that they do is ok? I'm seriously struggling to understand how anyone can make the argument you just made in good faith there.

Also, Russia's belligerence over Crimea is completely irrelevant. If France did the same thing as Russia in 2016, would it not be interference because they're a more virtuous state? No. It's interference or it isn't. I'm saying it isn't. It's just playing politics.

Wrong, it is entirely relevant that they are our geopolitical enemy, are breaking international law, are trying to influence American elections in underhanded ways, and are currently in the process of invading a key international ally in the region. "It's just playing politics" is such a slippery way to phrase it, politics has such huge implications on everything. EVERYTHING is downstream of politics.

When a PAC launches a campaign, are they interfering with an election? When a news organization downplays the government's role in a genocide on the other side of the world, is that interfering with an election? Fake news is all over the place. It isn't more offensive when it's foreign.

Are you seriously asking if people using legal and completely standard means to influence politics of their own country is the same as another country hacking into campaigns, finding backdoors in our election systems, and using misinformation campaigns to spread chaos? And this country is one of our largest geopolitical rivals headed by an evil dictator that poisons his dissidents and journalists with radiation and regularly assassinates/locks up people that undermine his authority?

You are trying so hard to move the issue into a terrain that it's simply not. We can talk about these other problems you're bringing up individually, but this whataboutism is so stupid to me.

by The Horror P

How many ballots or voting machines did Russia interfere with?

advertising isnt a 300 billion dollar a year industry in this country because it doesn't work.

by checkraisdraw P

Asked and answered 30 million times. Let me know when any of those organizations develop backdoors into our elections systems. Also, Americans advocating for government policy and using free speech is WAAAAAAY different than coordinated cyberattacks and using intelligence services to spread disinformation.

Wait, before I go any further than this argument, are you actually under the impression that there is no problem with anything that is n

I'm not whatabouting. I'm saying there's a slippery slope between misinformation and free speech. Your campaign gets hacked? Secure it better. A backdoor is found into an election system? Close the backdoor. I'm not saying what Russia did was completely legal, but what was effective was largely fair game in the existential game of geopolitics. Again, I'm not whatabouting. I'm saying that states influencing foreign populations through misinformation isn't breaching a democracy, despite the hostility.

America and Russia were still at war in 2016 through soft power and America was ill-equipped to combat Russia's misinformation tactics because there's a legitimate distrust in America's so-called legitimate news sources and the state apparatus itself. That's America's fault. In a free and just society, Russia's tactics don't work. And their amplification in 2016 probably didn't sway the election, existentially speaking so much as Hillary Clinton running a bad swing state campaign lost the election. Maybe, just maybe, we're free and just enough to where such tactics were just noise.

But I digress, just as the persuading power doesn't matter -- whether it be Russia or France -- the outcome shouldn't matter. Washington has no jurisdiction over the Kremlin, but it does have jurisdiction over some of the social media that hosts the content. I'm not saying that things are only wrong when they're against the law. I've argued that right is right and wrong is wrong in this very thread wrt to slavery, immigration, and prohibition.

I'm saying that what Russia did wasn't immoral. They committed a victimless crime. If the people have a problem with it, the outlet is regulating the hosts of the misinformation content. Because I think (I hope) we agree that sanctioning a state for such actions to attempt to sway an election would be disproportional, let alone invading/bombing them.

What I'm asking is: if Russia did something wrong, what was wrong and what's a proportional punishment? Remove Putin. OK, how? Again, agreeing that a direct war with Russia is insane, we're talking about utilizing the Russian tactics in more effective ways to remove Putin from power. And if we're talking about using the same tactics, we're then consenting to the fair game of such tactics.

Are you saying that we should not be using tech, propaganda, and spies to try to remove Putin from power? If not, what makes us so special that we get to utilize these tactics, but Russian ought not be allowed?

And, again, I still don't know what you mean by "let" Russia do what they did without proposing how you prevent it and without replicating what they did. Therefore, the tactics should be legitimized as fair game.

by Slighted P

advertising isnt a 300 billion dollar a year industry in this country because it doesn't work.

America knows better than anyone that persuasion is mightier than the sword. The colored revolutions are a perfect example.



all i hear is..



it sounds like the rants from a ****ing idiot in both cases

Odds on polymarket still a pure coin flip, even if various models are slowly increasing Harris chances.

Money making opportunity, or betting market know something models aren't capturing?

by #Thinman P



all i hear is..



it sounds like the rants from a ****ing idiot in both cases

Tell me you're not paying attention to Gaza without telling me.
