The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10343 Replies


You think Trump should be executed for treason but you are voting Jill Stein. I don’t think you have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to moral consistency.

by rickroll P

if you click the link he's not phrasing it that way

the context is right now 40% of jews vote for him and if 100% voted for him he'd win - which is definitely true

you also got to understand his audience there were conservative jews so he was kind of emphasizing how important they were to him in his own deranged way of attempting to form sentences

i hate the man, he should be executed for treason, but it's gross that you guys are trying to mis

You're grading Trump on a curve. If any other politician said that they would roasted much harsher than how Trump is being treated here. More gems from the same appearance:

“If I don’t win this election — and Jewish people would have a lot to do with that, 60 percent are voting for the enemy — Israel will cease to exist in two years”

by rickroll P

i hate the man, he should be executed for treason, but it's gross that you guys are trying to misrepresent this into something else - there's so much genuine stuff to complain about and it just undermines everything he's actually done when it's surrounded by 99% stuff like this

Literally every time we try and complain about any of the genuine stuff, you're there to tell us that this isn't the genuine genuine stuff and we're misrepresenting something.

by d2_e4 P

Literally every time we try and complain about any of the genuine stuff, you're there to tell us that this isn't the genuine genuine stuff and we're misrepresenting something.

there's a lot of genuine stuff, you guys are just frothing at the mouth and literally try to turn anything he says or does into the worst possible thing and that's why you don't have any credibility and why this man is very easily able to deflect everything he's actually done because there's so much nonsense surrounding it that it's incredibly easy to dismiss as a witch hunt

what he said was no different than biden's you ain't black comment

by rickroll P

there's a lot of genuine stuff, you guys are just frothing at the mouth and literally try to turn anything he says or does into the worst possible thing and that's why you don't have any credibility and why this man is very easily able to deflect everything he's actually done because there's so much nonsense surrounding it that it's incredibly easy to dismiss as a witch hunt

what he said was no different than biden's you ain't black comment

Rickroll you think Trump should be executed for treason but will vote for Jill Stein and are telling others to do so as well. Why should anyone take your prevaricating seriously? You have no holistic moral system that you argue for, you just go with vibes.

by rickroll P

there's a lot of genuine stuff, you guys are just frothing at the mouth and literally try to turn anything he says or does into the worst possible thing and that's why you don't have any credibility and why this man is very easily able to deflect everything he's actually done because there's so much nonsense surrounding it that it's incredibly easy to dismiss as a witch hunt

what he said was no different than biden's you ain't black comment

But how will we know what's legit and what isn't to criticise? Should we run it by you first?

by d2_e4 P

But how will we know what's legit and what isn't to criticise? Should we run it by you first?

as bad a system as that would be, it'd still be better than just assuming 100% of what he does is the worst thing possible

by d2_e4 P

But how will we know what's legit and what isn't to criticise? Should we run it by you first?

Can ask me when I have time

by d2_e4 P

But how will we know what's legit and what isn't to criticise? Should we run it by you first?

Holding up aid to Ukraine and secretly asking for a sham investigation into a US citizen and your main political rival and the public only finding out about it because of a whistle blower after you tried to hide it is fine because Obama and Biden conditioned aid to Ukraine publicly on actions considered beneficial to the US on a bipartisan basis. We can maybe make a share point WhatAbout.txt filled with handy facts like that for whenever someone dares criticize Trump.

by pocket_zeros P

Your party media, the media you guys militarily own and control, the media who want Harris to win above everything else, who lied incessantly at every step to help democrats in the last 20+ years, said


Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday proposed a ban on “price gouging” by food suppliers and grocery stores, as part of a broader agenda aimed at lowering the cost of housing, medicine, and food.

by Luciom P

Can ask me when I have time

Check you out, acting all busy and important. Bro, everyone here knows that you always have time.

by Luciom P

Your party media, the media you guys militarily own and control, the media who want Harris to win above everything else, who lied incessantly at every step to help democrats in the last 20+ years, said


Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday proposed a ban on “price gouging” by food suppliers and grocery stores, as part of a broade

What is it you think you're demonstrating with that quote? You do realize in that quote she included "food suppliers". Did you think that bolding "grocery stores" would somehow make her mention of "food suppliers" disappear?

As for the "blah blah blah media blah blah blah lied for 20+ years", you're sounding like Trump.

by checkraisdraw P


I would like to point out that the reason for this coming back up is I was showing that the left actually can criticize each other and disagree. The centrists that claim that “everyone who votes democrats is blue maga” are just coping and projecting their own partisan hackery onto us.

ya Democrat partisans are famously willing to engage in dialogue and consideration with the left.

Ohio Republican Governor Condemns Trump, Vance in NYT Op-Ed

In his op-ed for the Times titled, "I'm the Governor of Ohio. I Don't Recognize the Springfield That Trump and Vance Describe," DeWine wrote, "Springfield has a rich history of providing refuge for the oppressed and being a place of opportunity. As a stop on the Underground Railroad, the Gammon House, which still stands, was a safe haven for escaped slaves seeking freedom. It is disappointing to me that Springfield has become the epicenter of vitriol over America's immigration policy, because it has long been a community of great diversity."

The governor added: "As a supporter of former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance, I am saddened by how they and others continue to repeat claims that lack evidence and disparage the legal migrants living in Springfield. This rhetoric hurts the city and its people, and it hurts those who have spent their lives there."


by rickroll P

there's a lot of genuine stuff, you guys are just frothing at the mouth and literally try to turn anything he says or does into the worst possible thing and that's why you don't have any credibility and why this man is very easily able to deflect everything he's actually done because there's so much nonsense surrounding it that it's incredibly easy to dismiss as a witch hunt

what he said was no different than biden's you ain't black comment

I agree with the principal behind this post but there’s a massive problem with this line of thinking. Donald trump is an incredibly stupid man who is incapable of nuance, and is a historical outlier in how far swimming in the waters of race baiting, fear mongering and pandering to the worst circles in America that up til him no legitimate presidential candidate would ever be caught dead swimming with

For all the things he does and says that would correctly label him the most racist, divisive, and hate mongering president who has ever lived, there are consequences where trying to contextualize what he says is not a luxury he should ever be allowed to be afforded. Even if you roll your eyes at the liberal outrage to something that in full context isn’t nearly as bad, the same radicalized groups look at those same snippets and are using it as proof the Jews suck. I doubt Trump really meant ‘stand back and stand by’ as a call to arms to the proud boys, but they sure thought it was, and many of them were arrested for J6

by Victor P

ya Democrat partisans are famously willing to engage in dialogue and consideration with the left.

He wasn't talking about your kind, sonny. There is no "dialogue and consideration" with bad faith extremists/propagandists. Back in your box.

by StoppedRainingMen P

I agree with the principal behind this post but there’s a massive problem with this line of thinking. Donald trump is an incredibly stupid man who is incapable of nuance, and is a historical outlier in how far swimming in the waters of race baiting, fear mongering and pandering to the worst circles in America that up til him no legitimate presidential candidate would ever be caught dead swimming with

For all the things he does and says that

Rickroll watching Trump going round shooting people in the dick: "guys, you are really misrepresenting what is going on here, he is obviously going for the legs, he just has really bad aim. We don't need to accuse him of shooting people in the dick on purpose, that's really unfair."

by pocket_zeros P

What is it you think you're demonstrating with that quote? You do realize in that quote she included "food suppliers". Did you think that bolding "grocery stores" would somehow make her mention of "food suppliers" disappear?

As for the "blah blah blah media blah blah blah lied for 20+ years", you're sounding like Trump.

And for the food suppliers it is trust behavior, not gouging (which wouldn't be illegal at the federal level, unlike price coordination which is).

Which the Biden-Harris DOJ per your article was trying to prosecute 1 year ago.

How is that going?

Even Trump can say true things, like the fact the media is owned, controlled and directed by the democratic party with very few exceptions

by d2_e4 P

He wasn't talking about your kind, sonny. There is no "dialogue and consideration" with bad faith extremists/propagandists. Back in your box.

right bc they were so happy to embrace AOC and Bernie too (who are decidedly not my "kind") and didnt try to run them out of town.

by StoppedRainingMen P

I agree with the principal behind this post but there’s a massive problem with this line of thinking. Donald trump is an incredibly stupid man who is incapable of nuance, and is a historical outlier in how far swimming in the waters of race baiting, fear mongering and pandering to the worst circles in America that up til him no legitimate presidential candidate would ever be caught dead swimming with

For all the things he does and says that

I don't know how you can think Jew haters can ever think Trump, who moved the american embassy to Jerusalem, is antisemitic or that he won't go all in more than any democrat to help Israel kill as many Islamic terrorists as possible disregarding any civilian Arab casualties.

Which is why actual neonazis like Fuentes have been criticizing Trump for months

by Victor P

right bc they were so happy to embrace AOC and Bernie too (who are decidedly not my "kind") and didnt try to run them out of town.

Not even Bernie is enough for you?

by Luciom P

Your party media, the media you guys militarily own and control, the media who want Harris to win above everything else, who lied incessantly at every step to help democrats in the last 20+ years, said


Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday proposed a ban on “price gouging” by food suppliers and grocery stores, as part of a broade

Your first paragraph is utter nonsense. No one will take your media criticism seriously if that’s what you actually believe.

Jesus christ I just realized you linked AP as a democratic party operative. Wow dude, you are out of touch with reality.

by checkraisdraw P

Your first paragraph is utter nonsense. No one will take your media criticism seriously if that’s what you actually believe.

More than 90% of journalists identify as liberals or very liberal in the USA

by Luciom P

More than 90% of journalists identify as liberals or very liberal in the USA

That has absolutely nothing to do with your claim. Are you ok dude?

by pocket_zeros P

Trump says ‘Jewish people would have a lot to do’ with his loss ‘if that happens’

He did this at an event on antisemitism.
