[WPT Global] Official Thread

[WPT Global] Official Thread

Hi 2+2ers,

Welcome to the official WPT Global thread!

WPT Global is the real-money online poker business of the World Poker Tour, and we’re about to celebrate our two-year anniversary, having launched in April 2022. After such a short time, we’re already the third-largest online poker room in the world (ranked by PokerScout.com, based on cash game traffic).

We’re joining TwoPlusTwo to share information with you, engage with the community, and answer any questions you might have.

WPT Global is special for a few reasons:

  • Our modern platform has been built from the beginning to leverage AI technology. We use this in two main ways. The first is to protect the games by detecting collusion, bot use, RTA use and other forms of cheating extremely quickly. We have the best Game Integrity tech I’ve experienced in my 19 years in the industry, and a team of around 50 people using it.

  • The second way we utilise AI technology is in managing our ecology. We ensure that games are sustainable and beatable by reserving seats in every game for casual players and limiting the number of seats per table that can be occupied by highly skilled professionals. I’ll go into more detail on this point later, in the below FAQ, but the net result is - we have the softest cash games you’ll find online, and typical win-rates for regs are 5-10x higher than elsewhere. (If you don't’ believe me, just try them and see for yourself).

  • We have had a large liquidity pool from the very beginning, especially in cash games. This is because we partnered with a couple of successful Asia-facing poker rooms to bootstrap their liquidity. Most poker startups face an enormous challenge in growing their liquidity from scratch - this solution allowed us to launch with cash games running 24/7 and it contributes to our soft player pool. Now, WPT Global is a large poker site in its own right and less dependent on the Asia liquidity, and we’re growing our games in US Dollars all the time.

  • There is enormous value on offer - our explicit aim is to pay back more to players via promotions and giveaways than any other site. Check out our current promotions here.

  • Global Spins is our unique twist on the Jackpot SNG concept, with a progressive jackpot and the lowest rake in the industry (5%).

  • As part of the World Poker Tour family, we’re the best place to qualify for WPT events around the world, like the WPT World Championship at the Wynn later this year.

Some of you might remember me and my colleague WPT Global Peter from our previous roles. Many years ago, I was one of the first site representatives ever to engage with the 2+2 community, as the first PokerStars representative in the ‘PokerStars Software Improvement Thread’. Later, Peter and I ran the ‘Official MPN - Microgaming Poker Network...’. You can expect a similar level of transparency and responsiveness here. While I don’t promise to respond to every single thing, no constructive question or criticism is off limits.

I look forward to engaging with you all!

All the best,

Alex Scott
President, WPT Global
(X/Twitter: @AlexScott72o)



You can also read a more general FAQ on our website, here.

What countries is WPT Global available in?

Currently, we have a .com licence and have not entered any regulated markets (although we will start to do so later this year). We’re open to most markets that have yet to regulate, including Canada (except Ontario), Ireland, New Zealand and most of Latin America, Asia and Africa.

We don’t (yet) accept players from the US, UK, Australia, Russia, and most of Europe. If you’re from one of these countries and want to qualify for WPT events then Club WPT might work for you!

See our Terms and Conditions (section 2.5) for more detailed information.

How does the ecology management system work? Do you ban winners from playing at WPT Global?

Our ecology management system is specifically designed so that we can run sustainable games without having to penalise winners.

In cash games, our AI technology measures the skill level of every player and predicts their win rate. The model is highly accurate and continually updates so that it cannot be abused or ‘gamed’.

We reserve a number of seats at each cash game table for players that fall into one of our ‘casual player’ categories. In our most popular game (8-Handed NLHE with an ante and a straddle) we reserve six of the eight seats for casual players, which effectively means that highly-skilled pros can only occupy two seats.

Because there is plenty of liquidity, if you find yourself categorised as a pro, you can still always find a game to play at any stake, and you can guarantee yourself a seat in a great game if you start a table, since our ecology management system ensures that only one other pro can sit with you.

The system does not categorise players by their actual win rate, but by how skilled they are. If you have a great run of luck, you will not necessarily be categorised as a pro, and vice versa, you will not necessarily be categorised as a casual player if you run bad.

We find that once players get used to the system, they love it. Both pros and beginners have a better experience because we eliminate some of the common predatory behaviour that occurs elsewhere, and pros can achieve significantly higher win rates. I encourage you to give it a try!

What’s with the games in CNY currency?

Because we partnered with Asia-facing poker rooms to launch, some of our games are in Chinese Yuan (CNY) currency. At the time of writing, the exchange rate to the dollar is about 7.25 CNY to the USD. As we’ve become less dependent on the Asian liquidity we have introduced more USD games. Most cash games and all tournaments including Global Spins are now available in USD, and for those of you that want to play in the CNY games, there’s a handy currency converter in the lobby, and the ability to change the stacks to BB.


Edit/MH: WPT Global Peter

15 April 2024 at 09:31 AM

974 Replies


by WPT Global Alex P

Any money saved (if any - it's not completely clear yet) is going to reallocated into promos, with the goal to mostly reward players who make positive contributions such as starting tables. The first phase was the Table Starter scheme, which we recently increased from 20% rakeback to 40% rakeback. There is more planned, and some of the budget might be used to incentivise affiliates differently, yes.

Honestly, I can't answer that because the

OMG so you want to incentivize the affiliates instead of the players now???? Thats not the way to go...

by WPT Global Peter P

We are waiting for the data to be posted to the site, so that players can follow their progress more easily. Manually checking, you have (presuming its yourself) earned a $220 ticket so far (will be paid when I get the first lot of data)

More details on the [B]Global Spins x Fall Festival promo[/B...

Any chance we can get an intermediate step between 50 # of spins and 1000 # of spins for the $100 spin buyin, seems it was missed?? I created the blue column. Can we have something like that, and allow customers to claim only ONE of the top $100 spin prizes. Or if you guys are feeling really generous, both? Alex? Apart from that little tweak, promo is awesome.

Here is the Fall Festival [B]schedule in a googlesheet[/B], for those that find it easier to read

One change that we made yesterday was for PKOs, which now for the most part will have pretty much the same payout prize for 1st and 2nd (so HU will be mainly for the progressive part of the bounty vs a huge HU battle like previously)

Along with the Global Spins cross-sell mentioned in my previous post, here are details about cross-sell for our [B]sportsbook[/B]

by isplashcranberrys P

Any chance we can get an intermediate step between 50 # of spins and 1000 # of spins for the $100 spin buyin, seems it was missed?? I created the blue column. Can we have something like that, and allow customers to claim only ONE of the top $100 spin prizes. Or if you guys are feeling really generous, both? Alex? Apart from that little tweak, promo is awesome.

Nothing was missed. We have a low volume reward for players who might be newer to the site/Global Spins and then a higher volume reward for grinders!

by WPT Global Peter P

Here is the Fall Festival [B]schedule in a googlesheet[/B], for those that find it easier to read

One change that we made yesterday was for PKOs, which now for the most part will have pretty much the same payout prize for 1st and 2nd (so HU will be mainly for the progressive part of the bounty vs a huge HU battle like previously)

Along with the Global Spins cross-sell mentioned in my previous post, here are details about cross-sell for our

You may find that most people who are able to get to 50 $100 spins will find 1000 spins simply unattainable. They'll stop playing the $100 spins, move down and begin generating 1/2 the rake for WPT. Whereas 600 is possible for a lot of people, but they'll still fall short trying. We don't want to stop people from trying.

by eduargentina P


Finally, at tables NLH with straddle, is rake paid preflop? If I did 3bet, 4bet or 5bet?

Tables HU or 3max is rake paid preflop?

Rake isn't paid preflop but if the pot gets large enough (over 20BB), the high hand jackpot contribution can be taken even if the hand ends preflop.

how much is the high hand jackpot contribution?


You haven't said anything regarding the situation with chinese accounts that are able to play with 3 different name/accounts at the same time?


Whenever I get stacked and buy in again I have to re-post BB. Am I just too slow rejoining the table, or is there some way I can auto rebuy?

by IV:XXpm P


Whenever I get stacked and buy in again I have to re-post BB. Am I just too slow rejoining the table, or is there some way I can auto rebuy?

no it's just a **** software that never get's any bug fixed.

You either pre-reload (and get deeper if you lose the hand) or re-post your BB

by IV:XXpm P


Whenever I get stacked and buy in again I have to re-post BB. Am I just too slow rejoining the table, or is there some way I can auto rebuy?

Unfortunately, the very idea of creating a poker room as an add-on to a Chinese mobile app was doomed from the start. Just imagine the chain of actions required to fix this bug. The Excel sheets alone for the launch promotion were something else 😀

Plus, the industry leaders have long proven that software should not be outsourced, especially through several intermediaries

Hello everyone, I need the forum's help, and maybe specifically Alex's help. My account has been under review for 3 weeks now after they requested verification and accepted all my documents. I understand that checks can take a long time, but no one can tell me how long this might last. Perhaps Alex can help with my issue, specifically how long this process might continue and if there's anything I can do to speed it up. My nickname on WPT is "FreshCo1".

by garnouille P


You haven't said anything regarding the situation with chinese accounts that are able to play with 3 different name/accounts at the same time?

i think he already answered, or someone.
Wpt global is the only site allow multi table in this network.
3 accounts is allowed in other network.

hi, what is going on with Festival tournaments that are cancelled in the software?
would appreciate some information, as I prepared my whole day(s) around those in advance

by acehighjourneys P

hi, what is going on with Festival tournaments that are cancelled in the software?
would appreciate some information, as I prepared my whole day(s) around those in advance

+1 would be nice to get an answer asap on this 😃

Also I would like to raise a suggestion on the Fall Fest Soccer Fiesta - https://wptglobal.com/fall-fest-soccer-f...
I think it's a wonderful promotion, but today there are no European league games, as UEFA Nations League is being played.
So we can't place bets on any of the qualifying leagues.
You should add the opportunity for UEFA Nations League events to be added to the eligible leagues.

by acehighjourneys P

hi, what is going on with Festival tournaments that are cancelled in the software?
would appreciate some information, as I prepared my whole day(s) around those in advance

Will be delayed im hearing..

"Unfortunately, we've had to postpone Fall Festival due to unforeseen difficulties. We're working on rescheduling & plan to come back with something even better this year."

14 hours earlier it was SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL!
And it sounds like it´s not just a delay of a day or two, more like cancelled.

I was preparing to grind tourneys like crazy and even decided to skip a couple of live festivals so I can concentrate on this (pathetic I know).
And no info when you log in, business as usual, like it was never supposed happen in the first place.

How can a brand this big and well known function so poorly?

And how long am I expecting to have to hold onto these satellite tickets ive won? ;o

edit: nvm i see theyve changed to non festival tickets

by WPT Global Peter P

We are waiting for the data to be posted to the site, so that players can follow their progress more easily. Manually checking, you have (presuming its yourself) earned a $220 ticket so far (will be paid when I get the first lot of data)

More details on the [B]Global Spins x Fall Festival promo[/B...

If the Fall Festival is canceled, is this promotion canceled as well? Or are players able to continue to play spins for the reward targets?

by isplashcranberrys P

If the Fall Festival is canceled, is this promotion canceled as well? Or are players able to continue to play spins for the reward targets?

I see the Fall Festival Global Spins page has been pulled. Players are unable to track progress via the webpage anymore.

The fact that there is no official response from any of WPT Global reps is appaling. I have never seen a tournament series being pulled out hours before events are supposed to start.

Tech issues happen, but there is no excuse for zero communication.

When is the mobile app going to see fixes? It’s so tilting pressing leave room on one table to then be removed from a different table. Happens so frequently even without any action ongoing at any of them. Often unable to rejoin after it closes the wrong one as the seat has filled/HSP limitations.

As you may have seen, unfortunately we've had to postpone the Fall Festival that was due to start today. I'm really sorry about this - it is completely out of my (and Peter's) control. Both of us are really upset about it as well - not only us but a lot of people in the company spent a huge amount of time in the past few weeks preparing for it, and working hard to make it a success.

For now, for anybody who had a ticket to the Fall Festival, we'll change those tickets to regular tickets (for any tournament of the matching buy-in). Fall Festival's accompanying promotions will be postponed as well. Anyone who feels like they lost out and hasn't been compensated for this should email [email]customercare@wptglobal.com[/email] and we'll sort something out. (If you post here, please make sure you email as well for a quicker response).

by acehighjourneys P

how much is the high hand jackpot contribution?

It is 1bb (exactly, no more no less) when 20bb+ is won.

by IV:XXpm P


Whenever I get stacked and buy in again I have to re-post BB. Am I just too slow rejoining the table, or is there some way I can auto rebuy?

It's a long-standing issue with the software, it is on the list to be fixed.

by TetiMark P

Hello everyone, I need the forum's help, and maybe specifically Alex's help. My account has been under review for 3 weeks now after they requested verification and accepted all my documents. I understand that checks can take a long time, but no one can tell me how long this might last. Perhaps Alex can help with my issue, specifically how long this process might continue and if there's anything I can do to speed it up. My nickname on WPT is

I checked with the team and they are waiting for a response from you. Please check your email including your spam and if you still don't see anything please contact [email]customercare@wptglobal.com[/email].

by acehighjourneys P

hi, what is going on with Festival tournaments that are cancelled in the software?
would appreciate some information, as I prepared my whole day(s) around those in advance

I'm very sorry.

by acehighjourneys P

Also I would like to raise a suggestion on the Fall Fest Soccer Fiesta - https://wptglobal.com/fall-fest-soccer-f...
I think it's a wonderful promotion, but today there are no European league games, as UEFA Nations League is being played.
So we can't place bets on any of the qualifying leagues.
You should add the opportunity for UEFA Nations League events to be added to the eligible leagues.

Probably a moot point now, but I'll pass the feedback on anyway.

by airGURU- P

The fact that there is no official response from any of WPT Global reps is appaling. I have never seen a tournament series being pulled out hours before events are supposed to start.

Tech issues happen, but there is no excuse for zero communication.

My apologies - this took us all by surprise and we had no time to plan for communications so they were slower than we would have liked.

by LiftGrind P

When is the mobile app going to see fixes? It’s so tilting pressing leave room on one table to then be removed from a different table. Happens so frequently even without any action ongoing at any of them. Often unable to rejoin after it closes the wrong one as the seat has filled/HSP limitations.

The next release is a big and important one (it is the upgrade that should dramatically improve performance), after that I expect the fixes / improvements to come much more quickly.

Alex, can you please explain why the tournament series were cancelled?
As community, we deserve to understand what happened

by acehighjourneys P

Alex, can you please explain why the tournament series were cancelled?
As community, we deserve to understand what happened

Unfortunately I can't share any further information at the moment.
