TwoPlusTwo user SabinSala



Joined 1 year ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
7likes received

Omaha 2mo ago

4 betting AAxyzds against people that never fold pre

Hi all,

For a while I have been much more hesitant to 4 bet AA preflop in PLO5, since most of the edge comes from postflop play, and in my games people that start putting money in pre probably fold less than 5% of the time (except maybe if there is a 4 bet and 5 bet and it is back to them).

However, it is completely ridiculous to never 4 bet premium Aces.

Had exactly that kind of hand recently:

AsAhQs7h6d in the SB, 5 handed in general, one pl

AQs 28bb in MP open - smaller stack shove

Hi all,

I was in a large field MTT a few days ago - The GGpoker mystery bounty main event in case anyone knows it. A spot where i basically got myself out of the tournament was the following:

Already ITM, a little below average stack, sitting with 28bb in MP with AQhh (8 handed). Was really not getting any hands and was happy everyone folded to me. I open to 3BB.

Everyone folds to BTN - one of the shortest stacks at the table - with 22bb and h

Omaha 2mo ago

Set of Kings with NFD on flop

Hi all,

This hand is against a player (the BB) i marked as being very good, but had no clear notes otherwise.

I am on the BTN with KsKhQd2s2h, so double suited Kings with a pair of ducks and a Q.

Everyone folds to me. I open pot, SB folds, BB calls. Both me and BB have around 100bb.


He checks, I pot, he reraises pot. I just got it in, thinking that worst case against Aces i am 38%, but against absolutely anything else i am way ahead

Deepstack play with QQ

Hi all,

excuse the ignorance, as I usually do not play NLH cash, and much less so deep.

I was around 250bb in MP in a 9 handed table, UTG+1 opens 3bb, UTG+2 min raises, I raise big to 22bb with QQ, foldsback to initial raiser (UTG+1) who min raises (so i think it must have been 44bb from him and with everything else in the pot probably around 70bb currently in the pot). He was a bit shorter than 200bb.

I decided to rip it in. He showed up with

Omaha 5mo ago

Floating thresholds

Hi all,

was in a MW SRP, 5 people seeing the flop in PLO5. I am BB with AdKcJhTh9h.



UTG pots. I tanked a bit and folded. My thoughts - although I have an amazing wrap, I don't have a FD, no backdoor FD, no Queen (someone might repot with QQ).

If I were one of the last to act I would have called, but I just thought a reraise means I 100% have to fold, so too risky.

Was this ok?

As a side note, Kh came off on turn, 2 people stacked off,

Omaha 5mo ago

Simple AA stack off question

Hi all,

just been losing so many hands and got tilted by this one as well and am wondering if this was overplay or just variance.

I am on the button with AdAh9d2s. CO opens, I repot it, blinds both fold, CO calls. At these stakes there is hardly ever a fold to a 4 bet.

Flop comes:

I bet third pot, he raises. As I have been tilted from losing so many hands due to different reasons, I just wanted to get back and reraised all in. I am holdin

Omaha 5mo ago

How to deal with players that apply constant aggression

Hello all,

I have more of a game "meta" question.

Maybe it is a coincidence, but I have noticed increasingly many players in PLO5 playing a lot of hands, like 60, 70, 80%, and then firing on almost any flop, especially flops that don't rate to hit anyone.

I have been overfolding these spots and am not sure how to adjust. Of course they tend to do this HU rather than multiway, but am not sure if I should just be patient or react somehow.

3 betti

Omaha 5mo ago

Flopped top trips and boated up - correct fold on river?

Hi everyone,

playing PLO5 online, 5 handed.

I am in the CO with QcJsTcTs2s. One limp in front of me, I limp, button pots, SB calls, BB folds, UTG calls, I call.

So 4 ways to the flop with almost 22bb in the pot. I have around 140bb left, Villain (button) has me covered. Other two are shorter but not super short.



Check, check, check, Button bets third pot. Call from UTG and myself.

He could have the NFD, just aces, or maybe Q or 88.

Omaha 6mo ago

Cooler or bad slowplay?

Hi all,

quick check on a hand I played today.

Rush & Cash on ggpoker, villain i marked as loose pre and post.

he opens from HJ, I 3 bet from the Button with AdAh4h2s. He calls (basically i was sure he never folds).

Flop comes Qh8h6h

he checks and I check back to give him the chance to bluff.

Turn: Qs

He bets 1 bb ... I call as I thought at this point he has nothing and is just messing around

River: Kd

He jams and I call. He had trashy KKxy (KKJ4 tr

Omaha 6mo ago

PLO5 - 50BB live play

Hi all,

I have been exploring playing 50bb deep in a casino near where I live and was wondering if anyone has some tips.

What I am trying to avoid is big swings, as many people live just stick around, very difficult to isolate pre, very hard to not get MW, and since equities run so close pre having 50bb on the line seems a good idea to reduce variance.

I am trying to play tighter and very straightforward, but I am not sure how much non nut sui

Omaha 8mo ago

Aces in 4bet pot IP

Hi all,

Low stakes rush cand cash, i am on the button with AdAcTc6s and 75BB.

LJ sitting on 250BB opens to 2.5BB, folds to me and I reraise pot to 9BB, LJ calls everyone else folds. Pot 19.5BB and I am left with around 55BB, so SPR is just under 3.

Flop (19.5BB): Ks3h7d, check, I pot and Villain reraises me all-in. I call.

Will give his hand after first understanding if betting was correct or not. I thought I can get called by AKxx, KQxx, or an

Pokerstars in Germany

Hello all,

do you have any idea that rakeback / rewards will be coming back to PS for German players?

They are revamping their rewards program, but for German players it has been over a year with no rewards, which makes playing there quite unprofitable.

Many thanks for any info!

First hand in an MTT

Hi all,

just busted on the first hand of an MTT (109$ buy-in) and was wondering to what degree I should have played differently.

9 handed, folds to HJ who min opens to 2BB, we are all 100BB deep.

I am on the Button with QJss. I just call thinking i am in position and my hand goes well MW. We get heads up after blinds fold.



He bets around 2bb, I raise to 5, he reclicks to 8. I just call, putting him on AQ, KQ.



Now with a FD and so