The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10536 Replies


by coordi P

Lia wasn't on testosterone, she was in her 4th year of transition. She took the required year off, came back, and performed very poorly. This would have been when her testosterone was at its highest.

It wasn't until she was a senior (older) with 3 years of high level training that she won

U know Arnold didn’t used steroids all his life , but it sure helped him throughout his life …

For the reason I already mention 1 or 2 post above I just can’t continue arguing vs this kind of discourse .
So I’ll stop , people can believe w.e they want .
Some people believe in gods too ….

Ps: it ain’t just about muscles , acquired muscle memory do not disappear , it’s about air intake bigger lungs , hearts , etc .

by coordi P

You can just read Phresh's posts and watch the wagons circle around his objectively bigoted view points and see that he was clearly "one of them".

There is no pro trans stance that would ever put up with Phresh's opinions, let alone support them.

Okay, so everyone is exactly like Phresh if they aren't exactly like you? I think I'm getting it now.

by Didace P

Okay, so everyone is exactly like Phresh if they aren't exactly like you? I think I'm getting it now.

You could read the part of my post where I said many posters supported Phresh's opinions

You don't even have to take my word for it. Its in the thread. And they all followed Phresh to ATF to back him there too.

free Phresh!

Guys you are OT, the only in topic claim is whether trans issues are relevant or not in this election.

Give when Walz was named VP candidate the left bragged about his "accomplishment" of pushing PBs, hormones and surgery on as many minors as they can Minnesota, inviting minors from other states to come for that, I think it's relevant

Reduce the age of consent to 16 and then most minor surgeries suddenly become not minor surgeries. Plus it will make libertarians very happy so it’s a win-win.

Dems were totally butthurt about 2016 to the point of claiming that Russia meddled because they put out some propaganda.

james comey won trump the 2016 election by legitimizing and amplifying the but her emails stuff, it's so funny how libs memory hole'd that

by The Horror P

Dems were totally butthurt about 2016 to the point of claiming that Russia meddled because they put out some propaganda.

Russia absolutely interfered in our elections, that’s delusional to think otherwise. The question is whether there was collusion on top of the interference. With Trump asking Russia to release the emails and met with a Russian lawyer accompanied by a campaign advisor with deep ties to Russia that was sent to prison for hiding money, I’d say there’s at least evidence of it.

You’re just parroting bs talking points

by checkraisdraw P

Russia absolutely interfered in our elections, that’s delusional to think otherwise. The question is whether there was collusion on top of the interference. With Trump asking Russia to release the emails and met with a Russian lawyer accompanied by a campaign advisor with deep ties to Russia that was sent to prison for hiding money, I’d say there’s at least evidence of it.

You’re just parroting bs talking points

How many ballots or voting machines did Russia interfere with?

Russia put out an extremely sophisticated propaganda machine in 2016, no doubt. That's not "interfering with an election". That's a game that the U.S. plays in just about every significant global election.

Russia 100% interfered for Trump. Tons of propaganda on fb and then people like manafort and papadapolous were doing backroom deals with the Russians

In 2020 the Chinese prob helped rig it for Biden

This is an classic strategy where you support both sides so both sides can say (rightfully) that the other side is corrupt

It’s always so lol that Dems think 2020 was legit but 2016 was a scam

While repubs think 2016 was legit but 2020 was a scam

And both parties tell me I’m an idiot when I point this out to them

by The Horror P

Dems were totally butthurt about 2016 to the point of claiming that Russia meddled because they put out some propaganda.

Russia did a bunch of (mostly true) facebook memes and thats why the Ukraine war happened.

Those pesky libs, caring about trump being the beneficiary of Russian propaganda. What idiots!

by PointlessWords P

Russia 100% interfered for Trump. Tons of propaganda on fb and then people like manafort and papadapolous were doing backroom deals with the Russians

In 2020 the Chinese prob helped rig it for Biden

This is an classic strategy where you support both sides so both sides can say (rightfully) that the other side is corrupt

It’s always so lol that Dems think 2020 was legit but 2016 was a scam

While repubs think 2016 was legit but 2020 was a scam

I guess we're playing semantics. All participation in messaging isn't interference.

by The Horror P

Russia put out an extremely sophisticated propaganda machine in 2016, no doubt. That's not "interfering with an election". That's a game that the U.S. plays in just about every significant global election.

it wasnt even sophisticated. they just paid a bunch of kids in Vladivisok and St Petersburg to post memes. like, at most it cost a few million.

meanwhile theres a new misinfo scheme in the West every other week.

ffs last week a bunch of supposedly black liberals were posting in unison about like "what did the Watermelon people ever do for us?".

by Victor P

it wasnt even sophisticated. they just paid a bunch of kids in Vladivisok and St Petersburg to post memes. like, at most it cost a few million.

Sophisticated might not be the right word. Aggressive is probably the better word.

by PointlessWords P

Russia 100% interfered for Trump. Tons of propaganda on fb and then people like manafort and papadapolous were doing backroom deals with the Russians

In 2020 the Chinese prob helped rig it for Biden

This is an classic strategy where you support both sides so both sides can say (rightfully) that the other side is corrupt

It’s always so lol that Dems think 2020 was legit but 2016 was a scam

While repubs think 2016 was legit but 2020 was a scam

It’s not the best take. Neither were scams

by coordi P

Those pesky libs, caring about trump being the beneficiary of Russian propaganda. What idiots!

its so funny to read this and then minutes later read a tweet that just lays bare the liberal hypocrisy.

and ofc I always do my due diligence and yep.

by Victor P

its so funny to read this and then minutes later read a tweet that just lays bare the liberal hypocrisy.

and ofc I always do my due diligence and yep.

Ignoring the fact that you are a blatant victim of Russian propaganda (ironically), what does lobbying (which I also disagree with) have to do with external propaganda from our biggest geopolitical enemies

by The Horror P

How many ballots or voting machines did Russia interfere with?

Ah the ole motte and bailey technique of argumentation. “Russia didn’t interfere in an election” becomes “Russia didn’t interfere with voting machines”.

By the way, Russia seems to have found vulnerabilities in our election system in all 50 states during the 2016 election. So even if they didn’t find evidence of vote switching, we know that they had the ability and were taking active steps to do so.


by Victor P

its so funny to read this and then minutes later read a tweet that just lays bare the liberal hypocrisy.

and ofc I always do my due diligence and yep.

Oh no not (((AIPAC)))! You realize this is not a foreign government right but people that support Israel domestically?

by 72off P

james comey won trump the 2016 election by legitimizing and amplifying the but her emails stuff, it's so funny how libs memory hole'd that

I thought it was supposed to be Russian troll farms what lost the election.

But wait...did Comey lie? If Comey was honest wouldn't it be the underlying crime committed by Hillary which should be seen as the cause (if you are going to put any weight on that at all)? How are you going to blame the prosecutor for the crime?

by PointlessWords P

both parties...


by coordi P

Ignoring the fact that you are a blatant victim of Russian propaganda (ironically), what does lobbying (which I also disagree with) have to do with external propaganda from our biggest geopolitical enemies

curious what Russian propaganda I subscribe to or read? I live in the USA and believe USA propaganda to a fault.

lets look at 2 things I believed and posted about repeatedly.

1. I fully thought Ukraine would overrun Russia with superior NATO weaponry and tactics
2) I fully thought Israel would destroy Hamas and find the hostages in a few weeks or months at most

by checkraisdraw P

Oh no not (((AIPAC)))! You realize this is not a foreign government right but people that support Israel domestically?

so propaganda is ok if it comes from Americans? even if it is in support of a foreign country? but proly not if it was in support of Russia tho? or North Korea or China or Congo or Burkina Faso or Cuba?

I realize your hypocrisy. thats the one thing I realize more than anything else.
