TwoPlusTwo user PhatPots



Joined 19 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
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Location: Toronto Interests: Occupation: Games and Stakes:

Omaha 1mo ago

2/5 PLO low full house in 3 bet pot

Villain I have marked as an average player. I don't have a good read on them despite a decent sample size. They might view me as a bit of a call station but not sure.

100BB effective
we are 4 handed

Preflop: Hero has Q 7 6 3 OTB
1 fold, Hero raises to 3.4BB, SB folds, BB raises to 10.6BB, hero calls

Flop: 7 7 3
Villain checks, Hero bets 7.12BB (1/3), Villain calls

Turn: A
Villain leads for 11.83BB, Hero calls

River: 5
Villain bets pot (59.5BB),

Omaha 1mo ago

5/10 PLO SB vs BB rivered flush

Villain I have marked as average. Not great, but not clueless. We don't have any crazy history. But they are either a marginal winner or marginal loser in the game.

We are 100BB Deep

Preflop: Hero has J T 9 6 in Sb
Folds to hero, we open to 3BB, Villain calls in BB

Flop: 8 7 4
Hero bets 4.5BB, villain calls

Turn: 3
Hero bets 15BB, Villain calls

River: 8
Hero checks, Villain bets 45BB (Pot), hero?

Is this river a bet fold or a check call or a che

Omaha 2mo ago

2/5 PLO headsup turn top set on straight board

The table has begun to break and we are headsup.
I have villain market as an average player. They are a bit on the looser side preflop and can get out of line postflop some of the time. We are 120 BB effective

Preflop: A A T 5 in BB
Sb raises to 3BB, hero raises to 9BB

Flop: 7 5 4
Hero checks, Villain bets 9BB, hero calls

turn: A
Hero checks, villain bets 27BB, Hero shoves (Spew)?

WSOP ME Day1 - A few spots

Hand 1
Early on level 2. Villain is in his late 70s and seems to be on the more passive side. Has played the main event a number of times.

We both have close to a starting stack

Preflop: Hero has K K in MP
Folds to us, we raise to 800, BB defends

Flop: 5 4 2
Villain checks, hero bets 900, Villain calls

Turn: 6
Villain checks, Hero bets 2.3K, Villain calls

River: 9
Villain checks, Hero? Are we bluffing this river? There is a chance that

A couple tournament etiquette questions

A few situations at this WSOP that had me wondering what the consensus is in terms of manners, etiquette etc.

Scenario 1: Stalling on the money bubble
The tournament is approaching the money bubble (1,100 players left and 1,000 get paid) and people begin to stall a lot. Taking an extra 10 seconds per hand. Or in some cases they tank until clock is called. Are you calling clock on these players or bringing it to the floors attention? Are y

Wynn $3.5K 3 bet pot TPTK in 2nd level

We arrived a few minutes late. We are playing 7 handed

Villain is late early 30s with an accent and olive coloured skin. He looks either Spanish, Israeli or maybe Greek. We heard a slight accent. He is bald with a light groomed beard and a gold chain on his neck. This guy looks like he gets bottle service at clubs.

Hero 38K (40K starting)
Villain 50K

Blinds 100/200/200 ante

Preflop: Hero has A Q in UTG1
1 folds, Hero raises to 700, folds to

$800 Aria a few spots

A few spots that I wasn't quite sure about.

First spot. Villain seems a bit splash. He has checkraised a few times on the flop and it has usually worked against other player. We haven't seen him shown down anything crazy.

Blinds 15K/25K/25K
Hero 525K
Villain Covers (about ~900k)

Preflop: Hero has J T in CO (7 handed)
We raise to 55K, BB defends

Flop: T 7 4
Villain checks, Hero bets 40K, Villain raises to 110K, Hero shoves

(I thought that there ar

It's time to Name names (regarding cheaters)

I was playing PLO the other day at Aria. A few of us were chatting about some of the marked card incidents at the WSOP, Men The Masters, cheating, etc. One of the players at the table said there is one player who plays in all the PLO events and some high roller NL events that is known to mark cards. The player telling us this said, a lot of the regs talk and they all believe that this particular player is always marking cards. Me and an

WSOP Millionaire Maker: tpgk

From a starting stack of 25k, we have built up and now have been trending down.

Villain is late 60s white guy. Probably trapped in a loveless marriage and plays poker to escape his wife. He is getting a massage. Seems a bit aggro post flop, but hasn’t shown anything crazy since we have been at the table. Might view us as bit spewy

Blinds are 400/800/800
We have 20k effective
Villain covers by a lot (around 100k)
We are 8 handed


WSOP Millionaire Maker: KK MULTI-WAY

So I’m newish to the table. Got in 30 minutes before registration closed

We have opened a few pots but haven’t really gotten out of line. The table hasn’t seen many 3 bets. Most of the time it’s just been the BB defending.

Villain is new to the table. Chubby middle aged phillipino, who looks kind of a bit degeny (this guy probably plays a lot of blackjack or craps). We have only seen him limp utg once and call a large raise from utg1 and

$50, Bottom set, river decision

I have villain marketed as a bit aggro and loose (not bad, not good, we don't have enough info on them). Not any other significant reads. We are in the final "round" (day 2).

Hero has ~75BB
Villain has ~72BB

We are 7 handed and avg. stack is about 28BB, we are deepish in the money, but no pay jumps

Preflop: Hero has 2 2 UTG
Hero opens to 2BB, 2 folds, CO (villain)calls, 1 fold, SB calls, BB folds

Flop: J T 2
Sb checks, Hero bets 2.5BB, Villain

QTs 20BB effective, GTO spot explanation needed

I was playing a $50 tournament last night. It was one of those were the top 12.5% move on to the final day. We are 5 handed and 3 make it. Stacks are short. I am reviewing the hand in GTO wizard.

Effective stacks of ~20BB, 5 handed

Preflop: Hero has Q T
Villain min raises UTG (LJ effectively) to 2.1BB, 3 folds, Hero calls in the BB

GTO Wizard says this hand is a shove at a 95% rate and a raise at the remaining 5% (JTS and KTs are similar in

Omaha 3mo ago

Overpair in 3 bet pot on paired board, situation I find myself in often

Villain a good player, a bit spewy, but seems to pick good spots. Probably underbluffing a lot, but opens wide preflop

All players have ~100BB, we are 5 handed

Preflop: Hero has K K 6 4
Villain in MP raises to 3.4BB, Hero 3 bets to 11.6BB, 2 folds, BB calls, Villain calls

Flop: 9 2
BB checks, Villain checks, Hero checks,

Turn: 3
BB checks, Villain bets 17.5BB, Hero calls, BB folds

River: 8
Villain bets pot ~70BB, hero folds

Standard? I feel like

Omaha 3mo ago

1/2 PLO Rivered Nut flush facing river c/rai on paired board

Villain is a good player.
I am not about about a few spots here.

Hero 180BB
BB 125BB
Villain 200BB

Preflop: Hero has A A K 2 OTB
Villain raises to 3.5BB UTG, Co folds, Hero 3 bets to 12BB, Sb folds, BB calls

Flop: T 9 3 (pot 36BB)
BB checks, Villain bets 18BB, hero calls, BB folds

Turn: Q (Pot 73BB)
Villain bets 24BB, Hero calls

River: T
Villain checks, Hero bets 40BB, Villain shoves, Hero?

I am trying to work on these river spots where I miss bets.

Long Stay Advice on the strip during WSOP?

I am going to be in Vegas for a while during the WSOP. My total time is going to be about 17 days (more if I go far in the WSOP ME). A big part of the trip is going to be by myself. Just wondering if anyone has any advice or things that I should think about for my trip planning, etc. I am not super budget conscious, but obviously trying to make a bit of a profit at the end. Going to be budgeting my time between tournaments and cash gam

Omaha 4mo ago

1/3 straddle AA multiway (8 way) on low board

The game has a lot of action. People do not fold, We are 8 handed.

Hero has ~$400 to start the hand, avg. is about $1K

It's 1/3 w/ a $10 straddle sometimes.

Preflop: We are in The BB with A A Q 5 , 8 limps to us and we pot to $90. Everyone calls

Flop: 4 3 3 (Pot $720) (8 handed)
sb checks, hero?

Are you checking and seeing what happens, just rip it in or do you do something else?

Omaha 5mo ago

5/5 PLO w a $10 rock mulitway

Playing 5/5 PLO with a $10 rock. If you win the previous hand, you become the rock which acts like a straddle. Sometimes people straddle on top of the rock for $20.
We have been playing for about an hour
Villain 2 - Lose, action player. Seems to overplay hands in some marginal spots.
Villain 1 - Older player, seems to be a pro. Might be tight or nitty (this is our perception at the moment)

Villain 2 $3.5K
Villain 1 $3K
Hero $1K

Preflop: Hero h

A few WSOPc Main Event Spots ($1.7k)

H1: We have 36K, Villain covers with about 48K (30K was starting stack). Blinds 600/1.2K w 1.2K ante. We open to 2.6K w 55 UTG. folds to BB who defends (younger player, probably Spanish, unshaven and overweight). Flop: Jc 4d 2s. Check, we bet 2.2K, villain raises to 6.5K. We call. Turn is a 3c. BB leads for 5.5K, we call. River: 7h, he checks and we shove about 21K.

H2: blinds 1K/2.5K w 2.5K ante, folds to us OTB with J9s, we open to

Omaha 5mo ago

Live 1/2 PLO, top pair in 3 bet pot

Kind of an annoying spot and not sure what to do here. Live 1/2 PLO, when someone pots initially it's $15.
No significant reads on the players. We are new to the table.

Hero has $540
CO covers,
BTN covers,
SB only has $130 (We didn't realize until later in the hand)

Preflop: Hero A Q J 4 in BB
Folds to CO who opens to $15, BTN calls, SB calls, Hero pots to $75, all 3 players call

Flop: J 7 5
SB donk shoves for $55, Hero calls (not sure if should

WSOPC $250 Turbo - All-in Multiway bluff

I am trying to find more bluffs and I am wondering what people think of this spot.

Villain 1 SB - Splashy recreational player. He has been playing a few too many hands.

Villain 2 BB- Low stakes pro. Not sure if he plays cash games or mostly tournaments. Seems competent.

We have ~13K to start the hand (20K starting stack)
Both villains cover us
300/600/600 ante (20 minute levels)

Preflop: Hero has K Q UTG
We raise to 1.4K, SB calls, BB calls


$1K WSOPC - facing a squeeze

Weird spot.

Villain 1 - A little splashy. He limps a lot. Has shown down a few big hands but also done some weird things. Limps the button a lot. He flatted QQ in the bb and c/f on an A high board and showed it. He called a 2.5 preflop raise with 34o OTB.

Villain 2 - Seems to be straight forward. He 3 bet AK and then checked a low flop and folded to a medium sized bet on the turn. Hasn't been caught with any weird hands or 3 betting

$1K WSOPC, AKs in a 3 bet pot, turn decision

We don't have a lot of info on villain despite having played with them for 4 hours. Middle aged. He lost a big pot when he bet the river after making a straight and he got raised and he called and lost vs a flush.

Hero has 26K,
Villain has 17K
30 is a starting stack
blinds 200/300 300 BB ante
we are 10 handed

Preflop Hero has A K in sb
UTG raises to 800, MP calls, 2 folds, CO calls, 2 folds, Hero 3 bets to 3K, BB folds UTG folds, MP calls, CO fo

Omaha 6mo ago

1/2 PLO, Top set and straight river card, river decision

The villain is marked as bad player. A bit stationey and peels wide.

I thought this river decision was close bet a few different options. bet and call a shove, check and call a shove, check and fold to a shove.

Hero has 100BB
Villain 1 has 100BB
Villain 2 has 40BB

Preflop: Hero has K K 7 7 in MP
Hero raises to 3.5BB, CO calls, button folds, Sb calls, BB folds

Flop: K J 6
Sb checks, Hero bets 11.5BB, Villain in CO calls, SB folds

Turn: 4
Hero bets 2

Omaha 7mo ago

We have blockers and villain donks turn, what are you doing here?

Villain is labeled as a bad player. They are VPIP about 85% over a smallish sample size.

The have taken some weird lines. We are deep stacked at the moment and sitting 4 handed at the moment. I don't know if they are a call station yet.

Hero has ~220BB
Villain has ~ 230BB

Preflop: Hero has A J J 8 OTB
1 fold, Hero raises to 3.5BB, sb folds, Villain calls

Flop: T 9 3
Villain checks, Hero bets 3.75BB, Villain calls

Turn: 8
Villain donks for 15BB (P

Omaha 7mo ago

PLO 1/2, Top 2 pair, facing a river donk

Villain I have marked as bad player,

Hero 100BB in CO
Villain 150BB in SB

Preflop: Hero has A 8 7 4
2 folds, Hero raise to 3.5BB, btn folds, Sb calls, BB folds

Flop: A 4 2
Villain checks, hero bets 6BB, Villain calls

Turn: 8
Villain checks, Hero bets 20BB, Villain calls

River: 3
Villain leads for 44BB, hero?

I seem to get in these spots a lot. I have close to the top of my range here and I end up facing a large bet on a bad run out.

Is this an easy fo