The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10568 Replies


I don’t think Maher is right wing, I just think he’s smug, deeply unfunny and not at all entertaining

by d2_e4 P

If I have understood him correctly he is not disputing anthropogenic climate change, but he has some plausible sounding arguments that the impact of it is nowhere near as disastrous as we've been led to believe (in addition, he doesn't care, but that's whatever). So, I am finding reading the responses from knowledgeable posters to that particular line very informative.

There is little need to over-analyze his takes.

He realizes that arguing against climate change is a debate where he might end up looking ignorant, so he instead focuses on arguing that it is an irrelevant debate and that environmentalism is merely political rhetoric. It is one of the oldest political tricks in the book ("You don't really care about X, you just want the votes").

Unfortunately, there is half-truth to what he says. In Europe, the political left is very good at spouting environmentalist rhetoric, only to do the absolute minimum when they gain power. The European left has strong ties to worker movements and unions, and these groups tend to really dislike environmentalism because it often requires regulation that will hurt the job market short-term. They rather perfectly mirror the right, who end up doing the same thing on behalf of businesses and business owners.

Where he is wrong is to implicitly claim this is what environmentalism is. It is not, which is also why we're seeing actual environmentalist parties crop up across Europe. These parties are usually very flexible as far as the political axis go - they'll enter most political blocs in exchange for environmental concessions.

In Europe they do the minimum what the ****?

Tame you aren't bad faith like this usually, please address the 3 euro per liter gasoline tax every household in Italy has been paying for decades jfc, how is that not already a lot more than enough to offset all fossil fuel externalities?

Btw I am also claiming that actual "good faith" extreme environmentalism is genocidal, criminal, and should be outlawed.

People who want ONLY renewables and nuclear doesn't count, plenty of them in Europe, are criminals. Are enemies of the people, are a threat worse than the worst racist could ever be

by Luciom P

People who want ONLY renewables and nuclear doesn't count, plenty of them in Europe, are criminals. Are enemies of the people, are a threat worse than the worst racist could ever be

What do you propose we should do with these criminals?

by jalfrezi P

What do you propose we should do with these criminals?

After legislation is passed to criminalize their actions, and due time is given for them to decide whether they want to be criminals or not, you start by dissolving their associations as criminal ones and arresting their leaders and biggest donors.

Then you move from there depending on whether they keep existing underground or not, and doing what.

Same as you would deal with neo Nazis with plans to gas the Jews, except there are far many more green fanatics and they are worse for societies with almost no Jews (like Italy) than neonazis (which are already bad enough to justify criminalization and state force used against them) could ever be.

You treat then as you would treat active cells of Al Qaeda and the like (after passing legislation for that of course).

by formula72 P

Do you honestly not realize how idiotic this statement is? The spectrum is how we perceive it. Everything cant be on one side of it.

No. There are hard and fast tests to determine right or left.

If you support war and big business then you're right wing.

by Luciom P

Btw I am also claiming that actual "good faith" extreme environmentalism is genocidal, criminal, and should be outlawed.

People who want ONLY renewables and nuclear doesn't count, plenty of them in Europe, are criminals. Are enemies of the people, are a threat worse than the worst racist could ever be

Wow, just wow.

by StoppedRainingMen P

I don’t think Maher is right wing, I just think he’s smug, deeply unfunny and not at all entertaining

For a 70 year old white guy he's pretty left. For the nation as a whole he's probably pretty close to middle as the country is D+3 or so overall. If we have to do it in 1 dimension.

What is D-3?

by d2_e4 P

What is D-3?

A typo. Meant D+ 3 as in country would prefer a rndom Dem over a random Repub by about 3 in a random year.

by Luckbox Inc P

Most everything is right wing though.

You should ask if this can be your under title. It would save you and those who respond to you on this point a lot of time.

by Rococo P

You should ask if this can be your under title. It would save you and those who respond to you on this point a lot of time.

Hmm. This must be why my posts get so few responses.

by Luciom P

Btw I am also claiming that actual "good faith" extreme environmentalism is genocidal, criminal, and should be outlawed.

People who want ONLY renewables and nuclear doesn't count, plenty of them in Europe, are criminals. Are enemies of the people, are a threat worse than the worst racist could ever be

If you want people to quit calling you a fascist, then you probably should avoid banging on about "enemies of the people."

by Rococo P

If you want people to quit calling you a fascist, then you probably should avoid banging on about "enemies of the people."

It's infinitely worse than that for the Colonel - that is Soviet/communist phraseology.

by Rococo P

You should ask if this can be your under title. It would save you and those who respond to you on this point a lot of time.

Right wing take on the death penalty is by firing squad whereas for the left it's lethal injection.

by Luckbox Inc P

Right wing take on the death penalty is by firing squad whereas for the left it's lethal injection.

Deep, bro. Super deep. That's some deep ****. Pass the bong.

by Luckbox Inc P

Right wing take on the death penalty is by firing squad whereas for the left it's lethal injection.

That’s wild, bro

How is nobody talking about this?

by StoppedRainingMen P

I don’t think Maher is right wing, I just think he’s smug, deeply unfunny and not at all entertaining

He's also pretty oblivious. It's crazy how many jokes and points that others make go right over his head. I shared this clip in another thread, but it really epitomizes his lack of awareness.

by Rococo P

If you want people to quit calling you a fascist, then you probably should avoid banging on about "enemies of the people."

I should use "threat to democracy" which is identical but it's what your side uses yes.

Some people are inimical to core elements of society and it's not fascism to identify them as such and permanently solve the threat

by Luciom P

I should use "threat to democracy" which is identical but it's what your side uses yes.

Some people are inimical to core elements of society and it's not fascism to identify them as such and permanently solve the threat

How about "counter-revolutionary element"?

by biggerboat P

Wow, just wow.

Yes removing fossil fuels worldwide would cause millions of excess deaths per year, it's hard to think of any idea that would remove more years of human life.

Even a nuclear war exchange with 10-20 bombs used, even on big cities, wouldn't come close to that over time.

You guys don't realize it especially in the USA because you are already complaining from the left about gasoline prices even if you are 2x richer than us and pay half for it.

Or just leftist

by d2_e4 P

It's infinitely worse than that for the Colonel - that is Soviet/communist phraseology.

You are certainly correct that the phase is associated with the Soviet Union. It's also associated with fascism, especially as it relates to opposition press.

I guess it would be most accurate to say that the phrase is broadly associated with authoritarianism.

by d2_e4 P

How about "counter-revolutionary element"?

Do you accept or dent the fact that some ideologies are genocidal and complete incompatible with society and if enough people believe them and act on them they are a direct threat to society?

Do you agree that happens and you disagree with me about Marxist greens being such, or do you deny that ever happens or can happen?
