The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10519 Replies


by Luciom P

Russia has the GDP of Spain, terrible demographic problems, a war which is depleting their human and financial resources massively, and a stock of natural resources which is inexorably going down in value in the long term because of significant changes to the world economy.

They are a dying state with very little power to influence a group of countries with an order of magnitude or more resources and actual power.

Whatever russia attempts can

Luciom they hacked into a presidential campaign and Trump encouraged it. The idea that cyber warfare is not possible because Russia has low GDP is insane, especially since their GDP isn’t particularly that low. Look at Iran as well, their GDP is “low” but they are a total agent of chaos in the Middle East. Frankly I don’t even think you are trying to make a good point here, this is just pure propaganda.

This chic for real?

Yea you should pay money on unrealized gains if you have over 100 mill net worth

Let’s maga and go back to 90% income brackets instead

by housenuts P

This chic for real?

Don't worry! It'll be like paying property tax!

by PointlessWords P

Let’s maga and go back to 90% income brackets instead

Kernen is unwatchable. I have cnbc on all day but I never turn it on until his segment is done. He can't talk about anything other than maga politics.

by PointlessWords P

Yea you should pay money on unrealized gains if you have over 100 mill net worth


You also realize this will spill over to all people after a few years, right?

by housenuts P


You also realize this will spill over to all people after a few years, right?

The second part is speculation at best and bullshit at worst.

by biggerboat P

The second part is speculation at best and bullshit at worst.

Happened for income tax

I never really thought of property tax as being sort of a wealth tax, but I guess it is. Nobody seems to be fundamentally opposed to it, though.

by PointlessWords P

Yea you should pay money on unrealized gains if you have over 100 mill net worth

Let’s maga and go back to 90% income brackets instead

I mean, if Joe the Plumber has to pay 25% of everything over $100 million, why would he ever work to become a hundred-millionaire?

by housenuts P


You also realize this will spill over to all people after a few years, right?

A few?

by The Horror P

A few?

A decade or two. The Overton window has shifted. The government (either party), will take whatever they can get.

someone show the magards the tax rates when things "were great"

Somebody fetch some fainting couches for all the Fox viewers who believe that has a chance in hell of becoming law.

The unrealized gains tax has zero chance of passing so I don’t know why it was proposed or why it is being debated. Honestly this is one of the first major missteps of her candidacy.

HOWEVER, I don’t want to hear it from the people who let their leader proclaim that 70% of Americans are in poverty or that crime fell in Venezuela by 67%. At least Kamala is proposing stuff that is within the realm of reality.

by housenuts P


You also realize this will spill over to all people after a few years, right?

Nah man. It will make life expensive for the poor, like we have now.

by The Horror P

I mean, if Joe the Plumber has to pay 25% of everything over $100 million, why would he ever work to become a hundred-millionaire?


by 72off P

someone show the magards the tax rates when things "were great"


by checkraisdraw P

The unrealized gains tax has zero chance of passing so I don’t know why it was proposed or why it is being debated. Honestly this is one of the first major missteps of her candidacy.

HOWEVER, I don’t want to hear it from the people who let their leader proclaim that 70% of Americans are in poverty or that crime fell in Venezuela by 67%. At least Kamala is proposing stuff that is within the realm of reality.

Overton window. Get it in the discussion. And it will eventually be a thing.

by checkraisdraw P

The unrealized gains tax has zero chance of passing so I don’t know why it was proposed or why it is being debated. Honestly this is one of the first major missteps of her candidacy.

I think it's got a chance, or at least a higher likelihood than what is being assigned here. As i've said before, the govt is going to need to accelerate its rate of funding itself because the economy and the job market and how a lot of people traditionally made a living will be changing.

by 72off P

someone show the magards the tax rates when things "were great"


did I read it right saying harris supports a stronger border and isnt really for electric car mandate?

why are republicans so mad the last 2 weeks I noticed some slight issues that both trump and harris both are agreeing on 100% if this keeps going then harris is going to be way more moderate than they thought

i aslo want to say the team behind harris is doing a****ing immaculate job at getting her into a solid position, its insane , absolutely insane if its he same team as bidens, thre is no way/

by the pleasure P

did I read it right saying harris supports a stronger border and isnt really for electric car mandate?

why are republicans so mad the last 2 weeks I noticed some slight issues that both trump and harris both are agreeing on 100% if this keeps going then harris is going to be way more moderate than they thought

i aslo want to say the team behind harris is doing a****ing immaculate job at getting her into a solid position, its insane , absolu

Nothing Harris says today is believable at all, that's the small detail you might be missing

by formula72 P

I think it's got a chance, or at least a higher likelihood than what is being assigned here. As i've said before, the govt is going to need to accelerate its rate of funding itself because the economy and the job market and how a lot of people traditionally made a living will be changing.

The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. The truth is that if we implemented this tax and everything went perfect it wouldn’t even scratch the surface of what is needed to rein in on government spending. That’s not considering that it could also be horribly wrong and actually reduce tax compliance.

People need to stop pretending that we don’t need rich people. And we also have to stop thinking in terms of income inequality and start thinking in terms of minimum quality of life or other such concepts.

If the top 1% are literally showering themselves in gold, but the bottom 90% have pretty decent lives, can afford leisure time, etc, I don’t know why we get mad at the top 1%. Maybe the best argument is actually about influence, not about how them living better lives than the rest of us is morally wrong.

To a third worlder, Americans are the 1% after all. And the solution to that isn’t to take money from Americans, it’s for the third world to improve its economy and standard of living.

by the pleasure P

did I read it right saying harris supports a stronger border and isnt really for electric car mandate?

why are republicans so mad the last 2 weeks I noticed some slight issues that both trump and harris both are agreeing on 100% if this keeps going then harris is going to be way more moderate than they thought

i aslo want to say the team behind harris is doing a****ing immaculate job at getting her into a solid position, its insane , absolu

almost none of MAGA care about policy. they probably can't even tell you a single detail about Trump policy. i'm not sure he even has an identifiable policy position that anyone believes he actually cares about other than less taxes for himself. they simply like how he makes them feel.

by Slighted P

almost none of MAGA care about policy. they probably can't even tell you a single detail about Trump policy. i'm not sure he even has an identifiable policy position that anyone believes he actually cares about. they simply like how he makes them feel.

I don't understand why you guys want to keep lying obscenely like this.

For ex they all know trump wants to deport every single illegal alien the federal government gets in contact with in any way.

And they all agree, and it isn't policy now, but trump promises it will be.

Why do you lie, when you know this is obviously true, denying MAGA is about explicit, transparent, policy changes supporters vociferously agree with?

Why do you ****ing lie?
