The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10525 Replies


by Luciom P

A deontologist can, and often will have, a moral that prescribes to follow the law.

Btw the laws you listed weren't illegitimate, they were simply laws you disagree with.

Laws against escaping slavery, pot, and alcohol weren't illegitimate? Please, do tell, because this is about as weird as it gets.

by Luciom P

Which is why for two of those things the constitution was amended to make future laws on the topic illegitimate. Which meant they were legitimate before.

This is not true. When laws change, it's only just that past offenders have their sentences commuted (at the very least). This is rudimentary legal theory, dude.

by Luciom P

A rule of law deontologist is exactly the kind of person who both agrees with capturing fleeing slaves and with arresting slave owners or dealers depending on the law.

You can't simultaneously believe that slavery was unjust and also that escaping slavery can be a legitimate crime.

by Luciom P

Entering a place you are forbidden to entry by the owners of the place is a very basic form of aggression even if you don't use further violence after you are in.

Trespassing borders is identical to trespassing private property.

Being against trespassers isn't the same as being against people who you are ok to enter coming in

Again, batshit crazy. The state using borders to forceably limit the supply of renters and workers is aggression against landlords and employers. Crossing from Mexico to Texas is the same as crossing from Illinois to Indiana. No harm, no foul. Victimless crime isn't crime.

They were legitimate, passed by congress using the constitutional framework in a democracy. As legitimate as it can get.

Legitimate means "made legal" literally. If something is formally legal and the procedures are followed, it's legitimate. It doesn't mean "moral" outside of the legal aspect.

Doesn't matter how much you disagree with a law to determine legitimacy of the law.

You can claim the entire system is illegitimate if it's not a democracy so all laws produced are illegitimate. But if the system is legitimate as clearly the USA were when slavery was legal, then those laws were legitimate as well.

Try to read again the part about the amendments: the amendments made FURTHER laws re slavery illegitimate. Ie NOW it would be illegitimate to have rules allowing slaves and so on. But it was legitimate back then.

Same as federal income tax would have been illegitimate before they passed an amendment allowing for it.

I can certainly believe that something is unjust yet unjust laws can be legitimate lol. Legitimacy has no moral connotation. I am against tariffs but tariffs aren't illegitimate. I want the FDA abolished but it looks to be legitimate (i think it's unconstitutional but my opinion doesn't matter: if courts say it's constitutional , it becomes so).

by pocket_zeros P

A Republican made the best case against Trump at the DNC convention.

That's some speech

He's got Trump described to a T.

by d2_e4 P

Didn't watch it, but if Victor and his basement-dwelling brethren hated it, it was probably pretty good.

I think that is too harsh, but I do think it is fair to that the far left with a strong stance on the issue has to decide if they want to move towards influence, or if they want to remain in that comfortable political place where you just want to complain about others and retweet hot takes and half-truths.

The former means haggling for influence by delivering votes, because that is still the most important currency in elections. The latter requires nothing, so it is certainly the easy way out. The latter almost invariably labels the former as sell-outs, which is probably the main way this movement consistently shoots itself in the foot.

The far left, like their counterparts on the right, also need to realize that a lot of pundits and central personalities on social media has no incentive to be part of a solution. Their business thrive when problems persist. I'm sure there are well-meaning souls on those platforms, but hate-influencers are a thing.

As for former comments on protests, that organized protests happens in places where they can influence stuff is normal. Democrats are also the ones currently residing in the White House and asking for another term. They'll meet stiffer political demands than the opposition.

"only democrats want to solve problems" is one of the funniest hallucinations i read in this forum in a while

by Luciom P

Wait a sec the horror, why would deontologists dislike mass deportation of illegals? It is moral to punish illegal behavior

Man, who ****** cares, what is this hall monitor ****? Oh noes, some people from Mexico crossed over into Texas, how will America survive? Do you call the cops when you see some kids cutting through a neighbor's lawn?

by Luciom P

Aside from the fact that I actually wrote more than once that trump lies all the times, there is the detail that trump does not write in this forum.

Btw it's interesting you say this after I simply pointed out an objective lie.

You pointed out something that you could prove was wrong.

You had no idea about whether the person was lying or not.

by Victor P

just stole all the Republican positions from the last decade and then went full on genocide support. just an incredibly scary speech.

Republican positions on abortion were not what she stole. She spoke about women who had serious medical problems specifically because of bans on abortion in Republican states.

Her speech was uplifting because she focused on hope and fighting for Americans. And not letting Trump be President again because the only person he cares about is himself. Another Republican problem.

When you say "then went full on genocide support" you probably aren't referring to what she said about helping Palestinians. Beyond working on a cease fire she spoke about their health and future ability to be their own country basically. That would be the opposite of genocide.

by pocket_zeros P

A Republican made the best case against Trump at the DNC convention.

Kinzinger speech wins the day imo

by d2_e4 P

Didn't watch it, but if Victor and his basement-dwelling brethren hated it, it was probably pretty good.

it was pretty US centrist. combined with how the Dem Platform has removed all their points about ending the death penalty and fighting injustice and replaced it with fund the police! is a little disheartening.

by Slighted P

it was pretty US centrist. combined with how the Dem Platform has removed all their points about ending the death penalty and fighting injustice and replaced it with fund the police! is a little disheartening.

It's all because of the median voter in purple states you should know by now lol.

She is still comrade Kamala

Well you can ask your buddy Kamala about locking up people for pot. /fail

This whole narrative that Trump only cares about himself and his business friends is so absolutely WILD.

The man has been put through hell for the last 8 years. You should be able to come to terms with the fact that atleast from his own perspective, he believes he can help the country.

He is literally risking his life, for what? A few extra dollars or whatever? He's a 76 yr old billionaire........

A lot of yall are just wrong, and entirely brainwashed.

by bottomset P

Trump is going to run from the debate, he'll look so weak, and Vance is the worst VP pick in modern history.

JD is still miles away from Queen Palin

by d2_e4 P

Blue maga is basically your lot. Horseshoe theory and all that.

Not speaking for 72o, but most of us on the left aren't "blue" whatsoever; we explicitly do not support the blue team, so calling us "blue maga" is factually nonsensical.

by canofworms P

Well you can ask your buddy Kamala about locking up people for pot. /fail

Why? What would she say about it, and how do you know?

by canofworms P

This whole narrative that Trump only cares about himself and his business friends is so absolutely WILD.

The man has been put through hell for the last 8 years. You should be able to come to terms with the fact that atleast from his own perspective, he believes he can help the country.

He is literally risking his life, for what? A few extra dollars or whatever? He's a 76 yr old billionaire........

A lot of yall are just wrong, and entirely

by Gorgonian P

Why? What would she say about it, and how do you know?


Please watch this, ignoramus.

It's ONE of the things Gabbard completely REKT her with. But I wouldn't expect you to know what you're talking about so no worries.

by canofworms P

This whole narrative that Trump only cares about himself and his business friends is so absolutely WILD.

The man has been put through hell for the last 8 years. You should be able to come to terms with the fact that atleast from his own perspective, he believes he can help the country.

He is literally risking his life, for what? A few extra dollars or whatever? He's a 76 yr old billionaire........

A lot of yall are just wrong, and entirely


by canofworms P

This whole narrative that Trump only cares about himself and his business friends is so absolutely WILD.

The man has been put through hell for the last 8 years. You should be able to come to terms with the fact that atleast from his own perspective, he believes he can help the country.

He is literally risking his life, for what? A few extra dollars or whatever? He's a 76 yr old billionaire........

A lot of yall are just wrong, and entirely

he's going to spend the rest of his life in and out of court if he doesn't become president. i'm not sure anyone has ever had a MORE selfish reason to run than Trump. lol

CNBC: Crypto industry accounts for almost half of corporate donations in 2024 election, report says

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/23/crypto-c...

Trump and the crypto industry seems like a grift match made in heaven.

by canofworms P


Please watch this, ignoramus.

I have. She was absolutely lying in that clip. I like that you believed her, though. Feel free to provide primary sources verifying the information. I find it amazing you haven't seen this debunked even one of the thousands of times it has been by now.
The number is 45, not over 1500. You can find that info on the San Francisco DA's website. Publicly available.

Here's a summary for you:

edit - decided to just report rather than reciprocate the insult

by Slighted P

he's going to spend the rest of his life in and out of court if he doesn't become president. i'm not sure anyone has ever had a MORE selfish reason to run than Trump. lol

The judicial system would not have been weaponized against him had he not ran for President.

The low level logic is disturbing.

I believe many of your type know and enjoy what's going on, as FreakDaddy points out. However, this doesn't stop you from trying to finesse your way through discussions while covering for your captors.

by canofworms P

This whole narrative that Trump only cares about himself and his business friends is so absolutely WILD.

The man has been put through hell for the last 8 years. You should be able to come to terms with the fact that atleast from his own perspective, he believes he can help the country.

He is literally risking his life, for what? A few extra dollars or whatever? He's a 76 yr old billionaire........

A lot of yall are just wrong, and entirely

Must be BGNight's alt. He was tarding on about how Trump will get "unalived" by the deep state for something or other as well.

Yo, new guy, what's your take on homosexuality?

by d2_e4 P

Must be BGNight's alt. He was tarding on about how Trump will get "unalived" by the deep state for something or other as well.

Yo, new guy, what's your take on homosexuality?

I love gay/trans people. My niece is trans, and she's amazing.

Also people should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies.
